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OpEdNews Op Eds    H4'ed 10/5/12

One- liners

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Mark Sashine
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(Article changed on October 6, 2012 at 09:00)

I am not a specialist  in haiku but there was a Russian poet Juri Olesha who wrote the whole book   as a compendium of lines. I am trying:

1. The debate in  Denver, CO was between Don Barsini and Don Tartalia. Don Corleone  watched on TV.

2.Mitt Romney wants to defund  the PBS because  it refuses to  promote the sainthood of Joseph Smith, the Mormon  equivalent  to Saint Mary of Guadeloupe.

3. No wonder Obama  was so  worried about Sesame Street. It is the street he lives on.

4.  Both candidates are  tough on China- none  of them knows how to drink from a china cup.

5.  Mitt Romney is  1% human. Obama is 47% human.

6. The funny thing about the Tea- Party is that  the tea  dumped in Boston Harbor was  of really high quality while the tea in those  packets is garbage. Tells you something about the party.

7. America  is a shining city on the Hill. Made  of ice.

8. A child of American conservative and American liberal  will be  pro-choice.

9. I know  why I can't sell  the idea of the Popular Front  or People's Front. There are no people.

10. In Russia  PUssi Riot  case is called  A Case of Rabid  Vaginas.

11. THEY do not hate us. They despise us. WE hate that.
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The writer is 67 years old, semi- retired engineer, PhD, PE. I write fiction on a regular basis and I am also 10 years on OEN.

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