John McCain was shot down over Vietnam dropping bombs from 20,000 feet on civilians and their water sources. These acts are clearly crimes against humanity.
McCain may have behaved heroically, perhaps, while imprisoned in Vietnam, but he was not a hero. However, this piece is not about John McCain; it is about all of you, all of us who thank vets for their service even when that service represents My Lai and the hundreds of other My Lai-like atrocities and John McCain's bombings.
I presume you 'Thankers' are not thanking vets for My Lai et al, the raping and murder of untold numbers of children, women and old men--or are you? If not for My Lai then what? The wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and Syria (so far) killed tens of thousands (millions really) of innocent civilians. Are you thankful for that? Do you feel safer in the aftermath of this mayhem?
Again, this article is not about the vets, it is about you. What the hell are you thanking these vets for? What have they done for you that you are so thankful for? I can say with clear conscience that when someone thanks me for my service (US Special Forces Yes Sir!) I yell at them even as I chastise you.
VP Joe Biden, in his eulogy to John McCain, said McCain simply could not abide the abuse of power. The history of US military intervention in the nations I cited is a history of abuse of power. The only excuse for violence that does not incur a Karmic debt is self defense. The US government and military are heavily burdened with Karmic debt.
Still, the focus of this piece is about you. I am sure our government will continue to use force and carry out crimes against humanity where ever and when ever 'they' choose and continue to deceive and manipulate young and mostly poor men and women to do those crimes. You, of course, do not need to share the Karmic burden by cheer-leading these hapless, exploited vets.
Don Scotten