So much to ponder today, especially after the last week of crazy. What to make of the Putin and Trump secret meeting? Here's my best guess...
Trump, envious and jealous of what Putin has achieved (proto-Fascist dictatorship), Trump is taking Putin's lead on Cold War containment in reverse.
Seeing himself as a Putin-wannabe, Trump seeks to destroy the Western alliance, abolish US democracy (what remains of it -- that's why SCOTUS balance, docile MSM, rigged elections, Wall Street Neoliberal Parties, are HUGE), align himself with rising, proto-Fascist global dictators (Russia, Poland, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, etc.), and then divide-and-conquer the rest with Russia (soon to be restored as USSR) the greatest beneficiary.
This is an attempted replay of what Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Kaiser Wm II, Lenin, Wilson, Hitler-led Axis, Stalin and Mao, and ISIS have envisioned in their own ideological spectrum and time.
Far-fetched? Given the two megalomaniacs at the center (controlling most of the world's nukes), can we really afford to dismiss the theory -- especially when the outlines are already playing out!
(editor's note; additional comment from the author) While this conjectural piece -- based on patterns and historical patterns -- does not directly address the Deep State (which has always existed but is not inherently good or bad, in my view), the larger import of what happened is neither known nor may ever be known. As an historian, I was hoping to get more feedback on what MAY have unfolded, a development or developments that could transcend even the perceived threat of the Deep State. Bad as US global imperialism is, it could actually be worse. At the same time, it could be better if only the people were to rise up and reclaim our democracy at all levels. See Swarthmore Nonviolent Revolutionary Archives for examples and inspiration. #ThreePercentSolution