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Mike Rivage-Seul

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Mike Rivage-Seul is a liberation theologian and former Roman Catholic priest. Retired in 2014, he taught at Berea College in Kentucky for 40 years where he directed Berea's Peace and Social Justice Studies Program. His latest book is "The Magic Glasses of Critical Thinking: seeing through alternative fact & fake news." Mike blogs at


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Tarot Cards | Psychic | 110925-2334-jikatu, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(14 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, June 22, 2024
Tarot and Catholic Spirituality: Let Me Read Your Cards! The 78 cards of the Tarot deck represent a dynamic book about you, me, and anyone who opens the "book." I'd like to show you what I mean.
Xi hugs Putin as Russia-China talks sealed with rare show of affection Chinese President Xi Jinping surprised many by giving Russian President Vladimir Putin a rare hug in front of cameras, ..., From YouTubeVideos
(13 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 19, 2024
U.S. Divide & Rule Strategy vs. China's Unifying Belt & Road Initiative PENTECOST SUNDAY HOMILY: Last week's summit between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin was absolutely "pentecostal" in its contradiction of Washington's "divide and rule" policies.
Series: Sunday Homilies for Progressives (157 Articles, 271336 views)
'You Change Your Testimony?': Elise Stefanik Rapid-Fire Questions Columbia University's President At today's House Education Committee hearing, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) grilled Columbia University President Minouche ..., From YouTubeVideos
(31 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, April 20, 2024
In Defense of Higher Education: How To Address Genocidal Congress-members It was embarrassing to see University of Colombia President Minouche Shafik grovel before congress-members who evidently know nothing about higher education.
Scott Ritter: Unmasking NATO-Ukraine-ISIS Ties Behind Russia's Terror Crisis -- Moscow's Retaliation Scott Ritter Alert: Unmasking NATO-Ukraine-ISIS Ties Behind Russia's Terror Crisis -- A Prelude to Moscow's Retaliation Dive into ..., From YouTubeVideos
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Even for "Democracy Now" Putin's To Blame for the Rock Concert Massacre Even "Democracy Now," even Amy Goodman are not immune from disseminating Russophobia. They too can be fooled by the Grand Wurlitzer of U.S. propaganda.
Writer's Block, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(12 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, March 17, 2024
My Homilist's Writer's Block in the Face of Genocide SUNDAY REFLECTION: I'm sorry. I find it impossible to comment on "God's word" that has been invoked so cynically to justify the sadistic slaughter of far more than 31,200 innocents, more than half of them children and their mothers
Series: Sunday Homilies for Progressives (157 Articles, 271336 views)
American companies know that you are stupid, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, March 11, 2024
Do They Think We're Stupid? Maybe We Are. . . Our "leaders" are evidently convinced that we're all like them complete idiots without a trace of humanity or moral compass. Think about what they tell us about Haiti, Honduras, Tijuana, and Gaza.
Benyamin Netanyahu, painted portrait DDC_1558, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, March 10, 2024
Netanyahu's Bible Is Not about God SUNDAY REFLECTION: How can anyone with an ounce of humanity or possessed of the most elementary moral compass believe in a God who commands complete genocides including women, the elderly, children, infants, cattle, and sheep?
(15 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 15, 2024
Following Zionist Logic, Hamas Has the Moral Right to Commit Genocide against Israel If Israel's attacks on Gazans are justified by Palestinian atrocities, Palestinian attacks on Israel are even more justifiable.
Cornel West @ NPU Justice Summit 2012, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(9 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, January 7, 2024
Cornel West Insists on God's Love for Netanyahu & "Genocide Joe" SUNDAY HOMILY: Dr. West is right. Netanyahu and Biden might deserve our opprobrium and jail time. (They do!) However, they're still somehow our brothers and beloved by the One Yeshua revealed on this Epiphany Sunday.
Series: Sunday Homilies for Progressives (157 Articles, 271336 views)
Rep. Elise Stefanik Grills Harvard President on Antisemitism Harvard University's antisemitism crisis is escalating after thousands of alumni wrote to the institution's board demanding change, ..., From YouTubeVideos
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 17, 2023
GOP Attacks on Higher Learning: What's Education for Anyway? And How about Religion? SUNDAY HOMILY: Today's readings direct people of faith to stand with Gazans in their struggle against an apartheid state turned genocidal.
Xi Jinping, painted portrait _DDC2123, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 19, 2023
Xi Jinping to Biden: You Can Do Multipolarity The Hard Way or the Easy Way; It's Your Choice! SUNDAY HOMILY: According to Xi, the U.S. can either take the path of cooperation or of opposition. The latter will lead to tragedy for everyone.
Scott Ritter - .Israel has effectively LOST the War and Palestine will become a recognized state!... Scott Ritter - .Israel has effectively LOST the War and Palestine will become a recognized state!... Subscribe with all notifications ..., From YouTubeVideos
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 5, 2023
Scott Ritter, Hamas, Terrorism & The Judeo-Christian Tradition SUNDAY HOMILY: Like the ancient Jews, we're led by hypocrites and liars. They should not be our masters. Though old and feeble, they are not our fathers. They are worthy of contempt and curses. That's what today's readings say.
.Israel Committed Original Sin. | Pakistan UN Envoy Munir Akram Speech | Israel-Palestine Conflict .Israel Committed Original Sin. | Pakistan UN Envoy Munir Akram Speech | Israel-Palestine Conflict #isreal #Palestine ..., From YouTubeVideos
(19 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 29, 2023
Could Hamas Be the Unlikely Agent of God's Revelation? SUNDAY HOMILY: Hamas has lifted the veil to reveal who's responsible for most of the world's problems. It's the United States and Apartheid-Israel.
US President Joe Biden addresses the nation on the latest regarding the Gaza-Israel war US President Joe Biden is speaking about the situation in Israel and Gaza. To discuss more about this we have Kimberly Halkett, ..., From YouTubeVideos
(14 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 22, 2023
Not Even God Would Give Unconditional Support to Apartheid-Israelis, But Joe Biden Did! SUNDAY HOMILY: No nation - not Israel, not our own, not anybody's - deserves "unconditional support."
Israeli Apartheid Week 2009 poster., From WikimediaPhotos
(19 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 15, 2023
Does Apartheid Israel Have the Right to Exist? SUNDAY HOMILY: Does ANY system of apartheid have the right to exist?
DestrAlDaluHouse., From WikimediaPhotos
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 8, 2023
Israeli-Jewish Terrorists vs. "The Jews of the Jews" Mainstream reactions to Hamas' attacks on Israel are predictably ahistorical, contrary to international law, and shockingly self-contradictory.
Vladimir Putin - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2009, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(9 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, August 24, 2023
Putin's A Killer Who's Guilty until (impossibly) Proven Innocent By mainstream media standards of proof (i.e., pure speculation), the U.S. is a "mafia state" much worse than Russia.
Sound of Freedom - Official Trailer (2023) Sound of Freedom, based on the incredible true story, shines a light on even the darkest of places. After rescuing a young boy ..., From YouTubeVideos
(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 29, 2023
"Sound of Freedom": Is This Its Underlying Conspiracy? I found the film exceptionally moving, its acting splendid, and its cinematography of the highest quality. However its nearly invisible political viewpoint ends up subtly heroizing the CIA, Homeland Security, and the Colombian police, while vilifying "rebels" against the corrupt authority all three represent.
Samantha / Sergi Santos, Synthea Amatus SL (ES), From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(18 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 6, 2023
Does Artificial Intelligence Represent The Next Stage of Our Species' Evolution - Or Its Complete Devolution? Does AI represent the next stage of our species' evolution capable of surviving long after we have destroyed ourselves through climate change and perhaps even nuclear war?
Hannity spars with Marianne Williamson: 'What the hell does that mean?' Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson joins 'Hannity' to react; spar on policy differences. #foxnews #hannity ..., From YouTubeVideos
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 21, 2023
Marianne Williamson vs. Sean Hannity: the Radical Jesus vs. the Mainstream Christ SUNDAY HOMILY: Sean Hannity's interview with Marianne Williamson contrasted a domesticated Christ with a "weird" Jesus whose followers practiced a kind of communism with Christian characteristics.
Series: Marianne Williamson for President (28 Articles, 45953 views)

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