Monsoon, Soon! The following is a exact quote from a paper called the United States climate change relocation plan published under the Aegis of the Atlantic Council.
" Finding the front lines of climate change is not hard. As of May 2017 at least 17 communities across the United States have already begun the process of relocating part or all of their infrastructure further Inland due to climate change effects. by 2100 at least 414 towns Villages and cities across the United States will be flooded no matter how much humans decrease carbon emissions. At a minimum this amounts to 4.3 million Americans displaced from their homes - and that is according to conservative National Aeronautics and Space Administration sea level rise predictions. At the high end, over 13 million people along US coastlines will be impacted by these rapid coastal shifts."
So far these are quite small communities in Alaska and Louisiana along the coast. But the lessons of Hurricane Katrina and Harvey must not be lost in thinking about climate change and sea level rise. There is no chance that the Trump Administration infrastructure proposal can get enough private financing to meet this and other climate change challenges. The meeting will have to deal with infrastructure and relocation for thousands of communities including their water and sewer systems.
There is a way, and I believe it is the only way, that the required trillions of dollars to meet these challenges can be gotten and it certainly not by taxes. The Constitution Article 1 Section 8 gives power to the Congress to create money and determine the value thereof. These challenges will require the creation of such money called greenbacks or United States Notes. They are created without taking them from any people's earned income and bus can be spent without adding a single penny to the deficit or national debt. There's a a bill in the House Financial Services Committee,H.R. 2990, of stalled in the House since 2011, to do this.
Government created money can be used for infrastructure without taxation or added debt!
(Image by Clip art of LLC) Details DMCA
The prospect for this however, is very slim, because both parties are corrupted by big bank money and so deeply into the BULLSHIT that the national debt and inflation are killer problems that they will just stonewall forever while we sink and suffer.