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Demonstrations, chaos and signs of a new revolution in Iran

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Message Abbas Sadeghian, Ph.D.
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Mahsa Imani
Mahsa Imani
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This is the picture of a lady whose murder has caused huge antigovernment demonstrations in Iran. the movement is gaining momentum. There is no reason to believe that government is capable of controlling it anywhere.

The story started late last week. This beautiful 22 years old girl was stopped by a bunch of criminals in uniform called the "morality police". These murdering animals were originally formed when Ayatollah Khomeini was in power. Although the SOB had promised that he is not going to bother women to be legally obligated to wear these clothes. unfortunately, in less than one year it became a serious crime for a woman above 13 years of age, to wear usual female clothes. In Iran it has been a very strict law to dress up like women of 2000 years ago. They are supposed to dress up in the medieval type of attire covering their head to toe in a way that you cannot see anything except their face. If even a woman's hair or toes are visible, they are arrested and sentenced to two years of solitary confinement.

In the beginning it looked like a joke, but it was not, a group of psychopaths called the "Morality patrol" continuously driving all cities in Iran, while looking for a woman who is not complying with The Islamic dress code. If someone is not covering their entire body or if their attire is tight or if you can see their face with makeup. They have to go through a long ordeal of being chastised, tormented and arrested for up to two years of imprisonment, in revolutionary courts without any lawyers or any other common jurisprudence.

In this case, this pretty lady who is only guilty of being attractive was stopped dragged into a Police minivan and was taken to a police station, in about two hours she was transported to a hospital and was diagnosed as brain dead upon arrival.

(Article changed on Sep 20, 2022 at 9:07 PM EDT)

(Article changed on Sep 20, 2022 at 9:13 PM EDT)

(Article changed on Sep 20, 2022 at 9:40 PM EDT)

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I was born and raised in Tehran Iran .I came to the U.S in 1976 to study psychology. With time decided to hang my hat here and became a U.S. citizen.
My areas of interest in psychology were varied. However I mostly worked with (more...)

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