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AB 1959 and JD 1963, University of Missouri, Columbia. 50 years active member of Washington State Bar Association, mostly civil and commercial office, trial and appellate practice and Superior Court Arbitrator for about 40 years or so, since the program was initiated. Former AAA panel member. Also admitted to Missouri Supreme Court and past member of that bar, and currently admitted to U.S. Supreme Court, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and the East and West U.S. District Courts of Washington State. Has spent about 50 years, on and off, researching this book which started when he was promoting in the Seattle area discussion groups based upon materials from Robert Maynard Hutchins’ Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions with the Center’s encouragement in the later 1960's. Author of the Filibuster Solution, 2011 and The ornerstone brief, And Secrets of the Forgotten American Revolution, 2015
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 30, 2016 Costs and Comparisons - Military Aid to Israel is Uncostitutional - Part 5
Facing the actual costs and comparisons of our Unconstitutional use of tax dollars for military aid to Israel. The making of a quarter partnership in the Israeli continual war of Jewish religious aggression and genocide against the Arabs and Palestinian peoples in Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan heights (Syria). Series: Military Aid to Israel is Unconstitutional (7 Articles, 8643 views)
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 1, 2016 Dualism of the Mind, Body and Souls, Inner and Outer Peace
Our dualism extends from the body and mind to possibly the soul. We are born with possible internal conflicts and behavioral challenges and are multifaceted even as we emerge from the womb. our worse enemies and fears may have come into this world with us.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, August 5, 2016 The DARK Act is Unconstitutional
The DARK act, if enforced against the Vermont GMO labeling law, would be an unconstitutional infringement of the first amendment right to Freedom of Speech. Time to give Monsanto a lesson in consumer rights and Constitutional law.
(6 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 2, 2016 Join The American Revolution
Time to review our priorities. The Constitution does not provide for, nor does it guarantee poverty or fantastic disparities of wealth. In fact it forbids the accumulation of the latter and provides for limiting the poverty. What are we doing about that today? Time to get back to basic.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 14, 2016 Reasonable Gun Laws
Suggestions for improved gun laws to help stop massive crimes, using lessons from the past and protections in similar risks.
(24 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 7, 2016 Let the Fourteenth Amendment End Citizens United
Let,s save our money to use on progressive candidates rather than spend it on very long shot Constitutional Amendments to overrule the effects of Citizens United and Buckley v. Valeo. Let's use the Fourteenth Amendment to counteract the challenges of the First Amendment
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 5, 2016 We Are All Different But Valuable Human Beings
Humanity is made up of a very wide variety of individual humans with different characteristics from birth that seem to be designed for the formation of complex social structures. They deserve to be understood that way, no matter how else perceived, and it is their ability to fill these different rolls that makes them all of value and should be valued by their societies.
(21 comments) SHARE Monday, May 2, 2016 Freedom of Speech and Closed Primaries
The first amendment prohibits prior restraint of speech, and closed primaries present a clear violation of this principle, where the allowance of voting is only aallowed tothos who express in one form or another, a party preference before the day of the primary. Thus all voters loose their right of choice and free expression on the day of voting
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Laissez-faire? Free or Fair Markets? - The New World Economy - Part 6
Futurists predit a vastly different world well within the present lifetimes of most and a world with a very different market economy, one that could collapse for lack of consumers willing and able to buy. Solving this will require a guaranteed income or result in the collapse of the current economy to the detriment of all. Series: FAIR INCOME, POLITICAL AND EQUITABLE WEALTH DISTRIBUTION (11 Articles, 9314 views)
(4 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 3, 2016 Laissez-faire? Guaranteed Income: True American Way - Part 5
It is a American Tradition to provide the means to a subsistence living that needs to be revived today. We should have a guaranteed income to replace all the hand out and welfare income programs and to remove the poor from the vocabulary of the people who are citizens of this country. United States history provides us with the support for these programs, both from the Republicans and Democrats. Series: FAIR INCOME, POLITICAL AND EQUITABLE WEALTH DISTRIBUTION (11 Articles, 9314 views)
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, March 21, 2016 Laissez-faire? Free or Fair Markets? - the True American Way - Part 1
The ideas of a free market is a myth. This series explores that myth and suggests that the answer is a fair market which can get down to the practicalities of how goods, services and living spaces may be exchanged to provide fair opportunities to the consumers without gouging by the producers and financiers. Series: Free Trade or Fair Trade (2 Articles, 1475 views)