To Congress:
I am strongly opposed to any "compromise" bill that would grant retroactive immunity to telecom companies that helped eavesdrop on Americans without legally-required warrants.
They broke the law. It is a crime. It was a crime when they did it. An ex-post-facto law does not change those facts. Instead they should be prosecuted. Immunity only if they come clean and testify against the Bush administration in an impeachment process.
I ask that you stand strong for the Constitution and the rule of law. When it comes to illegal wiretapping of Americans, there can be no deal making.
That's what the constitution have no right and no authority to pass legislation counter to the constitution.
You do have a responsibility to hold accountable a lawless administration by impeaching Bush and Cheney
== update Jun 23 2008 ==
Heres is the vote of each Rep. Please vote out of office any in the YEA section for having voted to allow Bush to break the law and violate your rights. ROLL CALL VOTE