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Philip Weiss is a longtime writer and journalist in New York. He co-edits a website on Israel/Palestine, Mondoweiss.net, which he founded in order to foster the movement for greater fairness and justice for Palestinians in American foreign policy. He is currently working on a novel about the US in Australia during WW2.
SHARE Wednesday, December 25, 2019 Campaign against Sanders on "antisemitism" for his criticism of Israel begins in earnest
A group calling itself Democrats Against Anti-Semitism has begun an earnest campaign to inject the discourse with the idea that Bernie Sanders, historically the leading Jewish politician ever to run for president, is an antisemite because of his positions on Israel.
SHARE Saturday, October 19, 2019 Trump's Syria withdrawal is "disaster" for Israel, leaving it on its own against Iran, supporters say
Trump's decision was widely condemned by Israeli politicians, per the Times of Israel. Yair Lapid, a leader of Netanyahu's chief rival party, said he joined Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen in "their call to impose sanctions on Turkey and suspend it from NATO in response to any attack on the Kurds in northern Syria."
SHARE Tuesday, October 8, 2019 Lose Netanyahu and Dems will love Israel again -- liberal Zionist mantra
There's been a tectonic shift in the progressive camp, the human rights issue is now important because of Israel's conduct. A majority of Dems support sanctions to end the settlement expansion. It will be interesting to see how much oxygen the J Street conference gives to these critics.
SHARE Saturday, June 22, 2019 Buttigieg faults Israel on human rights, while Klobuchar, Warren, Harris, Booker and de Blasio offer excuses
Those who advocate for Israel include Kamala Harris, who gives Israel an A (as we noted yesterday); Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten Gillibrand, Bill de Blasio, and Beto O'Rourke. It seems like it's OK to knock Benjamin Netanyahu, but Israel is still a "beacon" in the Middle East, as Klobuchar says, and everyone is for a two-state solution. That is the safe talking point in the Democratic Party.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, June 6, 2019 Bernie Sanders links Hitler's murder of his family to his fight against occupation of Palestinians
Joe Biden went after the Palestinians. Kamala Harris embraced Israel. No candidate has mentioned the occupation or Palestinian human rights with any specificity. Till now, that is. Bernie Sanders weighed in yesterday with a forceful message that connects the murder of his own family by the Nazis to his fight against the crushing, humiliating military occupation by Israel of Palestine.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, May 3, 2019 "Send a message to Bibi, I love him" -- Joe Biden's long ties to Israel
"I'm a Zionist," Biden has said on many occasions. He has bragged about raising money from AIPAC and of knowing every Israeli prime minister since Golda Meir, and dismissed the idea that Israel hurts U.S. foreign policy. "Israel is the single greatest strength America has in the Middle East," Biden has said. Israel is a "security necessity" for the U.S.
SHARE Tuesday, April 16, 2019 Supporting Israel is now "liability" for Democrats, but "60 Minutes" doesn't trouble Pelosi about it
A number of high-ranking members of Congress who are actually normally very close to AIPAC are speaking out against annexation. You see center-establishment organizations very concerned and publicly speaking out against annexation. So annexation is sort of like the new fear among many in the Jewish community. And, I'm speaking for the middle, not so much for the right or for the left here.
SHARE Saturday, March 16, 2019 Don't accept the rules for how to criticize the Israel lobby
The Israel lobby is essentially the foreign ministry of Israel in the capital of the most powerful country in the world and it exists, as it has stated itself, to make sure that there is no daylight between the US government and Israel. And if you think that has ever meant changing Israeli policy, I have a bridge to sell you. It means shifting U.S. policy.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, January 14, 2019 Tom Friedman says he would have demanded something from Palestinians in return for moving the embassy to Jerusalem (!)
If the embassy move had truly been a bargaining chip, as Friedman suggests, Trump would have said, I'm not going to move the embassy unless you do thus-and-such. But the Palestinians were never a consideration at all and Trump was determined to go through with a radical move as a gift to Netanyahu and Sheldon Adelson, Trump's biggest donor.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 29, 2018 Sheldon Adelson was a giant loser in midterms -- and Trump is letting him know it
Donald Trump is a shrewd man, and he has surely concluded what any gamer would, that Sheldon Adelson's millions didn't have the impact in 2018 that they did in 2016, when they helped deliver the White House. Hey, maybe Adelson should have given more for the embassy! He can afford it!
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, December 7, 2018 "NYT" editorial on Flynn's misdeeds has a laughable omission -- Israel's role
Two days ago, the special counsel investigating Russian influence on the Trump campaign submitted a sentencing memo urging leniency for a cooperating witness, former national security adviser Mike Flynn, and the press is, not surprisingly, leaving out the Israel angle.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 25, 2018 New nation-state law shows "strength" of Israeli democracy, Netanyahu aide tells US Jews
The Israeli parliament adopted a basic law defining Israel as "the nation state of the Jewish people," with more rights for Jews than other groups: including that Arabic was no longer an official language, that "Jewish settlement" was a national value, and that the right of "national self-determination" in Israel was "unique" to Jews.
SHARE Tuesday, August 14, 2018 Beinart's detention at airport is said to signal new Israeli policy re American Jewish dissenters
Beinart is a Zionist Jewish writer who has become more and more critical of Israel in the last 10 years, and his detention is causing alarm in American Zionist circles about the political culture of the country they love. "This is crazy,"writes a prominent neoconservative. J Street says the Beinart treatment is part of an Israeli government pattern of targeting American Jews, which is politically dangerous for Zionism.
SHARE Saturday, July 28, 2018 Israel's "nation state of Jews" law is a "mistake" that will hurt relations with US Jews -- Dershowitz
Alan Dershowitz said his new memoir is about "how much more difficult it is today" to defend Israel than it used to be. That chore now includes defending Israel's new law making the country the "nation state of the Jewish people," in which only one people have the right of self-determination, Jews.
SHARE Saturday, July 14, 2018 "Killing Gaza" gives faces to statistics of 2014 massacre, echoing Goldstone
From the time of its birth, Israel's leaders have believed that if they caused enough violence the Palestinian problem would go away, or at least be kept at a distance, subject to the occasional two-month long war -- variations on the famous iron wall doctrine. This film shows us the spiritual dead-end of such thinking.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 10, 2018 Dems have four congressional candidates willing to criticize Israel -- and "reap political rewards"
The Israel issue is heating up in American politics, with ABC News publishing a report that progressive Democrats are increasingly willing to criticize Israel and may "reap political rewards" by doing so. The report cites four congressional candidates, in Pennsylvania, NY, Minnesota and Virginia. And it shows that Republicans are publicizing the trend, in an effort to peel away Jewish voters from Democratic ranks.