Here is the key concept that humans need to grasp, on a deep level, and start thinking accordingly. Long ago, I spent much time looking for the most progressive website (and have continued to do so over the years). I am still going to OEN regularly, as readers here know.
Hence, when I find a site that is yet more progressive, in this case meaning true and correct as well as prioritizing and making sense of THE most important issues, I naturally am amazed and delighted. It doesn't happen often; in fact, politically, I think this is the best, by Debbie Lusignan, aka The Sane Progressive, whom I've recently done a few posts on.
Given that there seems to be no way to post a stand-alone video link, I present this short intro to Debbie's latest "passionate, emotional, rant," based on what is really happening in our country, and how and why we need to stop supporting the duopoly that has ensnared us. We absolutely need passion and emotion to fight what's going on, along with the facts that are laying in front of us.
Just yesterday, Glen Greenwald did an article on how the NSA, in addition to the CIA, has unlimited search powers, but here Debbie continues to focus on what's happening and the first step or steps we need to take. If you're looking for a carefully laid-out lesson plan, you will be disappointed, as there simply isn't any. But the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, awareness.
So here is the video I'm trying to get to click here .Warning to Bernie advocates (as I long was): You may not like what you hear. But I'd submit that you need to hear it.
My observation is that people hearing these truths for the first time will have an adverse reaction. It's not something we want to hear, so much as need to hear. OTOH, it is a vital starting point, the best we have, as far as I can see. Here, btw, is one of my first reactions on a personal level, that I presented as a diary recently click here