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October 2013

Thursday, October 31:

Riyadh Says Let America Do It

WATCH: Ted Cruz's Dad Calls US a "Christian Nation," Says Obama Should Go "Back to Kenya" (2 comments)

Fukushima Nuclear Crisis, Worse Than You Think: 5 Things You Need To Know Now

UN Old Age Report: Sweden best! But what life do pensioners, the elderly, actually have? (6 comments)

*Do you have a right to vote?

Continued Observations on the Egonovism of American Society and Dialogs with Egonovists

Israel Cranks Up the PR Machine

Picturing a New Age of Enlightenment and Reason; the Dramatic Transformation of America (30 comments)

Finally a Drone Report Done Right (1 comments)

Is Paul Krugman a Voodoo Economist? (26 comments)

Whatever Happened To The Peace Talks? (1 comments)

Expendable People: Economics, a "Murderous Science" (4 comments)

Obama meets with "small coterie" of Jewish leaders, after Kerry appears to criticize Netanyahu for "fear tactics" (1 comments)

On leaving the Guardian (3 comments)

Obama, NSA Spying and the Dangers of Secretive, Authoritarian Government (5 comments)

Obama's Illegal Drones Kill Innocents, but at least He Aint Hitler, Right !?!

Watching Philadelphia's Watchmen: A Week's Worth of Corrupt Cop Cases

Wednesday, October 30:

Will Laiza Ethnic Summit make another historic landmark?

A Manufactured Scandal

Tea Party and "12 Years a Slave" (1 comments)

Witch Hunt (6 comments)

Who Do You Believe? Ali A. Akbar? Or Ali A. Akbar? (1 comments)

Instead of Paul Ryan's "Robin Hood in Reverse," Why Not a Robin Hood Tax? (6 comments)

Raffi Willilams (Juan Williams' Son) and the Generational Attack on Obamacare (1 comments)

Should there be a sanity test for Congress critters? (4 comments)

Taking Apartheid Apart (3 comments)

How science is telling us all to revolt (4 comments)

Why Obamacare Will Triumph Despite Glitches and the GOP (3 comments)

The NSA Bruised and Beleaguered Implicates its European "Partners" (1 comments)

Will UN's Samantha Power Cleanse Congo with Her Tears? (2 comments)

Has Barack Obama become a rogue president? (4 comments)

Russell Brand and the Leader Question (4 comments)

*UN Day Films - Gloating Faces, Libya Syria Destroyed, Somalian Korean Genocides Augur Nuremberg UN Trial (3 comments)

A Four-Point "Scorecard" for the Budget Talks

New York's Last Hidden Gem

Technology and the Lethal Mutation (7 comments)

Political Remediation, Revolution, or Foreign Invasion?

Our Descent Toward Third World Status (29 comments)

Tuesday, October 29:

Lebanon haunted by ghosts of civil war

Cruzin' for a Bruizin'

Doughboys and Dumb Things Humans Have Done

The New Nullification Movement (1 comments)

Do Americans Really Believe in the Constitution? (29 comments)

The Social Contract in a Dignitarian Society (4 comments)

Carbon vs. Climate and Our Future in a Mirror

*America's Tar Baby (1 comments)

Speech by Sophie Prize Winner Bill McKibben (2 comments)

Unmanned (2 comments)

Tossing Angela a Fig Leaf

Obama, Congress Owe Snowden Thanks, and a Pardon (4 comments)

Neocons Push Israeli-Saudi Alliance (1 comments)

Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out the Human Race (26 comments)

The Oil Oligarchs Want Me to Know How Much They Hate President Correa (1 comments)

Lying General Keith Alexander-- Bad For America (29 comments)

Monday, October 28:

Robert Stone must film Fukushima now, before Japanese Censorship Kicks In (1 comments)

Stephen Colbert and John Stewart Have Destroyed Satire -- Chris Hedges (4 comments)

Russell Brand, Lloyd Dobler, and Finding Your Inner Dorothy

Why Blame the Teachers When the Problem Is Their Bosses? (12 comments)

Torpedoing The Iran Nuclear Talks

Bad Grahammer

Lou Reed's Politics

Predatory Lenders Fight Regulators With Offer of $500 Visa Gift Cards

Alan Greenspan owes America an apology (1 comments)

Bogus Claim: Obama Uses IRS to Buy Votes

Choosing Murder: The True Nature of the System Laid Bare (3 comments)

Our Invisible Revolution (54 comments)

The Distracted Nation (3 comments)

Investigative Reporting Credibility (1 comments)

John Carpenter's Prophetic Visions of the American Police State (1 comments)

Tea Party Anarchists Storm the Gates of the Embedded Washington Bureaucracy (10 comments)

Economics could be a Science if More Economists were Scientists (12 comments)

"Laying by time" Gives Diplomacy a Chance

The Roots of Money, Authoritarian Power and Democracy (7 comments)

Wolf in Sheeps Clothing, Goldman Sachs as the Corporate Good Samaritan (2 comments)

Sunday, October 27:

Olmert is a "patriot," Adelson tells an American audience (1 comments)

Washington Does Not Like Snarky

With Assad in, and Ahmadinejad out, where does that leave Netanyahu?

Senator Durbin: Don't sell us short on Social Security

America's Ultimate Collapse (9 comments)

The REAL Reason U.S. Targets Whistleblowers (2 comments)

7 Reasons to Take 7 Seconds to Save Social Security and Medicare

Democrat's Health Insurance Cheaper, Simpler, More Popular (Why Enact the Republican Version and Why Are They So Upset?) (3 comments)

Get Out of My Town (1 comments)

Got His Gun -- Lost His Legs, Arms, and Penis (15 comments)

A Pope and a Pimp Went into St. Peter's to Pray (Sunday Homily) (12 comments)

Still Report #117 - Hungary Celebrates Freedom (1 comments)

What Recovery? (1 comments)

Saturday, October 26:

"Time To Reform Surveillance State": Massive "Stop Watching Us" Rally Challenges NSA Spying

A Threat to Nuke Tehran

Billionaires Are Dangerous to Humanity, Dangerous to the Earth (240 comments)

If the ACA Rollout Seems Rough, Wait Until the Right "Reforms" Medicare (1 comments)

ISRAEL: Nation hijacked by a Shin-Bet Judiciary Gang (2 comments)

Hillary Clinton's Lessons From 2008 Put Her in the Driver's Seat (8 comments)

As Europe erupts over US spying, NSA chief says government must stop media (13 comments)

Crying Wolf Over Iran (1 comments)

Geopolitics of the Drone

Nobody Should Shed a Tear for JP Morgan Chase (1 comments)

*Wikileaks: A Peanut Army Topples Global Tyrants (7 comments)

Friday, October 25:

Hands Off Glenn Greenwald! (3 comments)

Peas In A Global Pod

Sectarianism: Redrawing the Map of Middle East

Government: neither problem nor solution (11 comments)

*Alabama Deputies Beat, Arrest Corruption-Fighting Reporter (14 comments)

Congressional oversight of the NSA is a joke. I should know, I'm in Congress (11 comments)

Island of Secrets

*FATCA Attack Around The Globe (3 comments)

Will the House of Saud pivot to China? (1 comments)

Fukushima Whistleblower Exposes Yakuza Connections, Exploitation Of Cleanup Workers (4 comments)

The European Drone War

"Everybody Does It"

A More Perfect Union: Being Gay in America

The Politics of Hate (9 comments)

Teapartiers Who Reject Obamacare Could Be Paying Much More Than They Need To For Healthcare (16 comments)

Excuse Me, But You Are Writing History (4 comments)

Yes, I worked for Republicans but, thankfully, I never became one (2 comments)

Thursday, October 24:

US And Pakistan Locked In A "Drone Marriage" (2 comments)

Home Sweet Drone

Dr. Michael Hudson: Peter "Socialist" Schiff _ Exposed by MMT's Michael Hudson

Diebold Charged With Bribery, Falsifying Docs, "Worldwide Pattern of Criminal Conduct" (2 comments)

Falling Faster and Further Into the Abyss (5 comments)

Carpe Brutality, Carpe Corruption: Prime Time For Government Crime (2 comments)

*Setting Goals for a Real Global Revolution (2 comments)

Should Progressives Take the Anti-Government Meme Away From Conservatives? (88 comments)

CNN's Latest Gingrich Ethics Problem: His Company Received RNC Payment

The Mean Spirited Lady of Baltimore

Political Case Brought Against Palestinian Organizer in Chicago for Immigration Fraud

Public banking advocate takes on Vermont State Treasurer (2 comments)

Occupy "Pepper-Spray Cop" Awarded $38k Settlement (4 comments)

Two Repining Justices but No Justice? But the People Spoke! (2 comments)

Unveiled: GMO Labeling Opponents Come Out of the Shadows (1 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: Shimon Peres Suffering From Portnoy's Complaint? Guilt-Edged Insecurity

Mary Wentworth: Could Moms of America Get Football Banned? (6 comments)

13. The Anatomy of Hierarchy, from Alternative Economics 101 - TAX Your Imagination! (2 comments)

*A Most Impractical Guide To Small Government (6 comments)

Wednesday, October 23:

Drone Island in the East River

Treating Anti-Syria Charges as Flat Fact (7 comments)

*Who breach the treaty of peacemaking in Burma?

Australian government unveils budget "audit" to advance austerity agenda

Get Insight on Scorpio Hillary Rodham Clinton at 'Scorpios for Hillary' website (7 comments)

Pak-US relations in perspective (1 comments)

Repo, Baby, Repo: How Unregulated Banking Triggered the Crash of '08 (1 comments)

Why Snowden's Passport Matters (1 comments)

Dick Cheney's Transcendent Cynicism (2 comments)

Zomboid Partisans vs Intelligence, Decency and Survival (2 comments)

As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap (20 comments)

Obamacare/ACA is NOT a Website-- It's a Lot More and a Lot Better (23 comments)

Fundamentalist Belief Grows Brains Incapable of Dealing With the World as it Actually Is (11 comments)

JPMorgan: Fish Rot from the Head (1 comments)

Tuesday, October 22:

Fight the So-Called Centrists! Finesse the Tea Party Extremists! (7 comments)

Retirees could face pension cuts under plan being considered by Congress (8 comments)

U.S. Jews Battle Over Blumenthal's "Goliath" (3 comments)

After Budget Deal, Time to Move Forward (2 comments)

Why the Climate Movement Should Have No "Keystone" (1 comments)

Instead of Corporations, Why Not Invest in People? (3 comments)

Why JPMorgan Chase Doesn't Deserve Your Sympathy

Attention Shoppers! The Westgate Mall In America's Jihad Bargain

The Self-Beheading House of Saud (2 comments)

Rankism Can Be Harmful to Your Health (2 comments)

Hire Suggestions for Glenn Greenwald and Pierre Omidyar's Media Venture (55 comments)

The Triumph of the Right (2 comments)

What Fine? Why JPMorgan Is Laughing All the Way to the Bank (4 comments)

Fake (1 comments)

*Another Impractical Guide To Small Government (6 comments)

Affordable Care On-Line -- The ultimate steampunk fiasco? (2 comments)

Who Will Protect You from the Police? The Rise of Government-Sanctioned Home Invasions (2 comments)

*The Gitmo Witch Trials (3 comments)

*Sick in America: What Today's Reactionaries Don't Want You to Know (27 comments)

Anti Jewish Discrimination Should Be Covered Under Title VI (7 comments)

Big Bro Wants to Know

Dick Cheney's Heartless Hypocrisy (1 comments)

A New Kind of War Is Being Legalized (23 comments)

Monday, October 21:

When It Comes to Mental Health, Do No Harm (2 comments)

Remember the Alamo . . . (4 comments)

*An Impractical Guide To Small Government (6 comments)

Star Trek and the NSA (1 comments)

Obamacare: The big job creator? (2 comments)

Healthcare Website Bungles (1 comments)

The Road From Here: What About Medicare and Social Security? (9 comments)

Let's Get This Class War Started (85 comments)

Real News (2 comments)

Making Something Old New Again (4 comments)

JP Morgan in the Crosshairs of Federal Prosecutors and a Criminal Investigation in California

Legislating Compassion: Why Does The Right Hate It So Much? (12 comments)

Are You Ready for Less Academics? (1 comments)

What America Has Become (3 comments)

Sunday, October 20:

Canadian natives resist: 'What the frack?'

Gulf ecosystem in crisis after BP spill

Los Teaparty Berrincheros (1 comments)

From Dissident Gold to Imperial Dross: The Neutering of the NSA Archives (7 comments)

The Dog that Refuses to Bark: A Stunning Clue about the Problem with American Media (14 comments)

Climate Change: First They Came For ... (4 comments)

The Prayers of Powerful Men and the Women Who Oppose Them -- like M. Benjamin, E. Warren, and A. Goodman (Sunday Homily) (7 comments)

Nicholas Kristof's Ode to Imperialism...What Kind of World Is He Celebrating? What Kind of World Can Emancipate Humanity (2 comments)

Outsourcing Obamacare (5 comments)

*Ongoing bank bailouts make mockery of budget talks (6 comments)

Saturday, October 19:

Lots of people lost but did anyone win in the government shutdown? (2 comments)

Fixing Congress Means Fixing the Government (4 comments)

Missing Teeth (5 comments)

McCutcheon: Plutocracy is Corruption (1 comments)

Ignoring Scientific Realities is Not Good for America (1 comments)

Connecting the Dots of Dysfunction (1 comments)

Ideological Disaster (1 comments)

Ted Cruz as Mad Hatter (But Cruz Isn't Mad, He's a Sociopath) (18 comments)

Ted Cruz vs. Twitter: Does Obamacare Hurt Americans? (1 comments)

"Our" weaponized Wahhabi bastards (1 comments)

Friday, October 18:

Beware of Paul Ryan's Lose-a-Battle, Win-a-War Strategy

The Descenders (1 comments)

Shutdown Takeaway: The US Wants A Fair Society, Not "Defund Obamacare" Crazy (3 comments)

Debt No More! How Obama can defeat Austerity Thugs by Using the Constitution and Debt-Free Money (53 comments)

Trends and Possible Future Developments in Asia (2 comments)

*One way to avoid the next fiscal crisis in January 2014 (3 comments)

Invisible Houston Revisited Website Officially Launched

Republicans Have Done Real Damage to the Economy (1 comments)

Thousands of Nuclear Regulators Sent Home During Shutdown (5 comments)

Sabotaging Iran Nuclear Talks

Turkey and Afghanistan peace (1 comments)

China Gets Contracts For UK Nuclear Power

Ted Cruz, King of the Lemmings (3 comments)

First Followers; and Tiptoe-Caused-Avalanches of Change (20 comments)

The Democrats Can't Defend the Country from the Retrograde GOP (10 comments)

Winning The Peace: The Post-Shutdown Challenge (1 comments)

Monumental Government Waste: The National Security Budget, The Root Cause Of The National Deficit (12 comments)

The New Civil War: Who is to Blame? (2 comments)

Ted Cruzing for a Bruising! (2 comments)

Why is The Economist Chortling over the Prospect of Oil Pollution in Ecuador? (5 comments)

What to Expect During the Cease-Fire

Thursday, October 17:

Letter From Sofia: Old Tanks and Modern Mayhem

Even the World Bank understands: Palestine is being disappeared (1 comments)

Shuffling Federal Paperwork

Don't Hold Your Breath for the Teabagger Demise (1 comments)

Mark John Maguire: Obama v Hitler: a shocking depiction and a shocking truth (93 comments)

Darwin, Religion, and the Rise of a Secular World (10 comments)

America's Destructive Pivot to Asia (3 comments)

Why Bad Movies Keep Coming Out And What To Do About It (2 comments)

Could Obama Nomination of Jeh Johnson to Dept of Homeland Security Presage Intent to End the War on Terror? (13 comments)

Awkwardest and Most Authoritative Ever Comments on Drones

The Abject Failure of Reaganomics (11 comments)

Will China "De-Americanize" The World? (2 comments)

Pakistan TV Exposes bin Laden Killing Hoax and Documentary Exposes 9/11 Official Story (18 comments)

Medea Benjamin: It's time to put an end to Israel's "don't ask-don't tell' nuclear policy (3 comments)

A de-Americanized world (14 comments)

Hillary Clinton: Joe Biden Wouldn't Have Done the Bin Laden Raid (8 comments)

Uncontrollable Boehner and the Bait and Switch Index (1 comments)

Falling on Their Sword, Repubs. Concede The Obvious (1 comments)

The Grand Sell Out (8 comments)

Wednesday, October 16:

GOP Congressman Explains Why He Wants to Defund a Health Program He Supports (1 comments)

Who Turned Scientific American? (21 comments)

Capitalists Unchained (8 comments)

U.S. . . . Another Greece? Never! (4 comments)

Eight Requirements for Conquering the World (3 comments)

BP's Silent Disaster (4 comments)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Tea Party Rage and the Shutdown as Projected Dependency (8 comments)

Health Care Hypocrisy

How US Pressure Bends UN Agencies

Shutdown Solution: Opt Out of Tyranny (13 comments)

Letter to European Friends: Understanding "The Stupid" in U.S. Politics (2 comments)

Thomas Riggins: Living Wage or Wage Slavery: de Blasio vs. Lhota on the Dignity of Labor (1 comments)

12. The Anatomy of Contradictory Ideas, from Alternative Economics 101 -Tax Your Imagination (1 comments)

Support Eliminating Corporate Personhood & Money is not Speech for Municipalities (3 comments)

Saboteurs and Arsonists (4 comments)

Red Light Cameras, Drones and Surveillance: Fleecing the Taxpayer in the Age of Petty Tyrannies (1 comments)

Wacky Is As Wacky Does: Ten Crazy Christofascist Quotes From The Values Voter Summit. (2 comments)

Tuesday, October 15:

Economist Mark Zandi on Default: "We Will Be Dooming Our Economy and the Entire Global Economy" for Years

Separate and Unequal Voting in Arizona and Kansas (4 comments)

Greenwald quits Guardian for independent news project (4 comments)

Don't Kick The Can Down The Road

Israel Hides Nukes Behind "Ambiguity" Wall

Signs of Evolutionary Upwising - The Upside of Apocalypse (6 comments)

Re-assessing Political Islam: Part II (5 comments)

Stand Up Americans! (22 comments)

Lethal Rampages in Washington DC and Elsewhere; Psychotric Mania, not Schizophrenia (1 comments)

The Birth Of The "De-Americanized" World (4 comments)

Israeli Factor in Syrian Conflict Unveiled

Facing Gridlock, A Bold Proposal for Democracy (5 comments)

Dignity in Education (17 comments)

Who's most responsible for the mess our economy and society is in? Repugs or Dems? (22 comments)

Edward Snowden's Brave Integrity (29 comments)

The GOP: From "Permanent Republican Majority" to Permanent Minority Government

At our expense

Nobel Peace Prize 2013 and Malala (2 comments)

The Concept of Crises (1 comments)

Losing faith: Global financiers look to de-Americanize (1 comments)

In Shutdown and Debt Ceiling Showdown, GOPers Ignore Their Party's Own Advice

Monday, October 14:

If Hitler Didn't Exist the Pentagon Would Have to Invent Him (3 comments)

Too Stupid To Live (6 comments)

The Tea Party and the New York Times Shut Down the Government (1 comments)

More helpful hints for Republicans

Economic Progress Requires (1 comments)

Tea and Sympathy (1 comments)

The Perfect Epitaph For Establishment Journalism (37 comments)

Still Staying Sober

A Secular Humanist Jew's Thoughts on Yom Kippur: On Atheism and Theism, and on Religion and Organized Religion (3 comments)

A Reflection on a God in America (18 comments)

Memo to NSA Director General Keith Alexander, "There is No "Misunderstanding" of What the "Agency" Collects

Republicans Filibuster Debt-Ceiling Hike, Few Outlets Report This (1 comments)

Strike While the Iron is Hot (8 comments)

The Folly of Empire (21 comments)

Dianne Feinstein 911 NSA Narrative Doesn't Cut It (21 comments)

Standing on the Deck of the USS Titanic, Fearing The Worst is About to Happen (42 comments)

Whatever Became Of Western Civilization? (11 comments)

Mi Mi Cho: LICH still under NY State's Predatory Land Grab (4 comments)

Tea Party Terrorists (68 comments)

The Dress Rehearsal and the Rolling Coup (6 comments)

*Merciless US NATO UN Genocide in Somalia Brought Nairobi Shopping Mall Blowback! (2 comments)

Shutdown and default: it's not about Obamacare (5 comments)

The Day the New America Began (2 comments)

Russians And Cookie Bakers Unite!! Betty Crocker Has Left The Fold And Gone Over To The Dark Side! (6 comments)

Stop The Shutdown Merry-Go-Round

Sunday, October 13:

Slavery Was Believed Permanent Longer Than War Has Been

Obamacare Malpractice-- the website-- Has ANYONE Gotten On Yet (7 comments)

Save the Planet, Starting on Your Own Block (1 comments)

Evan Bayh Uses the Government Shutdown to Shill for the Medical-Device Lobby (1 comments)

Shakeup continues in US nuclear command (1 comments)

Why Giving Republican Bullies a Bloody Nose Isn't Enough (3 comments)

No Cuts to Social Security

Mainstream Media Fail: The Issues the MSM Should Be Covering Daily (30 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: François Hollande's Missteps put France on Levant sidelines (1 comments)

Meet the warmongers (1 comments)

The Spirit of Columbus - Jesus Christ, Columbus, and the US Constitution (3 comments)

Two Kinds of Countries: Israel's Dangerous Path (3 comments)

Saturday, October 12:

The Man Who Died Twice and Other Myths (2 comments)

*Shutdown: Congress, Coup Plotters, And the Ghost of Joe McCarthy (3 comments)

Official - Edward Snowden Has Single-handedly Endangered the British People

Ovadia's Choice

Reaping What You Sow: the Radical Right, Fascist Norms, and the Future (12 comments)

Democrats Must Stop Ted Cruz's Hollywood Ending (3 comments)

What the Shutdown Means for Women (32 comments)

Israeli-Saudi Alliance Slips into View (3 comments)

Israeli Claim of Iranian ICBM Exploits Biased U.S. Intel

Haters of Barack Obama and Malala Yousafzai (7 comments)

The Power of Standing Up to Bullies (16 comments)

Tracking the Footsteps of the Enlightened Jesus through India (Sunday Homily) (2 comments)

From the Clinton Wars to the New Shut Down Confederates (1 comments)

Friday, October 11:

The Nightmare Scenario: A Repo Implosion (8 comments)

Cutting One's Losses Comes Hard

The Ravings of Niall Ferguson, the Real World and the Needless Suffering of Tens of Millions (4 comments)

*Might Makes Right When Veiwing LAUSD and California Nepotism ...or does it? (4 comments)

Fear and loathing in House of Saud (2 comments)

Abdullah Ocalan: the Kurdish Leader's Life's Work Is at a Critical Crossroads

The Tea Party Republicans' Biggest Mistake: Confusing Government with Our System of Government (6 comments)

Netanyahu's Scheme for Palestine

Egypt is better off with the suspension of US Aid (2 comments)

Federal Shutdown and Impending Collapse: A Review of the Serious Press Reports (20 comments)

Fed Shutdown Forces Ceasefire in Organic War: USDA Louisville Meeting Canceled (1 comments)

Sweden: Roma, Racism, Denial, and a 'Dangerous Wind' (4 comments)

A revolution comes in stages -- Occupy or otherwise (3 comments)

Shutdown Politics: Support for Democratic Takeover of House Spikes

A Rationality Shutdown (16 comments)

Chemistry Equations: the Pious Virtuosos of Violence

Cave on Debt Ceiling Poses Peril for the Democrats

Inside John Boehner (5 comments)

Right-wing coup: Deluded secessionists have already won (9 comments)

Thursday, October 10:

In pouting op-ed, Eric Cantor complains the mean black man is not giving Republicans enough respect (5 comments)

Google: Doing Evil with ALEC (1 comments)

President Pivot prepares to screw the old and infirm: What Happened to "No negotiations' with Debt "Hostage Takers'? (1 comments)

Re-assessing Political Islam: Part I (2 comments)

How the GOP's Kamikaze Club Hijacked John Boehner (1 comments)

As Republicans Fight a Civil War, An Economy Hangs in the Balance (1 comments)

What are the differences between the Kurdish Leadership in Iraq and other Parts of Kurdistan?

Stop The Presses: I Agree With Wall Street (5 comments)

Snowden Accepts Whistleblower Award (7 comments)

Dignity in the Workplace (5 comments)

Old Game, New Obsession, New Enemy. Now It's China.

Shutdown Joke? The different parts of the body were arguing (2 comments)

A Litmus Test For Prospective Republican Congressional Candidates (1 comments)

Here's How to Keep Defeating These Republicans: Open Letter to Pres. Obama (1 comments)

Committee to Protect Journalists issues scathing report on Obama administration (1 comments)

Smart People, Stupid People, and Budget Politics (2 comments)

The "Affordable" Care Act: The Best Illustration Yet of Why We Need a New Major Political Party (48 comments)

Ken Cuccinell's Floundering Gubernatorial Candidacy Is Bad News for Republicans Everywhere (1 comments)

"American Acrostic, 2013" (1 comments)

*Russian TV Asked Shouldn't Public Sleep Better After CIA FBI Manhunt Success? VIDEO (1 comments)

John Boehner: When drunks lead Congress, disaster is the only option (7 comments)

Wednesday, October 9:

A Syrian Solution? (25 comments)

The Historical Jesus and New Testament Rubbish: Part Two: Jesus' Transformation into Christ (God's Begotten Son) (52 comments)

The DC Shuffle and the Mutual Bluff Save Face Solution- (2 comments)


Can We REALLY Scrap Taxes? (67 comments)

The Political Crisis in Washington (3 comments)

October 10 is World Day Against the Death Penalty (4 comments)

A Caesar In Our Future? (17 comments)

Making the Economy "Scream"

Abrogating Responsibility To Make the Economy Work Is Inexcusable (3 comments)

Thom Hartmann's "Last Hours" Film Raises Issue of Global-Warming-Induced Extinction; Watch the video (2 comments)

Confessions of a Freedom Fighter @ the Crossroads

The GOP's Distortion of "Freedom" in Shutdown Debate (3 comments)

Dumb Is The New Black

UPI Treats Monetary Fiction as Fact: Sows the Seeds of the GOP's Efforts to Cause a Recession (1 comments)

Death of Impoverished Pennsylvania Professor Illustrates Plight of Adjuncts (13 comments)

Tea Party Cabal in Congress and Voter Backlash (1 comments)

Tuesday, October 8:

"Aggressive and insidious": More details of Canada spying techniques to follow, Greenwald promises (2 comments)

The Fix is In. The Revolution is Coming. (18 comments)

The Age of Artifice

Government Shutdown: A Ploy of the Christian Right? (3 comments)

The Failure of War as an Instrument of Foreign Policy: A More Effective Solution (2 comments)

Republican Crazy Talk About the Debt Ceiling

I Think I Know What the President Will Do If Congress Fails to Raise the Debt Limit (3 comments)

Mistrust and Resentment: Stumbling Blocks in the Way of Normal Relations between India and Pakistan (1 comments)

The Koch Brothers' "Samson Option" (2 comments)

Is Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street Collapse? (37 comments)

Surveillance State Takes Offense (2 comments)

Darkness in North Carolina: A Vision of the World the GOP Seeks to Create

Shootout at the APEC free-trade corral (1 comments)

Republicans Are Shutting Down the Government Because They Want to Stop Obamacare

The Faux Hyper-Meritocracy that Threatens to Destroy Us (1 comments)

US Budget And Debt Talks To Focus On Cutting Social Security, Medicare (5 comments)

Jumping Aboard Fracking's Fossil Fuel Carousel

Racism and Cruelty Drive GOP Health Care Agenda

In The Name Of Making Us "Safe," The NSA Has Shredded Privacy Rights And Now Treats All Citizens As Suspects

Transforming America's Schools into Authoritarian Instruments of Compliance (3 comments)

*Burma needs transparency extracting natural resources (1 comments)

*Barack Obama must honor his Oath of Office, and the Fourteenth Amendment! (4 comments)

Baffling Boehner - Who owns this guy? (5 comments)

Republicans Discover Government, Promptly Convene "Imperial Congress" (3 comments)

Monday, October 7:

The Historical Jesus and New Testament Rubbish: Part One: The Road to Golgotha (16 comments)

Thank a Teabagger (2 comments)

Yes, Federal Workers Are Essential (1 comments)

"Operation Terror', the 9/11 Hollywood thriller, to screen in Berkeley and on the Web Saturday, October 19th (5 comments)

The Two-Party System is a Farce (4 comments)

The Radical Christian Right and the War on Government (36 comments)

Bob Dylan: "For The Times They Are A-Changin" (1 comments)

Enron billionaire expands craven plot to abuse workers (1 comments)

Is the Federal Government a Drug-Induced Hallucination? (3 comments)

American Dystopia (13 comments)

Obama Should Say, "My Oath of Office Tells Me, No Concessions to Blackmailers" (3 comments)

Ted Cruz, Money and the Power to Turn Out the Lights (4 comments)

The World Watches As The American Democracy Breathes Its Last (31 comments)

Feinstein's Phony Excuse for NSA Spying (18 comments)

Is There a New Political Money Bonanza on the Horizon? (1 comments)

The Default Revolution; Occupy Default (3 comments)

THE SURPRISE PARTY (the ACA, the Tea Party, Occupy, and the Shutdown Showdown) (1 comments)

Bank Failures are "Inconceivable" under the Latest Neoclassical Fantasy

Still Report 104 - The Marker Story (1 comments)

Sunday, October 6:

Here Comes the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize, Dragging a Broken Moral Compass (4 comments)

Beginning the Ending of War (3 comments)

Was Race a Factor in the Slaying of Miriam Carey? (15 comments)

Another Slump Ahead: The True State of the Economy

GOP's massive fraud: The shutdown isn't really a shutdown!

The Return of the 19th Century (9 comments)

As Police Tactics Questioned, 'Threat of Terrorism' and 9/11 used to justify Miriam Carey's Death (7 comments)

Means Testing For Congress

*We have been transformed into a pathocracy--Political Ponerology, a must read (5 comments)

A Huge Fraud: Right Wing Advocacy of "Freedom and Liberty" Is A Fraud (11 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: Four Decades after the Tishrin" War Self-Delusion (1 comments)

*Without Whistleblowers and Real Reform Now, the U.S. Government Will Collapse (13 comments)

FATCA: We Are Not Myths (14 comments)

Twilight of the (False) Gods. (6 comments)

Saturday, October 5:

Intel union: Spy agency heads won't roll with US and UK allied (2 comments)

Economy : Take the risks and benefits of ownership. (6 comments)

The GOP's Debt Ceiling War is Not about Debt but About Obama (3 comments)

Zionism versus Diplomacy and Peace

Hope Flows from Hollow Water (2 comments)

Canada's Shadow Revenue Minister Warns Government against Sellout on FATCA! (5 comments)

Kevin Anthony Stoda: "If everyone stands on tiptoe, no one sees better": Social Limits to Growth Revisited (2 comments)

The Forgotten Occupation Of Lebanon.

The Bad Guys in Kenya are the Good Guys in Syria? (8 comments)

Letter to NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre (1 comments)

Chump Change: Our New Corporate Health Care System (1 comments)

The "Hyper-meritocracy" -- an Oxymoron Led by Criminal Morons (5 comments)

Friday, October 4:

The End of U.S. Empire Is a Matter of Time: A Question of Faith (Sunday Homily) (43 comments)

*Government Shutdown an act of Hostage Taking

Congressional leaders: They hate each other and it shows (2 comments)

10 Good Things About the US Government Shutdown (3 comments)

Killjoy Was Here (2 comments)

How Stupid Are Limbaugh Listeners? (6 comments)

How Male Christians Can End the Goverment Shutdown (3 comments)

Halt The Economic Terrorist Attack On The U.S.A (3 comments)

*Boycott Corporations Who Gave Big to Republicans in 2012 Elections (6 comments)

Why "common sense" and "gun control" are two different things (38 comments)

Open Mic Night (1 comments)

Obama's Reverse-Pivot to the Middle East Offers Yet Another Opportunity for "Change"

10 Things I Wish All Americans Knew About The Meat & Dairy Industries (18 comments)

Glenn Greenwald Full Interview on Snowden, NSA, GCHQ and Spying (7 comments)

Can Obama Disrupt the Shutdown Narrative? (1 comments)

Hope of Healing for Sundus Shaker Saleh, an Iraqi Mother by Alice Walker

The Ultimate Game Plan of the National Security State, Endless War (6 comments)

Wendy Davis: Yes, She Can (1 comments)

Anarchism, libertarianism, and the way forward (95 comments)

China: We don't do shutdowns (1 comments)

Posted to me by friend on email. DG: Finding a Proper PASSword (1 comments)

The White Man's Last Tantrum? (2 comments)

Coming to Terms With Iran (1 comments)

NSA and GCHQ target Tor network that protects anonymity of web users (1 comments)

We are not a country of anarchists (29 comments)

"Love Your Neighbor as Yourself": Failing Grade for Religious America (3 comments)

Another Murder by Police (48 comments)

Why Have Republicans Abandoned Common Sense? (1 comments)

The Madness of Never-Ending Economic Growth (1 comments)

Congressional "Mad Dogs" Render the Powerful Powerless

Thursday, October 3:

Revolutionary Eating (2 comments)

*Last Nail in the Coffin?

*Burma needs "responsible investment" of foreign capital

The GOP's Shutdown Tab: One Billion Dollars and Counting

The GOP Takes Its Clothes Off in Public: It's Not a Pretty Sight, Even for Some Republicans (1 comments)

GOP "Negotiation Scam" more suited to Used Car Sales Than Government

Chahbahar and Gwadar (1 comments)

America's Indefensible "Core Priorities" (1 comments)

Rethinking the two-state solution

America the Pest (5 comments)

Devon Nola: *21st Century Full Employment Act for Peace and Prosperity (1 comments)

Where are the Unions? (11 comments)

The Debt Ceiling Kabuki Theater Plays on (16 comments)

What Will It Take To Restore The Deteriorating Foundations of America? (14 comments)

America's Government by Extortion (1 comments)

The Real Reason For The Government Shutdown (13 comments)

Petition: Shut Down Paychecks for Congress (11 comments)

It's Time To Feed the Hungry Peace Wolves

Standing in the Sunshine, The Answer is Blowin' in the Wind (3 comments)

Wednesday, October 2:

Partners in Crime -- Gaza: Crushed Between Israel and Egypt

*Is Burma's Kachin maneuver anti-reform practice?

NYTimes Again Ignores Israel's Nukes (1 comments)

The Book of Bill

The Real Crisis Is Not The Government Shutdown (26 comments)

Yeltsin Scandal Rears Its Head Again

Going to the Movies in Bangalore: "Elysium" and the Surveillance State (1 comments)

Thomas Farrell: *Tea Party Anarchists Challenge the Caveman (aka President Obama) (1 comments)

Gnostic Gospels Rock the Boat (1 comments)

The Truth Behind "Core Interests" and "American Exceptionalism" - Dissecting Obama's Speech at the UN (2 comments)

Media Annals: Trotting out human filth and criminals as opinion shapers (9 comments)

From Darius the Great to Amir Ahmadi -- Kurds and Lurs between the Devil and Prophecy Fulfilled (6 comments)

Conservatives Celebrate Shutdown Of Government They Hate

Slapping the poor just for the hell of it

The GOP's Obamacare Suicide

The Immorality of the Shutdown

With So Much Diversity, Can There Be Unity and Peace? (2 comments)

Greenwald: "The objective of the NSA is literally the elimination of global privacy" (1 comments)

The demand for a global take-over at Fukushima has hit critical mass (3 comments)

The U.S. "Government", Sinister, Insane and Mean Spirited, Take Your Pick

Netanyahu's UN speech: Sounds like a sociopath? (1 comments)

Elizabeth Warren: This is Democracy (25 comments)

The death of debt free money (11 comments)

Love is not a Feeling (1 comments)

Ghazanfar In The Land Of The Blind

Rapprochement with US Reinforces Iran Hand in Iraq

Let Bygones Be Bygones (1 comments)

Government Shutdown - Three Stooges to Blame! (3 comments)

The government shutdown -- an anarchist dream? - Waging Nonviolence (2 comments)

"The Pursuit of Happiness (?): Jefferson, Chief Seattle, Helen Keller" (8 comments)

From NSA Spying & VIPR Sweeps to Domestic Drones: A Round-Up of the Police State Programs NOT Affected by Govt Shutdown (14 comments)

Dead Zone: The Deeper Poison Beyond the NSA Revelations (5 comments)

Tuesday, October 1:

Why a Shrinking Tea Party Still Holds the Nation Hostage

Netanyahu and Obama Seek "The Truth" (8 comments)

Don't Forget To Turn Out the Lights (1 comments)

Obamacare Is Another Private Sector Rip-Off Of Americans (71 comments)

Time for Proof on Syrian CW Attack

Snowden urges EU parliament to protect whistleblowers

Republicans Win Standoff, Shoot Hostages Anyway (2 comments)

Is it time for a "Congressional Responsibility Amendment"? (9 comments)

The Government Leakers Who Truly Endanger America Will Never Face Prosecution (1 comments)

Why Right's Lemmings Don Suicide Vest

Models of Dignity (3 comments)

Reddit Q-and-A on NSA reporting

Breaking American exceptionalism

*How and Why Did the U.S. Become the World's Biggest Debtor, and What Are the Implications? (18 comments)

Save the Nobel Peace Prize from Itself

*No Change in favour of the grassroots in Burma

They Eat Elephants, Don't They? NRA Lobbyist Shoots Elephant In The Face Giving Right Wing Parties A Hole In The Head (1 comments)

After 40 years in solitary confinement, Herman Wallace is dying and might be innocent (2 comments)

11. Big History, The Anatomy of Ideas, from Alternative Economics 101 - TAX Your Imagination! (17 comments)

Growing In and Out of Autism (2 comments)


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