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They're still trying to ban books

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Banned Books Display
Banned Books Display
(Image by Lansing Public Library, Lansing Illinois from flickr)
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By Bob Gaydos

One of my favorite places to hang out when I was growing up in Bayonne, N.J., was the Bayonne Public Library, a magnificent, sprawling stone and concrete structure (with columns and a courtyard) that offered solitude and satisfaction for all manner of tastes. It looked important, which it was. It was a storehouse of what we knew, what we thought we knew, what we wanted to know, and it was all free for the reading.

What a deal.

Alas, not everyone feels the same way about libraries and books. Books have been burned and banned for centuries by those who fear what they don't understand and by those who look to control what people know and believe.

The book-banners are alive and active in America today, encouraged by a political party that has abandoned any pretense of democratic governance in favor of a fraudulent code of moral conduct. Reasons why books have been banned or challenged in the past include: LGBTQ content, sexually explicit language, profanity, racism, violence, religious viewpoint, sex education, suicide, drug and alcohol use, nudity, political viewpoint and offensive language. Sounds like a shopping list for Republican politicians.

Today's Republican Party essentially exists to protect whatever power it has by banning anything that threatens or offends the biases of its increasingly bigoted base of support. Books are high on that list. They can combat bias through knowledge, promoting greater understanding. That's not helpful to a party built today on fear and mistrust. Accordingly, the American Library Association has declared that its theme for the 2022 Banned Books Week, which runs September 18-24, is "Books Unite Us; Censorship Divides Us."

It's an effort to combat renewed efforts to remove "dangerous" books from libraries around the country. As always, the best way to engage in this battle is to shine the light of truth on it. Books are not the enemy.

What I have done in the past is post a list of books I have read that I have also found on various internet lists of banned books (some to my surprise) and invite readers to comment and offer titles of books they have read which also have been banned somewhere. It generally provides an excellent, eclectic reading list. It also tends to provide a sense of common purpose.

My list, in no particular order:

" The Catcher in the Rye

" To Kill a Mockingbird

" The Lord of the Flies

, " 1984

" Lolita

" Catch 22

" Brave New World

" Animal Farm

" The Sun Also Rises

" Invisible Man

" Howl

" One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

" Slaughterhouse Five

" In Cold Blood

" Rabbit, Run

" Moby Dick

" Canterbury Tales

" Captain Underpants

" The Kite Runner

" The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

" The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

" Fahrenheit 451

" Moll Flanders

" A Farewell to Arms

Let's fight this together. Tell me your banned books in the comments below or via e-mail and I'll include them in a new column for those (like me) looking for new reading material. And thank your local librarian.


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Bob Gaydos is a veteran of 40-plus years in daily newspapers. He began as police reporter with The (Binghamton, N.Y.) Sun-Bulletin, eventually covering government and politics as well as serving as city editor, features editor, sports editor and (more...)

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