9/11 William Rodriguez The last man out alive eyewitness account.
(Image by YouTube, Channel: thermate911) Details DMCA
William Rodriguez was working at the WTC North Tower on 9/11 and lived to tell about it. He was the last man out. #EyewitnessAccount.
Willie had a day off on 9/11 but his supervisor called him and asked him to come in because no one else was available.
So Willie said OK, but he'd be a little late. So instead of reporting to work at 8AM and heading up to the 44th floor for a free breakfast, he reports at 8:30AM and goes to his company's offices in the basement levels of the North Tower.
Within 15 to 20 minutes he hears a big explosion coming from the floors below - 9/11 Attacks on the World Trade Center.