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Global Day to Stop Rape in Darfur

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Global Day to Stop Rape in Darfur

Amnesty activists rally for Darfur.

Take part in a worldwide effort to stop rape in Sudan's Darfur region.
(c) AI

Take action!

Dear recipient,

The Sudanese government and the government-sponsored Janjawid militia
have used rape, forced displacement, abductions and mass murder as
weapons of war for more than three years. Darfuri rebel groups have also
committed serious human rights violations against civilians. Women and
children are often driven from their homes with few or no possessions
and continue to be in danger in refugee and displaced persons camps and

On December 10th, thousands of activists from more than two dozen
countries will stand up for the rights of women and girls in Darfur. We
hope you'll stand with us and write in white. Wear white, a global color
of mourning, in solidarity with Darfuri survivors of sexual violence and
write letters calling for an end to rape as a weapon of war in Darfur.

Now is a crucial time for action on Darfur: funding for African Union
peacekeepers in Darfur (AMIS) runs out at the end of December. Until the
United Nations arrives, AMIS is the only available force that stands
between Darfuri civilians and deadly violence.

Many of you have sent messages and placed calls to your Senators, urging
them to help ensure the safety of civilians in Darfur. We are sincerely
grateful for that. We hope you'll continue to stand with us and write in
white on December 10th.
You can
help put an end to the ongoing violence against women and girls in

Thanks again for everything you do.


Naoma Nagahawatte
Stop Violence Against Women in Darfur Project
Amnesty International USA
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