There is a cultural phenomenon taking place right now, with thousands and thousands of your fellow citizens calling their senators to demand a rejection of John Roberts on principle. It started Friday with multiple callers on air and both the Thom Hartmann and Ed Shultz radio programs asking why more of our senators aren't opposing the nomination of a stealth reactionary for the Supreme Court.
By late afternoon Washington was getting so many phone calls the primary toll-free phone number (877-762-8762) went to a permanent fast busy signal. The movement spilled over to all the direct phone lines and is spreading to all the district offices as well, anywhere a mailbox or fax machine can be found that isn't full yet. And we need to turn the heat up even higher.
The question you need to ask yourself is this: If you were to vote on the Roberts nomination, and if your vote alone were to determine the outcome, would you vote your conscience or not? Whatever your answer, call or fax Leahy, Feingold and Kohl and your OWN senators now and tell them they must do the same.
Here are two more toll-free numbers you can call, both tested good. 888-818-6641, 888-355-3588. There are operators on duty 24 hours a day. Just ask to be connected to your senators' offices. If you can't get through on one of those numbers you can get all the direct dial numbers according to your state, including all district office phone and fax numbers using the instant pull-down menu at
If the Washington mailboxes are all full, leave a message or send a fax to the nearest district office, and then go BACK and try the Washington numbers again first thing in the morning. It is very IMPORTANT that you leave your address (and a phone number is good too) so that they know you are a real live constituent who expects action.
Although three Democratic senators surprised everyone by voting for Roberts in the judiciary committee, they said it was a "close call." All we have to do is persuade one or more of them that they got it wrong and the MOMENTUM on this shifts completely. We already have a president who is incapable of admitting or correcting a mistake. We don't need that from our senators too. We have the power to stop this thing right now, the power of a filibuster. Tell them to exercise the power we gave them when we elected them. Use it or lose it!
What's up with all the loser talk you've heard about "saving our ammunition" and "picking our fights?" Let's call it what it really is . . . endless surrender. They keep saying that next time they'll take a stand. This is for the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Next time is NOW! We must fight THIS ONE to our last breath, for that is the ONLY way for us to grow stronger for the next challenge.
Who are the self-appointed pundits who dared to tell us this was a done deal before the hearing even started? Who co-ordinated the corporate media campaign to poison our minds with the words of defeatism and submission? Indeed, who has unwittingly collaborated with the right wing talking points merchants by speaking those words of betrayal and resignation out of their own mouths?
Why NOT demand what we really want? We are the people of the United States. We don't have to settle for less than we deserve, a true mainstream justice who will fairly rule for all the people, not just on behalf of a minority of crony corporate friends. How dare anyone tell us Roberts is the best we can hope for? The best we can hope for is what we are BRAVE enough to demand as is our RIGHT by the mandate of our numbers. Use the toll-free numbers, 888-818-6641, 888-355-3588, and tell Leahy, Feingold and Kohl, AND your own senators to stand up for the people now. Or get their other numbers at
Then at the same page above you can also submit a personal message by email plus send a letter to the editor of your nearest daily newspaper all with one click. Use the friends' emails section on the page to mobilize everyone else you know. Make sure your voice is heard one way or another. Make sure they know that this is a faith breaker for you. Tell them you will no longer tolerate the destruction of every one of our hard earned rights. Let's create the greatest outpouring of public opinion Washington has ever heard or seen. And when they ask who is calling, let their aides tell them, "Senator, it's the people on the phone."