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T'is The Season To Vomit

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   7 comments
Message Mark Sashine
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Hypocrisy is the part of the American national biology. All people born in the US are born hypocrites. All people coming to live in the US are learning to become ones. The essence of that hypocrisy is formulated by the Dostoevsky's Law:

- You know what? Even a criminal can retain a sense of honor, but here (in the West- MS) we have a lot of honest people who lost the sense of honor and they commit disgusting things out of the goodness of their hearts.

Committing disgusting things while feeling good about thyself is hypocrisy. People in the US clearly take a cake on the subject.

Biden supports the Ukrainian Nazi government and genocide in Gaza. He certainly feels very good about himself and the only thing he regrets maybe would be to have such a nincompoop son.

Trump lies all the time. He lies and cheats and betrays everyone up to his own country. But he certainly feels good about himself; we can see it by our own eyes.

The two morons above are our choice for the President of the US.

All the reports by the mainstream media, including the opinion pieces, are definitely written by extremely ignorant, cowardly and stupid people, who are also self - righteous and full of sh*t. Eat your checkers; that feature does not discriminate between liberals and conservatives. Ignorance is a demonic possession.

The lawmakers passing resolutions on abortions and/or on antisemitism - are profoundly stupid. But they are also feeling good about themselves. None of them feels otherwise. That makes them evil beyond redemption. We, the people of the US, had sold our freedom for the lentil soup to the coven of malicious morons. And we feel good about ourselves. That's the bottom line.

I am not watching the news anymore because I am afraid to vomit. T'is the season though.

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The writer is 67 years old, semi- retired engineer, PhD, PE. I write fiction on a regular basis and I am also 10 years on OEN.

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