Contact the big organizations that organize street actions-- Tell them we need to get in the streets. Tell your favorite progressive websites to publish articles calling for street demonstrations.
Blog the message that we need to demostrate really soon on this.
We must send a massive message. This is a bigger threat to our future than the war was. Alito on the Supreme court will cast the final die-- the USA's future is on the line.
The demonstrations should be peaceful, non-violent and legal... this time.
Remember, Alito promised not to rule on any cases involving a stock he held. He promised the congress. Well the SOB broke his promise. He is another card carrying racist member of the Republican culture of corruption-- a liar who will do what it takes, say what it takes to get the job he wants.
Make a great noise. Send out emails to the progressive media. Tell them to help get people to the streets. We need to send a message to the congress that is louder and stronger than emails, petitions and phone calls. We need to show them that this issue is very, VERY VERY important.
Alito's appointment draws a line that can't crossed. Cross it and the US as the world has known it will be a thing of the past. This is one march you can't afford to miss, can't afford to be a part of making happen. So... don't just wait for it to happen. Be a part of getting it started. Send some emails, forward this article, call your local activist organizations. Call your local democratic, green or other left leaning groups. Make it happen.