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Series Created By Marta Steele (131 articles.) (View How Many People Read This)

The scales of injustice, From ImagesAttr
The scales of injustice
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Articles related to politics that don't fit into any of my other categories, like my Oct. 14, 2015, diary on the first Democratic candidates' debate.

Related Topic(s): Antidemocratic; Conflicts Of Interest; Countrywide; Expertise; Fireside Chat; Mailman; Nyu; President Xi


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# Type Date Content
1 Article 12/03/2015 Evenwel v Abbott: SCOTUS's Most Momentous Decision-in-Progress (2015-16) (View How Many People Read This)
2 Article 01/10/2016 REVIEW: Edward Foley, "Ballot Battles: The History of Disputed Elections in the United States" (View How Many People Read This)
3 Article 01/21/2016 Myth Busting: Voter IDs Have Been Part of the U.S. Landscape since 1970! (View How Many People Read This)
4 Article 02/11/2016 REVIEW: Stacey Hunter Hecht and David Schultz, "Presidential Swing States: Why Only Ten Matter" (View How Many People Read This)
5 Diary 02/13/2016 Sanders/Clinton? What Do You Think? (View How Many People Read This) 36 36 Comment Count
6 Article 03/16/2016 Drumpf, Cruz, and Sanders: Politics-As-Usual or Better or Worse? (View How Many People Read This)
7 Article 04/12/2016 Democracy Spring: Rally behind Police Lines in front of Capitol: Day 2 (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
8 Quicklink 04/17/2016 More than 900 'Democracy Spring' protesters arrested in D.C. - so far (View How Many People Read This)
9 Quicklink 04/19/2016 Thousands of Immigrants Gather in Front of SCOTUS Yesterday to Plead for Ethical Outcome (View How Many People Read This)
10 Article 04/22/2016 How Voter Suppression Efforts Are Threatening Our Democracy (View How Many People Read This) 15 15 Comment Count
11 Article 05/15/2016 Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman, THE STRIP & FLIP SELECTION OF 2016: Five Jim Crows & Electronic Election Theft (View How Many People Read This)
12 Diary 06/08/2016 First Woman Nominee for President by a Major Party? (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
13 Article 06/23/2016 DC Press Conference Demands Immediate Congressional Action on Voting Rights Legislation (View How Many People Read This) 8 8 Comment Count
14 Article 11/10/2016 Information Received by the Election Protection Command Center, Washington, DC, on Election Day 2016 (View How Many People Read This)
15 Article 11/12/2016 Election 2016: "If This Be Treason . . . " (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
16 Article 11/22/2016 "America will be . . . ": What Have We Learned from E2016? The First Election Since VRA Was Gutted in 2013 (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
17 Article 01/12/2017 Holder on Redistricting: Chair of the Newly Formed National Democratic Redistricting Committee (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
18 Article 01/30/2017 WHAT IS AMERICA? WE ARE THE WORLD (prose-poem) (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
19 Quicklink 03/13/2017 RALLY ON CAPITOL HILL--Tell Congress: Keep Hands Off Our Health Care! (View How Many People Read This)
20 Article 04/13/2017 Justice Rising (vol. 6, no. 4): "The People's Vote Must Count" (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
21 Article 04/15/2017 "Show Your Taxes, Trump!" Tax March, Washington, DC (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
22 Article 06/06/2017 Palast at Left Forum: Ben Jacobs Redux, or "Assault Is Becoming the Answer" (View How Many People Read This)
23 Article 06/06/2017 Left Forum 2017: RESIST! (what about election integrity?) (View How Many People Read This)
24 Article 07/13/2017 Bernie Sanders Endorses Ben Jealous for MD Governor at Silver Spring, MD Rally (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
25 Article 07/21/2017 "I have a lingering desire to see justice": Dr. William F. Pepper on the Murder of Three 20th-century Heroes (View How Many People Read This) 8 8 Comment Count
26 Quicklink 07/24/2017 Georgia effort to clean up state's voter rolls underway (View How Many People Read This)
27 Article 08/02/2017 Voter Registration list of 600,000 found in a TN Express Pollbook by Defcon Expert (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
28 Article 08/28/2017 September Is Voting Rights Month (View How Many People Read This) 8 8 Comment Count
29 Article 09/06/2017 September Is National Voting Rights Month: DETAILS NOW! (View How Many People Read This)
30 Quicklink 10/11/2017 Democratic Member Isn't Sure If Trump Voter Fraud Panel Will Ever Meet Again (View How Many People Read This)
31 Article 11/28/2017 Greg Palast's Latest Film: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Case of the Stolen Election (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
32 Article 01/11/2018 EAC's 2018 All-Day Federal Election Summit (View How Many People Read This) 7 7 Comment Count
33 Quicklink 03/05/2018 Trump praises Chinese president extending tenure "for life" (View How Many People Read This)
34 Quicklink 03/23/2018 Noam Chomsky on the Populist Groundswell, US Elections and the Future of Humanity (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
35 Article 06/20/2018 Lowering the Voting Age and Other Ways to Mobilize Youth: Away from Tragedy toward a Renaissance of Democracy? (View How Many People Read This) 9 9 Comment Count
36 Article 07/11/2018 Congressional Briefing on Election Cybersecurity Brings Diversity on Steroids (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
37 Article 04/17/2019 Jonathan Simon's "Evening of Election (in) Security": Outrages Viral and Exponential (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
38 Article 10/18/2019 Protecting America's Right to Vote: A Fireside Chat with Rep. Maxine Waters (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
39 Article 02/07/2020 Plutocracy on or off Steroids? Fascism on a Silver Platter? (View How Many People Read This) 8 8 Comment Count
40 Quicklink 02/11/2020 Political scientist breaks down why neoliberal Democrats prefer Trump to Sanders: History of 'support for authoritariani (View How Many People Read This)
41 Quicklink 02/24/2020 Mainstream Democrats shouldn't fear Bernie Sanders (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
42 Article 04/05/2020 THE HYPOTHETICAL FUTURE: HOW GOOD WAS NOAH vs. HOW BAD IS TRUMP? (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
43 Quicklink 04/07/2020 By a 5-4 Vote, SCOTUS Lets Wisconsin Throw Out Tens of Thousands of Ballots (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
44 Quicklink 05/08/2020 Will Americans Lose Their Right to Vote in a Pandemic? (View How Many People Read This) 8 8 Comment Count
45 Article 05/19/2020 The 100 Million Who Don't Vote: Who Are They and Why? (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
46 Quicklink 05/22/2020 Republicans Have a New Plan to Thwart the Will of the People (View How Many People Read This)
47 Quicklink 05/24/2020 Why Are Women-Led Nations Doing Better With Covid-19? (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
48 Article 06/17/2020 Notes on Town Hall via Zoom, Emergency Election Protection 2020 (View How Many People Read This)
49 Quicklink 06/30/2020 US voter registration plummets during coronavirus pandemic, challenging both parties (View How Many People Read This)
50 Article 07/15/2020 How Trump Stole 2020: Greg Palast & Noam Chomsky, moderated by Amy Goodman (View How Many People Read This) 16 16 Comment Count
51 Quicklink 07/25/2020 How Trump Could Lose the Election-And Still Remain President (View How Many People Read This)
52 Article 08/13/2020 Protecting our E2020 Votes: Three Progressive SoSs Weigh In (View How Many People Read This)
53 Article 08/14/2020 From the Brain to the Ballot Box: Drew Westen on Effective Political Messaging (View How Many People Read This)
54 Article 08/16/2020 Star-Studded Panel at Netroots Nation Conference Analyzes Woman Power vis-a-vis E2020 (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
55 Quicklink 08/21/2020 Trump in Pa.: 5 takeaways from the president's visit to Biden's hometown (View How Many People Read This)
56 Quicklink 08/26/2020 The USA: Global Leader in Election Interference Abroad and Now at Home (View How Many People Read This)
57 Article 09/06/2020 538: PA will be the tipping point* and all eyes on Philly! (View How Many People Read This)
58 Quicklink 09/26/2020 This is what happens to your body over months in isolation (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
59 Quicklink 09/30/2020 New Report: Pres. Trump Has 3,400 Conflicts of Interest (View How Many People Read This)
60 Quicklink 10/05/2020 'Real Change': A Race Is On to Register Ex-Felons in Florida (View How Many People Read This)
61 Quicklink 10/12/2020 How the Secret Ballot Ended the Gilded Age (View How Many People Read This)
62 Quicklink 10/12/2020 How to Cure the Crises Plaguing Our Country (View How Many People Read This) 13 13 Comment Count
63 Quicklink 10/14/2020 Packing the Court: Amid national crises, Lincoln and his Republicans remade the Supreme Court (View How Many People Read This)
64 Quicklink 10/16/2020 Inside the Republican Plot for Permanent Minority Rule (View How Many People Read This)
65 Quicklink 11/19/2020 'Raise the alarm': Experts warn of 'sedition' and 'coup' as Michigan GOP leaders plan meeting with Trump (View How Many People Read This)
66 Quicklink 11/22/2020 'People of Color' Do Not Belong to the Democratic Party (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
67 Quicklink 11/25/2020 The Supreme Court fight over Trump's last-ditch effort to rig the census, explained (View How Many People Read This)
68 Quicklink 12/05/2020 A Tower of Babble: The president was never meant to have this much power (View How Many People Read This)
69 Quicklink 12/08/2020 The tiniest thread of hope for Trump gets into the Supreme Court (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
70 Quicklink 12/08/2020 A Chance to Repair the Cracks in Our Democracy (View How Many People Read This)
71 Quicklink 12/31/2020 Democracy Headache: More Than 70 Percent of Trump Voters Distrust the Best-Run Election in Years (View How Many People Read This)
72 Article 01/07/2021 Infamy Yet Again on 1/6/21: Envying the Dead (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
73 Quicklink 01/11/2021 Why America is haunted by Ancient Rome (View How Many People Read This)
74 Article 01/17/2021 Thoughts on MLK Day 2021: Is There Hope? (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
75 Quicklink 02/16/2021 Democrats urge Biden to fire USPS chief Trump ally who decimated mail service (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
76 Quicklink 03/02/2021 The Republican revolt against democracy, explained in 13 charts (View How Many People Read This)
77 Quicklink 03/04/2021 The US House passes H.R. 1, a major voting rights and campaign finance reform package (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
78 Quicklink 03/07/2021 56th Bloody Sunday Anniversary: Biden Executive Order to Promote Voting Access (View How Many People Read This)
79 Quicklink 03/24/2021 US democracy on the brink: Republicans wage 'coordinated onslaught' on voting rights (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
80 Quicklink 03/27/2021 Calls Mount To Boycott Coca-Cola After Home State Of Georgia Strangles Voting Rights (View How Many People Read This)
81 Quicklink 04/09/2021 how humanity can realistically end war - forever (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
82 Quicklink 04/12/2021 Postmortem: Auditing Absentee Ballot Deadlines in US 2020 Election (View How Many People Read This)
83 Quicklink 04/17/2021 Is capitalism really coming to the rescue of American democracy? (View How Many People Read This)
84 Quicklink 04/20/2021 What's the Secret of Biden's Success? (View How Many People Read This)
85 Quicklink 07/17/2021 Texas House Democrats fled the state to kill a restrictive voting bill. Will their gambit work? (View How Many People Read This)
86 Quicklink 08/26/2021 Civil rights leaders announce another March on Washington after voting rights bill fails in Senate (View How Many People Read This)
87 Quicklink 08/29/2021 Texas House passes GOP voting restrictions that Democrats had blocked for weeks by fleeing the state (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
88 Quicklink 09/30/2021 2020 election deniers still clinging to conspiracy theories after Arizona debacle (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
89 Quicklink 09/30/2021 Gerrymandering despite Independent Commissions: Politics Prevails (View How Many People Read This)
90 Quicklink 10/05/2021 How Cyber Ninjas Ended Up Accomplishing AZ Republicans' Actual Goal (View How Many People Read This)
91 Quicklink 10/07/2021 Will the Next President Be America's Last President? (View How Many People Read This)
92 Quicklink 12/06/2021 Trump Has Already Laid the Groundwork to Subvert the 2024 Election (View How Many People Read This)
93 Article 01/06/2022 Thoughts on Epiphany: The 9/11 for Democracy (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
94 Quicklink 01/21/2022 Advocates Talk About Election Reform, while GOP-Led Battleground States Restrict Voting (View How Many People Read This)
95 Quicklink 01/30/2022 Pitched Battle over Gerrymanders and Justices in North Carolina (View How Many People Read This)
96 Quicklink 02/06/2022 Gerrymandering at Its Worst: What Can Be Done? (View How Many People Read This)
97 Article 06/24/2022 The Ultimate Triumph of Wade (View How Many People Read This)
98 Quicklink 07/28/2022 Former Republicans and Democrats form new third U.S. political party (View How Many People Read This)
99 Quicklink 08/05/2022 The Secret Service Text Cover-Up Keeps Getting Bigger (View How Many People Read This)
100 Quicklink 08/21/2022 American Democracy was never designed to be democratic (View How Many People Read This)
101 Article 08/22/2022 Palast's Latest Investigation, "Vigilante: Georgia's Vote Suppression Hitman," Out October 4 (View How Many People Read This)
102 Quicklink 08/28/2022 'The US could lose the right to vote within months," warns Colorado SoS (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
103 Quicklink 09/09/2022 Election Workers Brace for Violence Around the Midterms (View How Many People Read This)
104 Article 09/21/2022 Nader/Green on "Crushing the GOP in 2022": "A Blue Wave Is Possible" (View How Many People Read This)
105 Quicklink 10/24/2022 Unaffiliated Voter Numbers Rise ... Leading to What? (View How Many People Read This)
106 Article 10/25/2022 Congressman Jamie Raskin: "Thank you, PDA, for hanging tough" (View How Many People Read This)
107 Article 11/13/2022 "The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party": John Nichols on E2022 (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
108 Quicklink 11/17/2022 Mail-in Ballots in Georgia Plunge by One Million (View How Many People Read This)
109 Quicklink 11/20/2022 Youth Reclaim Their Future: The Midterm Vote (View How Many People Read This)
110 Quicklink 11/28/2022 "What the People Really Want": Ralph Nader on Democrats' Missteps (View How Many People Read This)
111 Quicklink 11/30/2022 Racism: the Reason for the [GA] Run-off (View How Many People Read This)
112 Quicklink 12/07/2022 Warnock Defeats Jim Crow in Georgia (View How Many People Read This)
113 Quicklink 03/03/2023 Kamala Harris: Excellence in Hiding (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
114 Quicklink 03/28/2023 A High-Stakes Election in the Midwest's "Democracy Desert" (View How Many People Read This)
115 Article 04/23/2023 Marianne Williamson: "Democracy Is under Assault" (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
116 Quicklink 06/04/2023 Daniel Ellsberg, Dying, Has Some Final Things to Say (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
117 Quicklink 06/27/2023 Can State Legislatures Affect Voters' Decisions? SCOTUS Eliminates Possibility (View How Many People Read This)
118 Article 09/24/2023 Andrew Kreig on John H. Durham's "Russiagate" Report: A "Corrupt, Cruel Fraud" (View How Many People Read This) 10 10 Comment Count
119 Quicklink 11/17/2023 Media Underplay Risks of Trump Victory in 2024 (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
120 Quicklink 02/12/2024 How to Steal a US Election: Trump's New Threat (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
121 Article 03/14/2024 Gone to Look for America (View How Many People Read This)
122 Quicklink 05/24/2024 Arizona May Fund Tool to Allow Candidates to Verify Election Results, Ballot by ballot (View How Many People Read This)
123 Article 07/11/2024 Andrew Kreig Updates Blockbuster Compendium on "Durham's 'Russiagate Report': A Corrupt, Cruel Fraud" (View How Many People Read This) 9 9 Comment Count
124 Article 08/20/2024 PARSING PROJECT 2025: An Unwitting Argument for Rebalancing SCOTUS (View How Many People Read This)
125 Quicklink 08/24/2024 The Day After November 5: Confronting the Post-Election Crisis (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
126 Quicklink 08/31/2024 Poll: Two-Thirds of Americans Think Trump Won't Accept 2024 Election Outcome (View How Many People Read This)
127 Quicklink 08/31/2024 Election Interference Can Mean So Many Different Actions (View How Many People Read This)

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