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The poker table echoed, "What's fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness?"

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About 80 countries in the world require conscripted national military service. Many of those 80 provide alternatives to military National Service. Many of the remaining 100+ nations also provide alternatives to military National Service.

Several nations, like Malaysia, Nigeria or Rwanda, use alternative national service as a policy arm to promote economic development and understanding among ethnically and religiously diverse populations.

Hitler used national service to turn his citizens into fools, sheltered from the realities of his repetitively boastful words.

Mark Twain, unlike Hitler, saw and wrote of how righteous, keenly aware, and involved service protected citizens from being turned into a nation of fools.

Mark Twain's tired of fools
Mark Twain's tired of fools
(Image by Life magazine 1883 & People's Lobby EF)
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Hopefully, enough American citizens are blessed with enough educated historical hindsight to know the differences between the vices and virtues of Hitler and Twain.

Hopefully, enough American citizens are blessed with enough educated historical hindsight to understand Lincoln's well tested belief that:

Lincoln wins enemies
Lincoln wins enemies
(Image by People's Lobby's Education Foundation (PLEF))
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If enough citizens understand President Lincoln's tested and admired words, then perhaps enough Americans will move their employees in Congress to reintroduce then Congresswoman Boxer's HR1807 of 1989, a joint US-Russian Peace Corps.

For too long in world history, militarily strong nations have seen themselves only as potential and real adversaries -- whose braggadocio driven actions are always costly to the world.

Our weapons systems can decimate humanity. Mother Nature is angry enough with us to wreak climatic havoc on billions -- even America's long protected precious grandchildren. So, keep doing what we've been doing?

Isn't it time to build cooperative forces that solve problems by lightly treading upon, rather than heavily bombing, Mother Earth?

AWSC volunteers building peace via Joint US-Russian Peace Corps.
AWSC volunteers building peace via Joint US-Russian Peace Corps.
(Image by People's Lobby's Education Foundation (PLEF))
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Dwayne served in the Peace Corps in the slums of Mumbai, India, worked several Habitat Projects, and was on the start-up team of the California Conservation Corps. He has a Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University, has been a builder, teacher, (more...)

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