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Why It's Important to Shine the Light of Reason on the Bible

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(Image by World Union of Deists)   Details   DMCA

One thing all people have in common is innate reason. Far too often that priceless gift from The Supreme Intelligence/God is short-circuited by manmade religions. If not corrected, the religious assault on God-given reason can lead to individuals mired in fear-based and irrational superstitions and can bring about a theocracy that is ruled by religious fanatics.

The Christian Bible-based theocrats are making important gains in their work to turn the US into an ungodly and oppressive Christian Bible-based theocracy. Currently, the person who is number two in the line of US presidential succession is the Christian theocrat, Mike Johnson. Johnson believes God made him Speaker of the House of Representatives because God wants him to be the modern-day Moses!

The vast majority of US politicians from both parties are deep in the pockets of Israel's wealthy and powerful lobby. This is a primary reason for their strong opposition to the ongoing demonstrations on US college campuses that are opposed to the Jewish state of Israel's ongoing slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. As of this writing, over 13,800 children have been killed by Israel in Gaza. Recently the politicians conducted a congressional interrogation of Columbia University President Nemat Shafik regarding the demonstrations going on at Columbia. During the interrogation, Republican Congressman and Christian theocrat Rick Allen asked Shafik if she was familiar with Genesis 12:3. She responded that she did not recall that biblical passage. Allen told her,

It was the covenant that God made with Abraham, and that covenant was real clear: 'If you bless Israel I will bless you, if you curse Israel I will curse you.' Do you consider that a serious issue? Do you want Columbia University to be cursed by God? Young people are being indoctrinated by these professors to believe this stuff, and they have no idea that they're going to be cursed by God, the God of the Bible and the God over our flag.

Deists, and all freethinkers, need to DO ALL WE CAN to educate people that the American Republic was not created as a Christian nation and that the god of the Bible is not "over our flag." This page gives important facts that can help us do that.

The delusion that the Christian Bible, or any man-made book, is the Word of God needs to be dispelled. The best way to accomplish this is to objectively read the Bible and apply your God-given innate reason to it. The Bible, nor any of the "holy" scriptures, cannot withstand the test of God-given reason. The very best book to guide you on an objective study of the Bible is Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason. Download it for free and make good use of it!
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Bob Johnson is a paralegal and a freelance writer in Florida. He was raised Roman Catholic, but after reading Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason, he became a Deist. In 1993 he founded the World Union of Deists and in 1996 he launched the first web (more...)
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