The failure of the Republican party and society preventing the rise of Donald Trump and his angry, proud, bigoted supporters is apparently also a failure of large swaths of organized religion in this country. So much time has been spent condemning and accusing and defining the Other that much brick and mortar Christianity has lost all connection to Christ and is now nothing more than the handmaiden of fascism.
Trump bumbles through religious conversations: Talks about torturing and killing people: Talks constantly about wealth: He slanders and verbally abuses Mexicans: Posits that the family members of Muslim terrorists should be put to death. And on and on. He then washes himself with Christianity like a sickly sweet, nauseating, perfumed rag. He is dragging Jesus around behind him to his rallies like a rat on a leash, bringing him forward to shake and cavort, using him: denying him absolutely.
Where are the true Conservative ecclesiastical men and women of faith and spirituality to speak up in behalf of the message of their savior? I'm afraid many, many of them have lost themselves in the moral quicksand that is current Conservative politics.
Political Conservatism has become the beast. It is absolutely unmoored from the teaching of its Lord and Savior. The deceitful platitudes and hagiographic detritus of the real Lord and savior of Conservatism, Ronald Reagan, have made the New Testament a joke. The campaign of Donald Trump has myself and many others wondering if he isn't really laughing inside at the "Religious" fools that are clamoring to support murder and torture and the new crusade that will start with the building of a wall along the Mexican border.
This is not a surprise to us that have been paying attention. The list of proud national apostates is a long one: Jerry Falwell, George W. Bush, David Barton, James Dobson, Franklin Graham, Rick Santorum, John Hagee, Tucker Carlson, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Ronald Reagan, Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh and on and on. They have all denied their Christ and now the country is paying the price. There is great sadness, for this country, to realize that all of those folks, Americans, saluting Trump at rallies these days are lost -- they are not all bad people, they have been seduced by the beast.
The United States of America has become a pitiful lampoon of the life of Christ. It matters not if you are Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish or whatever, it is heartbreaking to watch a country founded on an idea (equality and justice) that has struggled at great cost to try and achieve its mandate being damaged by Conservatism, which has stolen much of the improved soul of the country that our better angels have worked and struggled and sacrificed to achieve.
Adolf Hitler co-opted Christianity and spirituality in Wiemar Germany. Donald Trump is a filth merchant, as was Adolf Hitler. I listen to political pundits now trying to "understand" his followers. There is much talk about how he is connecting with the downtrodden masses. This is really dangerous. To validate any of what he stands for is symbolically the road to Auschwitz.