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2700 District Attorneys, 1 Book and one PO'd Prosecutor!!

Message Greg Mucha

I thank everyone who helped push us over the top and make this project a reality, especially Bob Alexander of Superbeans.com for his tireless efforts for the cause of justice.

The books are being shipped to Seattle where they will be packaged with a cover letter from Vince himself, and shipped to each District Attorney's office. 

What we can do at our end is phone our local District Attorney's offices and ask them to read the free book coming their way from Vincent Bugliosi.  Bug 'em.  Show up at their office.  Insist that they read this book.  Insist that they consider its contents and the credibility of the prosecutor who has provided the blueprint for prosecution.

Think of all the lives that will be saved by an actual demonstration that justice still counts for something in the USA. 

Think of all the blood that will be spilled if justice in the USA is permitted to die with George W. Bushes' presidency as the coup de grace.

Thank you for all that you can and will do!!

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Award winning poet, writer and refugee from the educational testing industry. Richard agitates, supports and motivates activists of all kinds, the most well-known being Cindy Sheehan. Web developer and designer by day, writer by night, Richard has (more...)
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