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(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 21, 2013 Ratify Article the First to Return the Government to We the People
America is sick. The problem is that the people no longer have representation in government. Until 1911, the size of the House increased along with the population. It has been frozen at 435 for 102 years. In that time the population has increased by more than 220 million. It's impossible for 435 people to represent over 313 million. It's time for a change. Vote for more info.
SHARE Thursday, August 12, 2010 Conservatives Discover US Constitution (Satire)
Thought by some conservatives to have been lost forever, and regarded by others as a myth, Republicans and Tea Party activists have recently rediscovered the United States Constitution.
SHARE Wednesday, August 4, 2010 Review: Pac-Man Battle Royale
A hands-on on review of the new Pac-Man coin-op that'll hit arcades nationwide in September 2010.
SHARE Monday, August 2, 2010 On the Neuroticism of Fox News Viewers
Christopher Nolan had it wrong, inception is pretty easy... The following is an analysis of Fox's tactics of manipulation and the defenses employed by their viewers.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 14, 2009 13 Year Old Girl Raped Gun Point Now Faces Trial (Satire)
Suzzie Marshall, a 13 year old freshman from Mount Bermsher, Arizona was charged earlier today with conspiracy to commit waste of finite, prosecutors say.
Marshall was walking home from school on Monday late at night when she was sexually assaulted at gunpoint by Lee Jersson, a 33 year old local mechanic. Jersson, who has prior convictions for drug trafficking and assault, has not yet been charged with a crime.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, August 18, 2009 Healthcare Reform: How to Save the Public Option
A blueprint to pass healthcare reform with the much needed public option without destroying the private industry... in five simple steps.
SHARE Saturday, July 4, 2009 Thomas Paine – An American Liberal Lion
On this July 4th, 2009, America is facing a crisis, though unlike the crisis she faced when the Quaker pamphleteer wrote "The Crisis" in 1776, the United States born out of that crisis faces ones of poverty, inequality, debt, under-education education, and tyrannical opposition to personal freedoms. Once again, these are the times that try men's souls.
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, June 6, 2008 John McCain: See Who's on Top of His Shortlist for Vice President
Who could it be? It won't be Rice, Romney, or Huckabee. Would you believe that a Jew from Connecticut, a woman from Alaska, and a Governor from Florida are his best choices? Read more...
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 4, 2008 Running Mates: Obama's Best Vice Presidential Picks
With Barack Obama passing the delegate threshold and assuming the role of his party's presumptive nominee, all attention is now turning towards the Veepstakes. Who will Barack Obama choose as the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee? Here's a hint: It won't be Hillary Clinton.
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 31, 2008 Hillary Clinton's Plan for Victory (Seriously)
It's been a long campaign with a lot of ups, downs, and surprises. The biggest surprise for Hillary Clinton is that she is not the presumptive nominee for her party. The biggest surprise for observers: That she's still in the race.
Despite the odds, Senator Clinton may have a roadmap to the nomination, without relying completely on superdelegates either.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, April 4, 2008 Fighting Foreclosure: The Tools and Resources to Prevent Foreclosure
Foreclosure auctions are becoming commonplace in America today, as are streets littered with "For Sale" signs placed in the yards of homes that have been on the market for months, with little hope of actually selling. Bankruptcy laws have now been changed to favor the lenders, leaving consumers will little protection when times get tough.
With foreclosure rates at their highest in history, know how to prevent it!
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 27, 2008 Obama's "Shocking" Win in South Carolina: Is it really so shocking?
With 55% of the votes, Barack Obama won the South Carolina primary, his first victory since the 2008 primary season began in Iowa on a cold January night. Many talking heads are applying adjectives of importance to Obama's recent victory, but how significant is it really?
SHARE Saturday, January 19, 2008 The Oregon Trail - A PC game that inspires Peace
As a child in computer lab, after I had completed lesions that I thought were teaching me how to operate a computer, (little did I know that real computers don't have clover buttons), I did the same thing every day that everyone else did: I booted up The Oregon Trail.
(9 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 16, 2008 A Question to Republican Apologists: Why not Huckabee?
So during this nomination, and especially in the post-Iowa caucus landscape, all of the big GOP power players from elected officials to Rush Limbaugh are really aggressively pushing for an "anyone but Huckabee" nominee, but why?
SHARE Sunday, January 13, 2008 Off the Wall – The honorable adventures of Kung Fu Lu
What happens when Breakout meets the Mario Bros. (the original Mario Bros. that appeared on classic systems such as the Atari 2600, back when Mario and Luigi were just cousins, before they were brothers)? Off the Wall happens, and it's smashing!
Our hero is Kung Fu Lu, a young lad who has been granted five lives...
(8 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 12, 2008 Is the Left Becoming the Party of Paranoia? The true story of the New Hampshire recount movement
With Hillary Clinton's recent win over rival Barack Obama in the New Hampshire primary, cries of foul play and voter fraud have increasingly become louder and louder, and it's deeply disturbing.
With Hillary Clinton's recent win over rival Barack Obama in the New Hampshire primary, cries of foul play and voter fraud have increasingly become louder and louder, and it's deeply disturbing.
(37 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 9, 2008 Why Hillary Clinton Beat Obama in New Hampshire
After most polls predicted a huge, double digit victory for Illinois Senator Barack Obama in New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary, the actual voters had an entirely different idea. Find out why.