Do you suffer from GSD,
Global Social Democracy?
Though it's touted as the remedy
for neoliberal economic ideology
it shares many of the same social management criteria
which facilitate the erosion of democracy.
With the global economy coming apart
"change you can believe in" has taken office,
but don't succumb to the narcotic of hope
by believing you can sit back and relax under its auspices.
Despite the lip service in the United States
and the rest of the over-developed world,
the elite have no incentive to examine the system
which provides them privileges they haven't earned.
This global elite needs global legitimacy
to continue to promote their own interests.
So they invented Global Social Democracy,
but it's still rule by a cabal of Big Businesses
at the behest of the world's hundreds of billionaires
and their second-string multi-millionaire minions.
GSD partisans are preparing to save globalization
from the damage inflicted on it by neoliberals.
Even before the complete revelation of the Dance
of the Seven Veils of the financial "crisis",
GSD partisans like UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown
were calling GSD neoliberal globalization's alternative.
Joining Brown are George Soros, Kofi Annon and Bill Gates,
and economists like Jeffery Sachs and Joseph Stiglitz.
They're looking to reform the global social order
in a new consensus for the raison d'etre of capitalism.
Their position is globalization is good for the world,
not to mention their purses, but globalization is reversible.
And since neoliberals have tarnished its sterling reputation
this new group must re-legitimatize its purpose.
Growth and equity, they admit, may come into conflict
and in that case, equity will have to take precedence.
But since "free" trade leaves the majority of the world's people poor,
new agreements must make social and environmental concessions.
Multi-lateral institutions and agreements must be reformed,
with care taken the reform isn't seen as unilateral,
so some of them may be dumped and others neutralized
to provide globalization a modus operandi that seems natural.
Global social integration, e.g. "reducing inequalities",
but not too much, within countries and all across the globe,
must come with justification for global market integration
so people will submit more easily to the corporate yoke.
Debt of "developing" countries must be cancelled or reduced
so savings can stimulate those local economies,
contributing to global reflation, in other words,
to spread profits from the banks to the general corporate economy.
A second "Green Revolution" must be imposed
by privatizing food with seeds that are genetically-engineered,
and the big bucks generated by the global green economy
steered to subsidizing salivating green profiteers.
Military action must be replaced by perception management
masquerading as diplomacy, freedom and democracy,
though "humanitarian" military intervention may be provoked
where countries won't accept the globalists' economic policies.
This "benevolent" program/strategy flies under the radar
since The Left is still distracted by fighting neoliberalism.
But GSD shares neoliberalism's bias for hegemony
and simply promises to prosecute it more efficiently.
Like objecting to Iraq's occupation as ineffective,
rather than illegal, immoral and destructive,
replacing neoliberalism with a "benevolent" corporatism
facilitates usurpation of "Third" World governments
by making palatable a system that's morally repulsive,
socially, economically and environmentally destructive.
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