I received this video today from Brasscheck TV http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/mind-control-1/blueprint-for-global-control.html entitled "Blueprint for Global Control," a lecture by David Icke. Recently a friend of mine, who supports capitalism and attends a Science of Mind church, has been sending me videos about chemtrails and how the New World Order will soon take over. Then when we turn on corporate-media TV, we see the rise of Donald Trump and the resurfacing of David Duke.
David Icke, in his video, is alarmed about Agenda 21, which to me in many ways sounds pretty good. Maybe I'm a Reptilian from another planet and just don't know it! But seriously, the problem in all of this is that some of these fringe groups have elements of truth, which makes them very dangerous as more people join their bandwagons.
The world is out of control because we still have not taken all money out of politics. In the United States, I personally recommend equally empowering the seven largest national political parties, which might be Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, Constitution Party, Green, Socialist, and Communist. And if the Social Ecologist anarchists, who favor decentralized, municipal direct democracy grow in popularity--we can give them an equal voice too, if they can outnumber one of the other seven groups.
Once we empower the seven largest national political parties, possibly some of the craziness will diminish. If so, we can later implement other improvements. What I like about Rabbi Michael Lerner and the organization SpiritualProgressives.org is their emphasis that we should never stop being idealists. We cannot just criticize and complain. We have to have a shared vision. What I like about OpEdNews is the emphasis that we have to create a revolution from the bottom-up, not the top-down.
(Article changed on March 19, 2016 at 12:14)