Thanks to Malcolm Baird for this
link. It is quick and snappy and
mind-boggling in many ways. After you view the video, please read the rest of the article, to see if you agree with my comments.
Though this YouTube presentation is filled with hyperbole and some of the facts are probably exaggerated, the trends indicated are clearly not.
The conclusion: We live in an exponential age
The presentation ends with the question, "What does it all mean?"
One answer is this:
"The greatest failing of the humans species is its inability to understand the exponential function" - Albert Bartlett
My question: With all this exponential growth, a fraction of which is even an increased quantity of intelligence, in how much of it is there any growth of wisdom, wiseness, useful insight about not just the future of humanity, nor what is needed to save us, but the really important question of what is needed to organize the mass of humanity toward saving itself against built-in selfish trends? The short version: is the human species smart enough to save itself?
My suggestion: Perhaps the whole species doesn't have to be smart enough, as I've been thinking for many years. Perhaps the more important need is for a critical mass of leaders who can figure it out with us to help the enlightened break through the barriers of too much information that is irrelevant, incorrect, and self-defeating to enable truly new and successful methods of accelerated societal transformation.
This is my new year's hope. I think it is possible. I don't know when nor by what means. Maybe you, dear reader, know.
Ross McCluney