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9-11 Re-Visited --A Classic Case of Clandestine Smoke and Mirrors

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Robert 'Standing Eagle' Marshall
Message Robert 'Standing Eagle' Marshall
The recently release film "9-11 In Plane Site", has brought to light some of the suspicions I've had for a long time. Ever since this tragic event in our history I have simply been appalled. In spite of the fact that the intelligence community, since the '70s, has been expecting something, there has always been a feeling of 'when', not 'if' we would take a 'hit', the circumstances around 9-11 hasn't felt or settled right!

The scenarios that played out on the morning of Sept 11, 2001, in military preparedness terms is very suspect, to put it mildly. And should not have happened AT ALL!!! This is what we train for and for those three planes to have gone off course the way that they did without ANY alarms going off and nobody responding is ridiculous!!! You will notice that I said three instead of four planes for good reason. The type of damage and debris area that was shown at the Pentagon could not, in anyones wildest fantasies, been caused by a jumbo jetliner. But I will cover that later.

The first thing that needs, actually screams for attention is how these aircraft went so long unchallenged while they were off course. When I say, "This is what we train for", I am not joking. Whenever you see the TV scenes of how we react to UFO's, the reaction to commercial airliners going that far off course, and for so long is a call for "Eyes On" contact. This means that a flight of aircraft are launched to intercept and see first hand what is going on!

And for this not to happen--do your homework and see how many Air Force and Air National Guard bases are in these areas--is the perfect fuel for a conspiracy theorist formula. People, the only way that there could be no response is if: First, these aircraft had their transponders turned off (but regular military radar could still track them); Second, there were total and complete idiots at their radar/transponder screens; Third, someone ordered that there was to be no reaction to what was transpiring!!!

The first point of contention is the "windowless" aircraft that struck the towers of the World Trade Center. Yes, that's right, no windows. If these were passenger planes there would be windows. These were cargo planes and much bigger than the passenger class planes. There were also clearly visible outboard pods on the starboard/right-underside of the planes.

They are still wondering what was the flash that each aircraft exhibited just at the moment before impact. However, this isn't strange at all to me. You see, the speed and the mass of those aircraft would have forced them almost completely through the buildings before sufficient detonation would have occured. In other words, fire, smoke, flames, un-ignited fuel, and debris would have passed through the towers and rained down on the streets below. Damage would have been severe non the less but it wouldn't have had the catastropic affect that we have witnessed. I think that the "flash" was the beginning of a pre-detonation sequence, probably from a proximity device, that would start combustion as the aircraft entered the buildings to achieve maximum flash/blast effect damage. These aircraft were carrying nearly 800 pounds of jet fuel. and with it being ignited on initial impact this would send this liquid raining down through the building burning as it passed through the successive levels on its way down.

But, however, there is something wrong with the scenario of the Twin Towers collapsing that I am still looking into. These buildings had a massive reinforced, internal structure that I believe would have absorbed the effect of those aircraft impacts. But if I were to just hazard a guess, and it just gives me chills just thinking about it. From all of the demolition work I've been exposed to, both growing up around construction and demolition, and what I've witnessed in the military, these building seemed to de-compile themselves straight down--this is nearly impossible. Look at the odds on this. One of the buildings doing this is "probable"; but suspect, however, two--totally impossible! It almost seems that a "mechanism" was at work to just "localize" the carnage.

Now bear with me on this train of thought. If you will recall the earlier attempt made on the Twin Towers was to blast the under pilings away and cause them to fall over like cutting down a tree. If they had succeeded in this the damage and death toll would have been in the millions of lives--not thousands! It would have been at rush-hour, foot traffic, automobiles, full subways, collateral damage of other crushed buildings, water, gas, electricity, steam lines, fires, etc, etc. The closest low, ballpark assessment would almost approximate the ground zero at Hiroshima. If that scenario had succeeded we would still be recovering and rebuilding to this day.

Of particular significance is the impact site at the Pentagon, I know the place well after being stationed there for 18 months. The impact, we're told, was made by a 757 class aircraft, however if you really pay attention to the initial hole the marks more closely match that of a much smaller plane--like a C-22, Learjet class. If the Pentagon had been hit with a 757 aircraft the impact and debris field would have been so extensive that that whole wing of the building would have been blasted through to the center courtyard. I've covered alot of downed aircraft and did R&D photography on real-time crash tests. You do the math on what size fireball, concussion, and blast waveform would have insued from over 5,000-8,000 pounds of jet fuel, versus what you see in the crash site on the news footage. Hmmm! The "blow-back" effect of the blast would have extended backwards at least 200 yards scorching and incinerating the clear areas that you see in the photos extending back into the parking lot. Again, Hmmm!

I have been telling people this over and over and it just seems to fall on institutionally deaf, pompous, ignorant, and arrogant ears.

I know that there is still another dangling, "little" detail. If the photographs prove that those wer in fact cargo planes that hit the towers, what happened to the real passenger planes and the people. As conspiracy theory goes, this is going down a path that will totally tear the fabric of our nation apart--if it rings true. Because if it were true, we're looking at a scenario where the hijacking itself was hijacked. And in the final analysis, you know as well as I do how things already just don't add up, thus the "truth" of this is something that the American people, let alone the world at large, will fight tooth and nail not to believe.

But, this old soldier hasn't seen it all, but I've seen enough. And the track record of this administration so far does not have me ruling this possibility as being to far out in left field!!!
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Robert C. Marshall, MSgt, USAF, Retired. I started my career as an Air Recon Photographer assigned to the 38th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron and the 7th Special Operations Squadron in W. Germany. Here I would shoot, process, print, and do some (more...)
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