While bombing Iraq and Afghanistan in the name of the “War on Terror”, George Bush allowed(s) millions of unidentified people from around the world a free pass into the United States daily for the past seven years of his presidency. His terrorism war proves a complete fraud on the American public when placed under the scrutiny of verifiable facts.
Bush shoved the United States of America into a fraudulent war based on falsification of the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He pursued war at any expense for any reason. He arrogantly strode across the aircraft carrier like a male peacock strutting his ego for the world to despise. He proceeded against common sense, reason and advice from wiser men. His “Mission Accomplished” placard proves incongruent after five years of continued war.
Thus far, Bush destroyed 4,000 American soldiers and 30,000 heinously damaged lives of our brave soldiers while killing 100,000 and more Iraqi men, women and children.
In last week’s 60 Minute interview, the Dali Lama said, “Iraq and Afghanistan wars not really successful!”
Bush says his “War on Terror” makes our country safe from further attacks after 9/11. Bush’s first officer, Michael Chertoff, shakes down old ladies at airports while tens of thousands of illegal aliens walk across our borders weekly. Estimates show 30 percent of visitors with visa overstays--blend into the American workforce and Muslim mosques without a trace. Any of them could be a terrorist.
The Department of Homeland Security claims three major immigration-related missions: 1. Secure the nation’s borders. 2. Combat terrorism. 3. Enforce immigration laws inside the United States by removing illegal aliens.
The U.S. Border Patrol, totally understaffed, guards our southern borders, but catches only 1 in 4 border crossers by its own admission. At the same time, we give South Korea 35,000 American troops year around for the past 50 years to guard their border. The Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) enforces our immigration laws inside the country.
According to Edwin Rubenstein, “What Price Mass Immigration”, reporting in the Social Contract Quarterly, Winter 2008, www.thesocialcontract.com, in 2005, “…after capturing 98,000 ‘other than Mexicans’, Chertoff released 70,000 into American society without inspection. For that, American taxpayers shelled out $3.5 billion for agents and staff.”
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