Besides Exxon/Mobile there is a host of other oil companies that recorded windfall profits last year. If there is a meltdown at the refineries, than it is a criminal meltdown. The reason I call it criminal, is after gouging all of the profits they could possible manage to squeeze out of every human being on the face of this planet, they have the nerve to tell us that they didn’t bother to put some of it these profits back into their infrastructure to keep the flow of gasoline going.
I believe that they actually planned this to add another reason why gas prices must rise. If not then they are criminally culpable for letting the refineries fall into such a state of disrepair that over thirty of them stop refining at the same time. Why hasn’t the government stepped in to see exactly why Big Oil hasn’t insured the flow of oil to the nation? Isn’t in our national interests to keep the economy from gas price spikes that wreck havoc with inflation? Why do you believe that they get away with such irresponsible business practices? Could it be the same oil companies that are stopping the pumping of Iraqi oil with the help of our oil-connected administration are pulling another fast one for additional windfall profits?
I know, I know, supply and demand. Sure, that is a good argument. Still, time and time again the Big Oil has used excuse after excuse on why the price of oil just has to rise. Even when only 1/5 of the oil reserves in Iraq, light sweet crude, is being pumped (and slowly at that) OPEC has put arbitrary limits on Iraq and Iran, limiting the oil they can pump. They have convinced the world that we are running out of oil. We are not. Just like the refineries that are breaking down conveniently before the summer dive season, another “crisis” will drive prices up again next year just before Memorial Day exactly as in past Memorial Days.
Speaking of memorials, let me remember Jerry Falwell who devoted his life to bigotry and name-calling in the name of Jesus, may you rot in hell. The same exact sentiment I have for Ken Lay, who by the way, was one of the “architects” of the Iraqi oil scam before he was convicted of another fraud. Just keep on believing what the mainstream media is telling you about the oil supply. While you are believing them, don’t cast me as an oil fan. I just don’t like paying for Big Oil’s lies. I drive a Jeep with a four-cylinder engine, not a Hummer or a Lincoln Navigator that they can’t keep enough of in Bush’s hometown of Crawford, Texas. Seems that oil profits are so good there that to get a Lincoln Navigator, you have to wait in line.
So either check the facts out for yourselves or slam me for telling you the truth. Check out the price hikes and problems with the oil supplies before every Memorial Day. Check out how many people that belong to the think tank “Project for a New American Century” are from Big Oil. See how many Republicans AND Democrats are taking campaign funds from Big Oil. Read Greg Palast’s book “Armed Madhouse” and then tell me that something doesn’t stink. You can fall for it, but I’m not. I’m going to write my Nazi Senator Lindsay Graham and tell him to look into this (right). If you have a decent Senator or Congressman, I would advise you to do the same. I smell anti-trust here. Don’t you smell something rotten?