For many years, as part of the right wing thuggish putsch in America -- and their great skills at "framing" public policy issues -- environmentalists trying to aggressively save our natural heritage and keep our lives free of industrial toxins have been increasingly classified -- with legal punishments -- as "environmental terrorists." This has included every one from people who sit in trees to try and prevent excessive and ruinous logging to Greenpeace activists merely painting messages against deep sea oil drilling or trying to prevent the killing of whales.
In fact, BuzzFlash just a short time ago awarded our coveted "Wings of Justice Award" to 7 Greenpeace Activists who -- during the height of the BP oil Gulf catastrophe -- were arrested and threatened with being charged as eco-terrorists for painting an anti-deep sea drilling message on the side of an oil company ship docked in a Louisiana port. As we noted on May 25 of this year:
7 Greenpeace protesters were arrested in Louisiana for an act of civil disobedience: painting an offshore drilling message on the side of a ship that will assist Shell Oil in drilling in the Arctic. They should have been given a parade and welcomed as heroes instead of being charged with "crimes" that could net them up to 7 years in prison.
The "Lafourche Parish sheriff's Office, Sgt. Lesley Hill Peters, suggested that the protesters could also face terrorism-related charges. The New Orleans Joint Terrorism Task Force 'is looking into the matter, she said."
The death of a social and economic order is when morality becomes inverted and language loses its meaning in an Orwellian fog. So it is that those who try to save our planet and protect our health from toxic corporations are legally considered "ecological terrorists" when the real pin strip ecological terrorists from BP become the White House and Congress's partner in destroying our environment for profit.
BP was too cheap to use methods that might have prevented the Gulf disaster and it lied to the government about having any real semblance of a safety plan. It has a long history of knowingly not taking adequate steps to prevent spills because BP figured that there was more profit in being fined than in the cost of preventing spills in the first place.
If this isn't eco-terrorism, what is?
In America, if you are a big corporation with big money and regularly destroy our natural treasures, you are deferred to and allowed to continue about your business of rapaciously profiting from natural resources that belong to the people of the United States, not an individual company such as BP.
But if you are an individual who advocates for preserving our environment, you can be arrested and sent to jail as an "eco-terrorist."
What individual could have accomplished the damage that BP has done to our waters, our lands, our jobs, and our way of life in the Gulf? This is truly eco-terrorism, but BP will get by on a wink and a nod between President Obama and UK Prime Minister Cameron because it is the largest corporation in Britain, and Obama doesn't want British stock holders to take a financial hit because it could affect the British economy. That's the truth; eco-terrorism on a large enough scale means that you are too big to go to jail.
But tell that to the seven Greenpeace activists who were trying to heal our planet, instead of destroy it.
There are real, massively destructive eco-terrorists and their ringleaders are the likes of Tony Hayward, CEO of BP.
These are the "corporate persons" who should be in jail, not courageous souls who are simply trying to save our earth.