1. If lying through your teeth had not been introduced as a primary source of media-imposed control since WWII we would not have complained now that even weatherpeople give unreliable information.
2. If the idea that you can bury even a grain of truth in a sea of lies had not been so temptative and also vehemently promoted we would not worry so much about Wikileaks.
3. If we here had not been permanently told that Americans were the best people in the world we would not have allowed to torture ourselves and others, to steal from ourselves and others and to kill ourselves and others indiscriminantly.
4. If our dumbness had not been promoted as a virtue and we would not eventually love it so much we would have never had any crisis including financial and education.
5. If the IQ test would have been a requirement for the civil service in the US now we would have to hire foreigners to do the job. That would be the good outsourcing.
6. If someone had not removed our brains and instead introduced an American Pie we would not have had to complain that 'they' eat us up alive.
7. If after Chernobyl the US and others would have initiated a global project and descended on that place for total help for a long time and also had developed an extensive lessons learned program we would not have now trembled in front of Fukushima disaster.
8. If we had been at least partly responsible for our own lives we would not have allowed George W. to start a major war in a month after the US Shuttle had perished under very suspicious circumstances.
9. If we here had not cultivated a bizarre philosophy that anyone can survive and even prosper on his/her own we would not have been officially the country about 0.5 of the adult population of which is chronically on some kind of medication.
10. If we had not allowed to spiritually castrate ourselves we would not have to discuss the issues of why we are so miserable; we would have already done justice to those vultures who eat us raw.