But there are a few things moderate Republicans with integrity can do to neutralize the competition they face from democratic candidates picked by centrists and DLC influenced leaders in the DSCC (Democratic Senate Campaign Committee) and the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.) You see, these democrats look just like republicans. They waffle on most issues, may oppose women's rights and are way too close to corporations, taking lots of PAC money and failing to take stands on issues that regulate or weaken corporatist positions. These are the Democratic candidates who are unwilling to even stand for censure of George Bush, let alone commit to supporting the impeachment motion that 36 congressional reps have already signed on to.
For example, in my district, we have a republican congressman who purports to be a moderate. Sure he's taken third party Abramoff money. Sure he's signed on with too many of Bush's and the extreme right's initiatives. You have to wonder who he's working for-- the republican party or his constituents. But there are more republicans than Democrats in our district, with a lot of independents who can swing the vote either way. Kerry won the district in 2004 and Democratic governor Rendell won it in 2002.
Now we have two former Republicans running on the Democratic primary ticket. They both purport to be progressives and they are both nice guys who have expressed their positions well, one going further left than the other, who is getting a lot of out of state PAC money. Fitzpatrick has a reputation as a moderate republican. But he's tainted by the Bush, DeLay, Abramoff scandals. He could, and probably will campaign, targetting the independents who decide the races in this district, that he is the real Republican. That might not work, might not even be a good idea if he stays part of the right wing extremist "team" that is putting his job at risk.
Ironically, if he takes the first step and then other honest Republicans face the facts that they are supporting a pair of criminals, maybe he will be joined by other honest Republicans. Maybe there will be other Republicans who will show that they have some honor. If even one Republican signs on to the impeachment bill, that should shame a slew of Democrats to take the leap. It may force some DLC "centrist" candidates who have been unwilling to take a stand to actually find their spines and commit to supporting impeachment.
Before we know it, the number of democrats supporting impeachment may even exceed the number not supporting it. And the number of Republicans supporting it might take on double digits. Once that happens the mainstream media will be forced to spend a LOT of time on impeachment. They will have to spend more time on the issues, on the accusations that the progressives have been talking about and complaining that the mainstream media have been ignoring.
It will take ONE person, one Republican to take the risk, to take the lead. It will take a lot of courage. But it could be what it takes to save America.
Of course, another reason I am writing this is because I believe that Democratic candidates are making a major mistake if they fail to take strong stands on some of the most important issues of the day-- extracting ouselves from Iraq, impeachment, illegal use of spying, handing over the kitchen sink to corporations, fixing the failed globalism experiment...
Most likely, the Republicans in congress will stick together. They will fail America. But just in case, the Democratic candidates better get it right and they better get it right before a single republican crosses the aisle on the impeachment issue.