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Mobile Friendly

Modern websites are optimized to show their content nicely, whether the visitor is using a PC computer, OR a mobile device. OpEdNews was designed over a period of years when most visitors were accessing the site with a PC computer.

Times change and now the readership of OpEdNews is using mostly mobile devices, so that the website now requires major updates to make it work nicely on all modern devices. That task will require much time and energy. But wlll result in an up-to-date easily accessible OpEdNews.

The cost will be in the neighborhood of $600 a month.

All project supporters will be recognized on the pages of OpEdNews. We plan to have an honor roll listing the supporters on the project pages. (Unless you'd prefer to be an anonymous supporter....)

Note that all payment are being made to Futurehealth (which provides services, including payment handling, to OpEdNews)

After pressing the Donate Now button, look for a line that says, "Pay With Debit or Credit Card."
(There is no need to login or signup for anything...)

Yes, I Will Sponsor The Entire Project

(At $600 per month for 12 months)

Yes, I Will Be A Monthly Sponsor

(You may cancel at any time)

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(One-time contribution)

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