Trump is a problem for many opinionators, commentors and editorialists. He just is. There is no nuance. There is no equivocation. There is no mystery, no depth.
Many commenters wish to appear magnanimous and attempt to find evil and wrongdoing on the left to balance the message. Some try to throw wokeism into the mix to appear even. Others dig deep to attempt to find fascist tendencies in the current president. Some go as far back as high school yearbooks to potentially find the stain of racism in a popular liberal's past.
We have not had someone as important in the public political sphere as shallow and starkly empty in modern times as Donald Trump. It is almost impossible for a scribbler to accurately portray this human void because some of the intellect of the writer inevitably seeps in.
Most of the "Let me find something, anything to splatter the left with" journalism is shamefully disingenuous and finds the authors allowing themselves to be sucked into the whirling abyss that is Donald Trump.
He is what he is. He has been compared to a golem, but that also fails; it requires something to happen. Scores of American journalists and commentators struggle with Trump. Again, we have not had a public servant as pure and proudly malevolent and immoral as Donald Trump in recent times. It is impossible to make him otherwise by comparison.
Trump has been compared to all manner of heinous, evil characters in history. Most, although thoroughly despicable, had some substance as people. Trump is completely hollow and there is no journalistic way possible to fill him.