March 5th, 09
In the midst of what seems to be a complete collapse of the financial system and as hundreds of thousands (maybe even millions) around the world lose their jobs/businesses every month...As the wealth of the world is being wiped out as all of the major stock markets continue their freefall into oblivion and as giant companies everywhere (once considered cornerstones of their respective industries) fail at a rate that no one ever thought possible... As rumours of increasing rioting in the streets of cities around the world continue to spread with increasing frequency...
I am left wondering, "WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?" and I find myself appalled that with all mankind's ingenuity and resourcefulness that this is the best we could do. Who's fault is it? Where did we all go wrong? I find myself wondering how many millions of people around the world are in survival mode and how many are added to that number each and every day? How many are starving because they have no means of buying food for their children and families? How many are filled with feelings of unrelenting hopelessness as they fall victim, one by one, to a global calamity unlike anything that has ever preceded it? Then it dawned on me just how lucky I am to live in North America (Canada) and that I am (for now) still in a position to take care of my family. It dawned on me that although our two nations (Canada and the US) have fallen on hard times as well,that the majority of us in Canada and the US have no idea just how good we have it compared to most other places in the world. I would venture to say that the reason for this is that, fortunately for us, corruption still needs to hide out in the open. It is not yet so rampant that people are literally snatched off the street in broad daylight just to send a message to onlookers that they could be next if they don't step in line. That is taking ruling by fear to another level and we could be closer to this next level than most people think.
We in North America are lucky in the fact that we have ability to search for truth about these questions and others by means of the internet. Much to the aggravation of those in power, the internet has become the lynchpin/hub of information sharing in North America and indeed for people around the world. Alternative news sites have flourished and have increasingly become the staple food for those that are sick of the steady diet of half truth, deception, and propaganda that has been dished out by mainstream media for longer than anyone would care to remember. It is no surprise then, that there is legislation being crafted even now that is intended to thwart this trend. There is even talk of activating a FREE national WIFI network in the US. Yes it is free, but the catch is that it is censored! In other words, freedom of speech will not be permitted on this network and it is expected that massive numbers of people are likely to flock to simply because it is free. The government will try to convince us that it is only concerned with stopping things like child pornography and terrorist activities on the internet, but anyone who thinks it will stop there is naive. IT IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT THIS MOVE TO CENSOR THE INTERNET IS NOT ALLOWED TO HAPPEN. It is all we have. Once the government can sensor the internet, what is left? CB's and Ham radios? Morse code? We'll be practically cut off from one another. No, regardless of anything else that goes on, the governments of our two countries (or any other country for that matter) must not be allowed to do anything that takes away our ability to communicate and share information with one another freely. It is the only reason why things are not even worse than they are. The lines of communication must remain open at all costs and only then can we consider ourselves free.
If there was no longer the ability for people to communicate freely and the government started rounding dissenters (those calling for change) up and imprisoning them in these 800 or so FEMA detention camps, how would anyone know about it? the answer is, no one would. In any war, the first thing the army does is take out any means the enemy has of communicating because once this is done, the enemy has no ability to act in unison. It is no longer the sum of its parts and is then easily defeated. Isolate the enemy and once it is isolated, it is easily conquered. Make no mistake about who the potential enemy combatant is. It can be anyone and it can be you. It is those who will undoubtedly soon march on our streets en masse and demand change like their brothers are doing elsewhere in the world. It is those who choose to inform and educate others about what is really going on behind the scenes under the noses of the people. It is those people who now find themselves with "SSSS" printed on their flight boarding passes because they have been put on a government watch list. Why? Because they have been branded as dissenters by a government that apparently no longer tolerates free speech. That then leads back to the question, "WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE"? There are really only 2 way to fight back. One is with shovels, hoes and anything else that we can get our hands on. Peasants throughout the ages have had to ask themselves the same hard questions when they found that they could no longer survive due to the greed of the elite of their own eras. But even back then those elite in power were always smart enough to make sure the peasants has no weaponry of any kind, so as to stem the likelihood of revolt. It is now becoming more and more apparent why gun control has been at the top of the governments agenda in recent years. Starve the people and they will even trade in their guns for food. Think it's funny? Just ask the police in Compton, California where every year a new record is set for the number of firearms turned in that are exchanged directly for food vouchers. I'll give you 20 vouchers for an M-16 assault rifle and another 5 for the armour piecing ammo. They have us all right where they want us. If you don't have a gun now, it may be too late and who knows whether or not all registered gun owner are on a special list of potential combatants as well? Not too many people have shovels and hoes these days, either, and how dangerous is a man who has a beer in one hand, a remote control in the other, sitting in front of the tube watching reruns of The Simpsons? The only other option then is to fight with your intellect and this is where the good news begins and this is why OUR enemy is fearful of what is to come.
To be continued...