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Inauguration Day/MLK Day

By       (Page 1 of 2 pages)   2 comments, In Series: Holidays

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And so the question whether the re-inauguration of our first black president was appropriately set on MLK Day has been answered in many ways. The Rev. Jesse Jackson, interviewed on CNN, viewed it positively, projecting that MLK would have been pleased. Others saw these two historical figures as more different than day from night.

     Along the political spectrum, the Green Party reflects my ideals and ideology more than others, but as a pragmatist I vote Democratic and yesterday morning, felt tears streaming from my eyes as the reality of Obama's reelection sank in. I had to ask myself why I was crying.

     Perhaps, despite all of my progressive reservations about many of the president's policies and actions, there is hope at the bottom of this barrel. Had Romney triumphed, the barrel would have been empty. To realize that this hollow shell of a personality racked up as many votes as he did is horrifying. So where in the Constitution does it say that you can't run for President and be part owner of a voting machine company? Is there a conflict-of-interests clause?

     Where does it say that a President can't profit off of an economic bailout he initially objected to?

     Where does it say that someone guilty of, though not indicted for treason can't run for President?

     Thank God Obama won. Even Tom Hayden agreed. He said that now he and his people can continue inveighing against government policies with impunity.

     But what really nearly flooded my bathtub of emotions yesterday was that, no matter what you or I think of Obama's policies and procedures, we the people wanted him to win. The people's will prevailed, even with ten million of their votes uncounted for various reasons. The Democratic Party is the poor people's party.

     As far as future presidential elections are concerned, the minorities are together growing so populous as a voting bloc that Republicans will have to become much craftier to win future elections, despite their majority representation in the House of Representatives though Democrats culled one million more votes.

     The Republican ingenuity going at the Electoral College in a way starkly opposite to that of their opponents is unnerving. Instead of all states handing over their electoral votes to the winner of the nationwide popular vote, the Republican approach is divisive: states will divide internally instead of unite--e pluribus pluribus rather than e pluribus unum. They are taking over the House of Representatives the way that they wanted to take over the presidency, which for them these days is out of the question.

     They have progressed from their states'-rights principles to intrastate wrongs.

     Then there's their other bastion, the Supreme Court; well, an other, anyway. Don't forget corporations and megaPACs. It makes little sense to me that, at different levels, judicial posts can be either elected or appointed. I think that the Justices of the Supreme Court should have to run for office, as long as they are so clearly politically motivated. Chief Justice Roberts's decision in favor of the ACA was highly political. He wanted to throw a dog biscuit to the liberals in return for his overthrow of our entire political landscape with the Citizens United decision.


All of that said, I certainly sympathize with President Obama's wrenching need for a cigarette yesterday afternoon as he watched the post-Inauguration panoply. The sight of a President chomping chewing gum, be it Nicorette or otherwise, is disconcerting. I wonder what was really eating him. Something we could know about or never will?

     It is not easy to be a black president trying to work with racists. I can't imagine the degree of hatred that crackles around him every day on the job. I can imagine that he feels compelled to govern to the middle and, given how far right the right wing has drifted, many of his decisions are back stabbing and gut wrenching. I'm not condoning them.

     I think that he is governing, as much as he is, with a knife perpetually stuck in his back. Remember that he had the most liberal voting record of anyone in the U.S. Senate.

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Marta Steele is an author/editor/blogger who has been writing for Opednews.com since 2006. She is also author of the 2012 book "Grassroots, Geeks, Pros, and Pols: The Election Integrity Movement's Nonstop Battle to Win Back the People's Vote, (more...)

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