They like him, they really really like him, and he will work tirelessly to send those middle-class voters back to the soup kitchens, unemployment offices, and homeless shelters if successfully elected. Forgive them, America, they know not what they do.
In a related story, Gingrich-style capitalists at American Crystal Sugar company locked out their workers and hired 900 scabs to take their place when their loyal employees told their bosses that they could not live on the slave-wage-terms they were ordered to accept in their new contracts. Now they're locked out. The New York Times reports:
"With American Crystal earning record profits before the lockout, the workers strongly opposed its push for concessions. 'It's just another way of trying to break the union,' said Mr. Woinarowicz, a member of the bakery and confectionery workers union. 'People here in the Red River Valley are really mad at American Crystal. It was just like a knife stuck in your heart.'"
Workers at Armstrong World Industries in Pennsylvania, a ceiling tile manufacturing plant, orchestrated a successful lock-out last year, which ended the union there. The Times continues:
"From the Cooper Tire factory in Findlay, Ohio, to a country club in Southern California and sugar beet processing plants in North Dakota, employers are turning to lockouts to press their unionized workers to grant concessions after contract negotiations deadlock. Even the New York City Opera locked out its orchestra and singers for more than a week before settling the dispute last Wednesday."
Can't blame the Capitalists, how else can they maintain their 400-1 pay ratio if they allow workers a livable wage?
The Neocons who want to Rule America (through the White House if they can) want to destroy the middle class, and obliterating the unions is the first step. People are losing their homes in record numbers, thanks to bad banking practices Neptune Newt lobbied for at Freddie Mac. Lost jobs, lost homes, lost retirement funds thanks to Wall Street corruption....
Welcome to the New American Century. Looks a lot like Feudalism in the 16th Century, doesn't it?