With record turnout last night to the DFL (Democratic Farmer-Labor) Party precinct caucuses all over the Twin Cities, impeachment resolutions passed in a number of areas. In my precinct in Senate District 62, Precinct 11/7, the small group that remained until the end of a long night voted narrowly to pass my very strongly worded resolution in support of efforts to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney.
Barrack Obama won our highly progressive and very involved precinct's support 355-120 over Hillary Clinton and went on to resoundingly win Minnesota's delegates as well. Last caucus 170 people voted in total so this represents a huge increase in voter participation.
Impeach for Peace cofounder Jodin Morey had similar success at his St. Paul caucus, stating:
"Mine passed. I don’t have an exact count, but it was about 70-4!!!"
Kristin Rafferty checked in from another area of St. Paul with good news as well:
"I had the resolution from your website all printed up and ready to go. All I had to read was "Resolution to Impeach Richard B. Cheney" and before I began to read anything more, the whole room loudly voted in favor. One man in the room said, "How about indictment?" The guy running the meeting pointed out that he remembered me bringing forward that same resolution at one of the last caucuses I attended."
It turns out that Ms. Rafferty had introduced an impeachment resolution four years ago that had also been unanimously passed.
This page at: http://impeachforpeace.org/impeach_bush_blog/?p=4730 will be updated as others report in. Please e-mail me at: MikaelMN@earthlink.net if you have any news of how impeachment resolutions fared around Minnesota and around the rest of the country.