It is time to take back the Democratic party from the right wing, loser hacks who have been fumblingly, failingly controlling it and the candidates put forward. I can't believe how many people tell me that they believe the DLC and right wing democrats are really Republican operators.
IN the people's poll I just ran in Pennsylvania, about 29% of the respondents were liberals or progressives. With 51 percent of the respondents being democrats, that means that 58% of the democrats are liberal or Progressive. We ARE the majority.
If a stab-us-in-the-back senator in a blue state failed to suppor the filibuster we MUST find strong, tough candidates to run against and BEAT them. We must raise money for candidates, even if they are not running in our states.
We need leaders who will go to congress and not be cowed by the seniority system. They represent constitituents who are just as important as the senior members. So f*ck the seniority system. f*ck Barack Obama for selling out the people who put their trust in him.
Here's the list of the "Democratic" senators who betrayed us.
Akaka (HI), Baucus (MT), Bingaman (NM), Byrd (WV), Cantwell (WA), Carper (DE), Dorgan (ND), Inouye (HI), Johnson (SD), Kohl (WI), Landrieu (LA), Lieberman (CT), Lincoln (AR), Nelson (FL), Nelson (NE), Pryor (AR), Rockefeller (WV), Salazar (CO)
Ad Bob Fertik, of, said, "There was no reason for this betrayal. We only needed 40 of the 45 Democrats to sustain a filibuster."
Some of them hail from solid Red states. We can't blame them. But the ones from blue states and purple states should be treated like wanted criminals and removed from their positions of trust and power. It's not having people who call themselves democrats when they fail us when it matters most. These lowly cowards should have treated this fight like a war and supported the filibuster even if it meant taking an election bullet. I believe the action would have gained them votes. It would have forced Bush to submit a candidate who would actually be good for the US, unlike the unworthy liar he's appointed.
I would say that we are now in a state of war, but the right wing has been at war with the american people for a long time. Today, we learned of the traitors in our midst. We know what to do with traitors. And we need to act fast.