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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 8/6/12

Days of Infamy

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Kathy Malloy
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There have been too many days that will live in infamy since that August 6, 1945, when the US unleashed nuclear horror on the Japanese city of Hiroshima in the "war to end all wars." Not so aptly named, as it turns out.

67 years later the American war machine marches onward with weapons more tactical, but no less deadly, than the twin monsters that leveled Hiroshima, then Nagasaki three days later. Flesh-eating white phosphorous, napalm, depleted uranium and drone strikes have replaced the A-bomb, but nothing has quelled the Western lust for conquest, carnage, and capital.

A frequent contributor to the Mike Malloy program, "Tim from LA," sent this email today:

"I sent Mike my usual August 6 thoughts, but now I'm reading what folks on Facebook are opining and boy do they have it wrong. How so? Japan, especially folks in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and now Fukushima, are demanding revenge. Allow me to explain.

"This is the 67th Anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And it has been more than one year since the destruction of Fukushima's nuclear plant. Many in Japan are mad. They want vengeance. They want the U.S. to pay, with our blood, for the destruction of their homeland. Both in Hiroshima and Nagasaki the hatred grows and grows and even if we try to quell the anger by bribing the leaders in Japan, the people want death. Sounds violent? Sounds evil? Sounds unchristian? You better believe it. In the Japanese lexicon, there is no real definition of forgiveness. There is no forgive and forget. Just what the Japanese call kataki (pron: Caw-Tah-Key) or vengeance. They want us dead.

"The forgive and forget belief stems from the Judeo-Christian belief, but Japan does not represent that idealism. There is no Christ-like love from Japan, and the Christians who make up maybe 1% of the the total population of Japan, still harbor the same sentiment. This anger, this hatred will be a part of the Japanese people directed at Americans, (including yours truly) till the day we die. Sounds immature? It may be, but this is what happens when we cause harm and lie about it for more than 60 years. We can go to EVERY memorial, try and stop nuclear wars and power worldwide, but the sins of our past will always haunt us.

"So getting back to Facebook, many good-intentioned lefties send positive energy, say a prayer for peace or try to assuage the past by making change. That doesn't work that way. The ONLY way this would end is if we ALL die. When a person has committed some sort of disgrace, the person is ordered to commit suicide. The act of committing suicide is not to only erase the shame committed by the person, but to erase the shame of the family and generations to come. Sending positive energy or praying for peace will never end the vengeance or the anger. It would only increase overtime, until one day, it blows up.

"Fukushima was the brainchild of General Electric. G.E. is an American corporation. An American corporation is American. And the destruction is the collective of the more than 300 million U.S. citizens living in the States. Generations upon generations of hatred will be heaped upon us until we die. There is a belief that the ones who died in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and now Fukushima, are crying out for kataki. When the nuclear waste headed our way, this was their prayers being answered. Many feel that the dead will be avenged when each and every one of us are dead. What was Godzilla? Japan's way of showing rage against the U.S. It was not about a monster conquering Japan, but the monster we created by bombing their country.

"So no. There will never be forgiveness and no god or jesus will allay their anger upon us. No amount of positive energy nor goodwill shall calm their hatred for us. They may put on the mask of reservation, but it is merely a mask, and the waste arriving here on the U.S. West coast may be the answers to their prayers; to what they prayed for.

"Tim From L.A.
Insight Out News (dot) org"

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Kathy never expected a career in radio as a talk show producer. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Kathy was completing her nursing degree when in 2001 - in an emergency - she was asked to fill in as the producer of Mike's program. Within a few (more...)
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