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Mike Malloy
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This is an immutable truth: The Bush Crime Family despises, detests, disdains, and hates those who serve in the military. Our military or any military. This sludge of contempt is the attitude necessary in using the military for the hideous operations ordered by Bush and his Corporate Masters. Invasion, occupation, destruction, torture, murder, dishonor . . . all of it fits neatly into Bush's concept of how the soldier is to be used. Literally used. And then discarded.

The contempt arises from two primary sources: First, the cowardice displayed by every single operative in the Bush Crime Family where it concerns combat in the wars they force on innocent civilian populations. Do any of these Conservative scum join in the chaos they have created? Do any of their media sycophants? Their offspring? They are like thumb-sucking children, hiding under their beds while monsters savage the neighborhood, the village. And, later, when the soldier returns - in a coffin or crippled for life - the Conservative scum turn away, hiding again, caring nothing for the dependency they have created in the wounded warrior. He is on his own. Corporate America used him and now shits on him. If possible, they would wish each of them dead. Gone. Invisible. Never to remind them of their own utter cowardice.

Second, the military exists for the Bush Crime Family for the same reasons an armed force exists for any tyrant or dictator: As a disposable commodity to be used to subdue or destroy any people, nation, or ideology that presents a real or imagined - most often imagined - threat to their control and domination. Each individual soldier is a meaningless cipher, a means to an end, as temporary as a used catheter bag. The Bush Crime Family will, like all totalitarian regimes, appeal to a twisted loyalty to the "homeland" or the "fatherland" in raising armies of innocent young people who are indoctrinated with a monstrous lie - that they are fighting for freedom. They are not.

If the Bush Crime Family shows such contempt for our own young soldier, what does it show to the soldier forced to fight in his own occupied country; the young man told that the U.S. military is there only to defeat the "insurgents," those enemies of his country who are there to kill his neighbor, rape his sister, and steal his nation's resources?

Today's NY Times presents a snapshot of the fate of wounded Iraqi soldiers forced into military service by their country's U.S.-owned puppet regime. "Dawoud Ameen, a former Iraqi soldier, lay in bed, his shattered legs splayed before him, worrying about the rent for his family of five. Mr. Ameen’s legs were shredded by shrapnel from a roadside bomb in September 2006 and now, like many wounded members of the Iraqi security forces, he is deeply in debt and struggling to survive. For now, he gets by on $125 a month brought to him by members of his old army unit, charity and whatever his wife, Jinan, can beg from her relatives."

And there is Sgt. Hassan: " On the day United States forces arrived in Baghdad in April 2003, Hussein Ali Hassan, a sergeant in
Saddam Hussein’s army, was hit by a tank round. With his legs crushed and burns covering much of his body, Mr. Hassan was taken to a Baghdad hospital, where his left leg was quickly amputated. But in the chaos that broke out after the fall of the Hussein government, the staff fled the hospital. The looters stole beds and ripped the pipes from the walls around (him), Mr. Hassan said. His friends and family cared for him until the staff trickled back. Weeks later, after doctors told him the hospital was rife with infectious bacteria, his family hastily took him home."

The stories are endless. They are yet another category in a long list of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Bush Regime. Under the Geneva Conventions, one country forcibly occupying another has a clear and exacting set of humane conditions it must maintain as long as it is the occupier. Israel ignores this responsibility in the Palestinian Territories as does the U.S. in Iraq.

"Nubras Jabar Muhammad, a 26-year-old soldier, was shot by a sniper in May 2007 as he was on duty at a Baghdad checkpoint. He nearly bled to death, losing a kidney and part of his liver, while suffering damage to his right hand. His torso is scarred, and two fingers are locked in a permanent curl. He says he still has shrapnel lodged in his back, and rarely sleeps through the night. He has trouble digesting food. But the army refused him a disability pension, claiming he was able-bodied . . . "

The Bush Crime Family's contempt for the Iraqi soldier (and the civilian population from which he was taken) has been added to its contempt for the American soldier. The nationality of the warrior means nothing. They are disposable, useless unless they can stand and fire a weapon.

Eventually, when the U.S. soldier can no longer shoulder a rifle or manipulate a cannon or see to launch computer-triggered missiles, he or she is tossed to the side, kicked out of the way by whatever Conservative or Republican happens to have the power to do so. And a new group steps forward to defend the "homeland" and our precious and always-threatened freedom.

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Mike Malloy is a former writer and producer for CNN (1984-87) and CNN-International (2000). His professional experience includes newspaper columnist and editor, writer, rock concert producer and actor. He is the only radio talk show host in America to have received the A.I.R (Achievement in Radio) Award in both (more...)
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