These trusting believers gave up all they had, or gave it to Jim Jones and his handlers. These believers put their very lives in Jim Jones' hands. They trusted him, his integrity, his Christian faith. The Bush believers are dwindling in numbers. The remaining loyalists tend to be the members of the religious far right, macho guys who use Bush bravado and the support of the war as a pathetic form of Viagra, wealthy parasites who want to benefit from the fertile financial climate the US provides without paying their share, and corporatists who are making a fortune working with the crooked Bush administration and its right wing extremist republican cronies.
The Viagra boys are pathetic dummies and loser. About all we can expect from them is they will continue listening to idiots like Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity, who publicly masturbate their egos on their shows every day.
The corporatists and wealthy leeches will keep on milking the situation as long as they can. They are soul-less, integrity devoid people and entities. They must be strictly regulated. Otherwise they will take all they can.
Yet we know that even among the hypnotized fools who followed Jones to his horror haven in Guayana, some awakened at the last minute and survived the final suicide.
Here we have the tens of millions of dupes who are being suckered by the James Dobson, the Left Behind Series and the morally bankrupt, power intoxicated parasitic leaders of megachurches. They wait for the rapture, not worrying about the destruction of the environment, the inflaming of war and and misery in the middle east.
What will it take to wake at least some of them up? How destructive will the ones who will be willing to drink the final, arsenic-laced kool-aid the right wing extremist republicans are serving?
If we'd known what Jim Jones would do, what extreme measures would have been justified to prevent the mass murder/suicide he induced? What about America?