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Bottom-up, Top-down

Series Created By Rob Kall (150 articles.) (View How Many People Read This)

The world, cultures, technology and definitely businesses are transitioning from a predominantly top-down to bottom-up way of seeing, living, relating, working and being. Even our brains are changing. This article series explores all the ways and manifestations of top-down and bottom-up. 

Related Topic(s): Awe; Charismatic Christian Pentacostalist; Choir Chorus; Digitization; Holacracy Holarchic; Joom Just On Order Making; Sergey Brin; Zapatista


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# Type Date Content
1 Article 06/02/2007 Going Local For Some Great Reasons (View How Many People Read This) 7 7 Comment Count
2 Article 07/09/2008 How the width of a horse's butt determined the Size of the Space Shuttle (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
3 Article 08/03/2008 Bottom Up Democracy at PDA, Top-Down at DNC (View How Many People Read This) 24 24 Comment Count
4 Article 08/06/2008 Bottom-up versus Top-Down Food and Farming (View How Many People Read This) 8 8 Comment Count
5 Article 09/21/2008 A Resounding Bottom Up NO on the Bailout-- From the Entire Progressive World (View How Many People Read This) 62 62 Comment Count
6 Article 09/23/2008 Primary Bailout Guideline Should Be Bottom-up For Tax Payers First (View How Many People Read This) 10 10 Comment Count
7 Article 11/17/2008 Of Resuscitating Old Shoes, Relocalization and Toxic Globalism (View How Many People Read This) 9 9 Comment Count
8 Article 11/18/2008 A Bottom Up Rescue Plan for the Auto, Bank and Mortgage Companies (View How Many People Read This) 26 26 Comment Count
9 Article 11/21/2008 The ONLY Way We Are MOST POWERFUL (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
10 Article 12/07/2008 The Extinction of Right Wing Neanderthals; The Rising of Bottom-up Intelligence (View How Many People Read This) 43 43 Comment Count
11 Article 12/09/2008 Bottom-up Blindness; The Reason to Fire Detroit Execs (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
12 Article 02/04/2009 Mr. Obama, Start Walking Your Bottom Up Talk (View How Many People Read This) 19 19 Comment Count
13 Article 02/07/2009 Create Search Engine Optimized Great Article Titles (View How Many People Read This) 10 10 Comment Count
14 Article 05/08/2009 What does bottom up mind have to do with you personally? (View How Many People Read This) 35 35 Comment Count
15 Article 07/18/2009 Why You Should Twitter... on OpEdNEws and beyond (View How Many People Read This) 8 8 Comment Count
16 Article 10/12/2009 Email's End? (View How Many People Read This) 11 11 Comment Count
17 Article 11/10/2009 Top-down blowback; The GOP Discovers that the Grassroots Bites Back (View How Many People Read This) 35 35 Comment Count
18 Article 11/17/2009 REAL Bottom-Up Job Creation Ideas (View How Many People Read This) 12 12 Comment Count
19 Podcast 02/11/2010 Howard Zinn and Dorothy Fadiman (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
20 Podcast 02/26/2010 Riane Eisler author Chalice and the Blade, Real Wealth of Nations (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
21 Podcast 05/04/2010 Lawrence Lessig on Election Reform, Web Freedom, (View How Many People Read This)
22 Podcast 05/19/2010 Senator Byron Dorgan (View How Many People Read This)
23 Podcast 08/18/2010 Nicholas Carr, author, The Shallows; What The Internet is Doing to Our Brains (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
24 Podcast 10/06/2010 Amar Bhide Top How the Top Down Economy and Financial Systems Caused our Eco-Meltdown (View How Many People Read This)
25 Podcast 10/10/2010 Arianna Huffington (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
26 Podcast 11/08/2010 Rabbi Arthur Waskow (View How Many People Read This)
27 Podcast 03/29/2011 Joseph Nye; Soft Power, Smart Power; The Future of Power (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
28 Article 04/09/2011 A Bottom Up Virtual Choir to Delight Your Heart and Milk Your Tears (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
29 Article 04/25/2011 Dennis Kucinich Interview Part II; Peace, Power and Social Media (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
30 Article 04/30/2011 Riding the Bottom up, Connection Revolution Wave to Build New Coalitions for Change (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
31 Podcast 05/04/2011 Eric Whitacre; Conductor, Composer, Developer of the Virtual Choir, TED Speaker (View How Many People Read This)
32 Podcast 06/17/2011 Clay Shirky; Social Media Visionary (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
33 Podcast 07/06/2011 Ryan Lee: Continuity Income and Membership Sites (View How Many People Read This)
34 Podcast 08/02/2011 Tom Wolff: The Power of Collaborative Solutions (View How Many People Read This)
35 Article 12/06/2011 Top-Down, Centralized Thinking Is Destroying The World's Economies (View How Many People Read This) 25 25 Comment Count
36 Podcast 03/19/2012 Bottom up and Top Down Religion; (View How Many People Read This)
37 Podcast 03/28/2012 David Shankbone Grassroots, Photographer; most influential new media photojournalist in the world. (View How Many People Read This)
38 Podcast 05/30/2012 Chris Vogler; Can There Be Blockbuster Movies and Stories Using an Occupy/Bottom Up/Horizontal "Collective" Hero? (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
39 Article 06/04/2012 Video: Rob Kall Speaking at Occupy G8 on Bottom Up Economics (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
40 Podcast 06/15/2012 Deanna Zandt; author of "Share This! How You Will Change the World with Social Networking" (View How Many People Read This)
41 Podcast 06/27/2012 David Boyce CEO Fundly and Crowd Funding (View How Many People Read This)
42 Podcast 07/25/2012 The Bottom Up Arts Revolution-- an interview with Doug Borwick, author, Building Communities, Not Audiences (View How Many People Read This)
43 Article 09/18/2012 Respond to Right Wing Job Lies With Bottom-up Tax Cuts and Quitting Global Trade Agreements (View How Many People Read This) 22 22 Comment Count
44 Article 09/19/2012 The First Year Anniversary of Occupy-- and the beginning of the Toppling of Top-Down Power (View How Many People Read This) 25 25 Comment Count
45 Article 11/11/2012 The New American Theocracy; Moonies, Catholics and the Bottom Up Responses to Them; Part 2 of the F. Clarkson Interview (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
46 Article 11/27/2012 Peggy Holman: Engaging Emergence; Moving Towards Order From Chaos-- Interview Transcript (View How Many People Read This)
47 Article 12/06/2012 The Linchpin Tipping Point to Reverse Centuries of Top Down, 1% Power and Privatization? (View How Many People Read This) 54 54 Comment Count
48 Article 02/02/2013 Interview Transcript: Marina Sitrin, Author Horizontalism Part 1 (View How Many People Read This)
49 Podcast 02/08/2013 Staughton Lynd; Accompanying as an Alternative to Organizing (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
50 Article 03/10/2013 "Oz The Great and Powerful" A movie with a bottom up, Occupy Hero Message (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
51 Podcast 04/08/2013 Les and Susan Schor Fehmi: Bottom up vs. top down attention and ways of focusing (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
52 Podcast 04/11/2013 Daniel Quinn, Author of Ishmael, on Invisible Success and Memes We Live By (View How Many People Read This)
53 Article 05/01/2013 Time to Create a Progressive "Club For the Commons" (View How Many People Read This) 12 12 Comment Count
54 Article 05/05/2013 Bottom up Religion? (View How Many People Read This) 45 45 Comment Count
55 Article 05/21/2013 Attacking Psychopaths and Sociopaths from The Bottom and the Bottom-Line Up (View How Many People Read This) 16 16 Comment Count
56 Article 05/28/2013 Interview Transcript: Ellen Brown; Public Banking-- the Bottom Up Solution to a Lot of Economic Ills (View How Many People Read This) 8 8 Comment Count
57 Article 05/31/2013 Ellen Brown Interview Transcript Part II: Public Banking-- the Bottom Up Solution to a Lot of Economic Ills (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
58 Article 06/03/2013 Public Banking-- A Major Answer to the Progressive Question of What to Do in the Face of Corporatization of America (View How Many People Read This) 48 48 Comment Count
59 Article 06/13/2013 Embracing Bottom Up As a "Value" My talk at the Public Banking Institute's Conference (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
60 Podcast 06/21/2013 Nick Grossman; The Peer Economy, Disruptive Technologies and Top Down Backlashes (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
61 Podcast 06/28/2013 Nicco Mele:The End of Big-- How the internet Makes David the New Goliath (View How Many People Read This)
62 Podcast 08/15/2013 Ethan Zuckerman: Rewiring, Connection Expansion and How Unconnected We Are (View How Many People Read This)
63 Podcast 08/25/2013 Robert Fuller on Rankism and Dignitarianism (View How Many People Read This)
64 Podcast 10/26/2013 Multiple Intelligences Genius Howard Gardner-- Are Apps Producing an App Generation? (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
65 Podcast 10/26/2013 Zipcar Founder Robin Chase on Bottom up Approaches to Business (View How Many People Read This)
66 Article 10/27/2013 Marina Sitrin on Horizontalism-- transcript part 2 (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
67 Podcast 11/06/2013 Ellen Miller; Transparency and Open Government-- Armaments Against Corporate and Plutocratic Powers (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
68 Article 11/25/2013 As Writing and the Gutenberg Press Changed the World, Are Apps Creating an App Generation? Howard Gardner & Katie Davis (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
69 Article 11/26/2013 How Smart Phone Apps Are Changing a Generation: Howard Gardner and Katie Davis Intvw Transcript part 2 (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
70 Article 12/28/2013 Straight is Top Down (View How Many People Read This) 28 28 Comment Count
71 Article 01/06/2014 Facing The Reality of The System, Conservative Monarchists, and Embracing Bottom-Up Values, as the Answer (View How Many People Read This) 58 58 Comment Count
72 Podcast 03/07/2014 Keith Farnish-- Undermining the System (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
73 Podcast 03/08/2014 Anis Shivani: Top-Down and Bottom-up Publishing (View How Many People Read This)
74 Article 03/10/2014 The Pope's Bottom-up Revolution (View How Many People Read This) 10 10 Comment Count
75 Article 04/04/2014 A Bottom-up Exercise in Understanding Top-Down, Hierarchy. Domination and Predators (View How Many People Read This) 36 36 Comment Count
76 Article 05/09/2014 We Need a New Planetary Economic Model (View How Many People Read This) 16 16 Comment Count
77 Podcast 05/12/2014 Burl and Merry Hall on Reclaiming Wholeness, Goddess, Patriarchy, Rumi... (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
78 Podcast 05/16/2014 James C. Scott Domination, Resistance, Anarchy and The Scientific Study Of Underdogs (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
79 Article 06/09/2014 Interview Transcript: Frans de Waal: Primates, the Evolution of Morals, Top-down and bottom up Morality (View How Many People Read This) 8 8 Comment Count
80 Article 06/11/2014 Part 2 Intvw Transcript: Evolution of Morals with Frans de Waal (View How Many People Read This)
81 Article 07/10/2014 Transcript: Arlene Goldbard, author, The Culture of Possibility: Art, Artists & The Future (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
82 Article 07/13/2014 Transcript Arlene Goldbard: Bottom-up Self-Censorship, Top-down Consensus Reality (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
83 Podcast 07/31/2014 Former Spy Robert Steele-- Critiquing US Intell Agencies and on Open Source Everything (View How Many People Read This) 7 7 Comment Count
84 Article 08/19/2014 Bottom-up Travel and Transportation (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
85 Article 08/26/2014 Transcript: James C. Scott, on Domination, Resistance, The Scientific Study Of Underdogs and... Anarchy (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
86 Article 08/30/2014 James C. Scott Transcript: Anarchy, State Decreed Patronymic Naming, Vernacular Knowledge, Bottom-up Urban Planning (View How Many People Read This)
87 Podcast 09/22/2014 Archetypal, Mythic Strong Women and Patriarchy-- A conversation with Jean Shinoda Bolen (View How Many People Read This)
88 Article 10/05/2014 The Power of Charisma-- It Can Actually Inhibit Higher Brain Function in "Believers" (View How Many People Read This) 29 29 Comment Count
89 Article 10/13/2014 Transcript1: Robert Steele-- Spy, author Open Source Everything (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
90 Article 10/15/2014 Transcript 2: Robert Steele-- Spy, Revolutionary-- Calling for Open Source Everything (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
91 Article 11/01/2014 Transcript: Helen Norberg Hodge-- On The Power of Localization to Undermine and Replace Globalization (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
92 Podcast 11/06/2014 Marina Sitrin: Hope for Activists: A World of Successful Protest And Change-- NOW-- New Ideas, While Rejecting Democracy (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
93 Article 12/17/2014 Fractal Revolution: A Systems, Non-Linear View of Change (View How Many People Read This) 46 46 Comment Count
94 Article 01/03/2015 Book Review: The Systems View of Life; A Unifying Vision (View How Many People Read This) 11 11 Comment Count
95 Article 01/04/2015 Pollution as Theft: Accounting for Systemic Externalities (View How Many People Read This) 19 19 Comment Count
96 Podcast 01/08/2015 How Systems View of Life Affects Sustainability, Health Care, Economics, Energy, Food-- Fritjof Capra Intvw Part 2 (View How Many People Read This)
97 Article 01/12/2015 Exploring the Roots of Top-Down Power-- Necessary to Understand What To Do Next? (View How Many People Read This) 47 47 Comment Count
98 Article 02/07/2015 Quitting Comcast and TV-- Moving to Bottom-up Viewing (View How Many People Read This) 24 24 Comment Count
99 Article 03/05/2015 HBO Going Bottom-up-- That's A Good Thing For HBO and the Future of Media (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
100 Article 03/06/2015 Facilitating a Disruptive Emergence To Replace the Existing Elite System Running the Planet (View How Many People Read This) 34 34 Comment Count
101 Article 03/12/2015 Question Civilization, Question Authority, Teach Children to Question Everything (View How Many People Read This) 54 54 Comment Count
102 Podcast 04/08/2015 Connecting to Change the World; harnessing the power of networks (View How Many People Read This)
103 Podcast 04/18/2015 Barbara Marx Hubbard; Conscious Evolution (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
104 Podcast 04/25/2015 Jeremy Heimans; What New Power Looks Like (View How Many People Read This)
105 Article 04/25/2015 Someone Has to Ask Really Big, Crazy Questions (View How Many People Read This) 26 26 Comment Count
106 Article 04/26/2015 What does Bottom-up mean to you? (View How Many People Read This) 47 47 Comment Count
107 Podcast 05/07/2015 The Mind Boggling Implications of the 3D Printing Bottom-up Revolution: Intvw w. Dr. Future-- Paul Tinari (View How Many People Read This) 11 11 Comment Count
108 Article 05/13/2015 What Are the Biggest Lies and Delusions That Keep People Voting Against Their Own Best Interests? (View How Many People Read This) 125 125 Comment Count
109 Article 05/15/2015 Conservatism as Top-Down Culture That Leads to Parasites and Psychopathologies (View How Many People Read This) 43 43 Comment Count
110 Article 05/24/2015 Awe is a Bottom-up Experience (View How Many People Read This) 9 9 Comment Count
111 Article 05/31/2015 Transcript: Fritjof Capra-- Forget Newtonian Physics and Atomism-- Learn About the Systems View Of Life and the Universe (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
112 Podcast 05/31/2015 Henry A. Giroux; Culture of Cruelty, Neoliberals War on Education, (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
113 Podcast 06/15/2015 Marjorie Kelly: Ownership Revolution: Transitioning from Extractive to Generative Economics (View How Many People Read This) 7 7 Comment Count
114 Article 06/22/2015 Transcript: Fritjof Capra--Applying Systems Theory to Making the World A Better Place (View How Many People Read This) 12 12 Comment Count
115 Article 07/30/2015 Bernie Sanders Shows Bottom-up Mojo With Biggest Campaign Event of 2016 Elections (View How Many People Read This) 79 79 Comment Count
116 Article 08/01/2015 Capitalism's Bottom-up Lie (View How Many People Read This) 9 9 Comment Count
117 Article 09/08/2015 So I asked Bernie Sanders about Bottom-up... (View How Many People Read This) 7 7 Comment Count
118 Article 09/24/2015 Subsidiarity: Pope Francis: The Future of Freedom Requires a Spirit of Bottom-up (View How Many People Read This) 9 9 Comment Count
119 Article 10/11/2015 Whole Thinking--a Bottom-up, Systemic Mind-- to See an Oppressive System (View How Many People Read This) 39 39 Comment Count
120 Article 10/14/2015 Hillary Clinton's Top-Down Trifecta May Not Be Enough to Beat Bernie's Bottom-up Power (View How Many People Read This) 16 16 Comment Count
121 Article 10/16/2015 DNC Revealed as Un-democratic, Top-Down Authoritarian Election Rigging Fiefdom Run By Hillary Insiders (View How Many People Read This) 25 25 Comment Count
122 Article 11/22/2015 Transcript: Brian J. Robertson: Holacracy-- Alternative to Top-Down Management (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
123 Article 12/03/2015 Bottom-up Tracking the San Bernardino Shooting Using Twitter Instead of TV (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
124 Article 12/20/2015 Chuck Collins -- Wealth Inequality. Billionaires and Psychopaths; Interview Transcript (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
125 Article 12/24/2015 Marjorie Kelly: Ownership Revolution: Transitioning from Extractive to Generative Economics Intvw Transcript (View How Many People Read This)
126 Article 12/29/2015 Marina Sitrin: Alternatives to Democracy: Communal Councils, Encuentro, Zapatistas, Autogestion, Todos Somos-- Part 2 (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
127 Article 01/18/2016 Bonnie Burstow--The Dangers of State Empowered Psychiatry and Psychiatric Drugs and Treatments; Transcript (View How Many People Read This)
128 Article 01/18/2016 Transcript: The Military's Culture of Lying -- A Top-Down Problem? Intvw with Army War College Expert (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
129 Article 06/28/2016 Thoughts on Bottom up as a Form of Intelligence (View How Many People Read This) 62 62 Comment Count
130 Article 08/14/2016 Olympics, Change to Bottom Up to Make Better Olympians and Audiences (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
131 Article 08/24/2016 Learning Wisdom and Knowhow from Indigenous and Aboriginal Peoples (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
132 Article 09/20/2016 Re-Indigenizing and Re-Animating the World (View How Many People Read This) 12 12 Comment Count
133 Article 10/03/2016 What would a world look like where we win, where the system is seriously changed? (View How Many People Read This) 36 36 Comment Count
134 Article 10/05/2016 A Conversation about Bottom Up Thinking Applied to Mobs, Education and Top Down Institutions (View How Many People Read This) 75 75 Comment Count
135 Article 10/23/2016 Busting Big and Billionaires-- ATT's merger, Adelson's Endorsement Via Bought Newspaper (View How Many People Read This) 12 12 Comment Count
136 Article 11/14/2016 Hillary Clinton's (& the DNC's,) Hopefully Final Top Down Failure (View How Many People Read This) 50 50 Comment Count
137 Article 06/13/2017 The Top Down, Blind, Stupid Arrogance Of Dem Spokesperson Joy Reid (View How Many People Read This) 8 8 Comment Count
138 Article 06/22/2017 What's your Monthly Donation Budget For Politicians and Organizations? (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
139 Article 09/21/2017 Fractal Kings (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
140 Article 09/26/2017 Top Down Nuclear Masturbatory Fantasies (View How Many People Read This) 10 10 Comment Count
141 Article 09/30/2017 Progressive Vision: How to Prevent the Chronically Failing Dem Leadership from Losing in 2018 (View How Many People Read This) 27 27 Comment Count
142 Article 11/12/2017 MegaPlatforms; The Biggest Monsters, Besides Billionaires and Megacorporations (View How Many People Read This) 46 46 Comment Count
143 Article 12/02/2017 GOP Tax Bill: Major Battle Lost in War Between Top Down and Bottom Up (View How Many People Read This) 48 48 Comment Count
144 Article 01/08/2018 Enablers of Trump's Nuclear Trigger Finger a Symptom of Pathological Authoritarianism (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
145 Article 04/21/2018 Google Continues its Attack on Alternative Media, Boosting Top-down MSM (View How Many People Read This) 78 78 Comment Count
146 Article 04/30/2018 Sprint-T-Mobile Merger is Bad. Bigger is Bad (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
147 Article 05/29/2018 Fine Tuning Authoritarianism (View How Many People Read This) 25 25 Comment Count
148 Article 06/22/2018 How Did a Malignant Narcissist Psychopath Become the Most Powerful Person in the World? (View How Many People Read This) 62 62 Comment Count
149 Article 01/28/2021 GameStop Bottom-up Revolution Roils Stock Market-- Big as Capitol Riots (View How Many People Read This) 17 17 Comment Count

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