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Why We Need to Have a Referendum For A Corporate Fair Practices Act!

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Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo
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It is time for a Corporate Fair Practices Act, however, in order to pass it, we must force referendum, which I believe is the only way to wean the greedy away from monies to which they have no right. Our congress people appear to not want to let go of the Golden Corporate Goose. We have to drive them to either pass what we want, or force a national referendum. We welcome any ideas on how to do that.
Meanwhile here is my proposal, which was sent to Senator Durbin of Illinois, (my state).

What is The Corporate Fair Practices Act?
It is a means of dismantling the MIMC-The Military Industrial Medical Complex and breaking its hold upon our government.

We are no longer a nation of the people, by the people, for the people, as I sure, you know. No, instead we are a government of the corporation, by the corporation and for the corporation. Some believe that the only way out of the dilemma, is the French method, "off with their Heads". I could see where under certain conditions that might be the only answer, however, practicality states otherwise, because the difference in arms and armament between what weapons civilians can easily muster and what government, because of the budget for war we have given them, is light years away from the difference in 1776-1792. More than that, my feelings about killing have changed since my teenage days of believing that Wild Bill Hickok, Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson had the right answers.

We need to push for a referendum against the slaughter for oil in Iraq, and the one now in the planning stages for Iran, Syria and Venezuela. We need to do that for our own mental health and to show the world America is not GW Bush, or anywhere close to such psychosis. America is not a nation of drunken, avaristic, murderers, nor of cowardly p*ssy cats masquerading as macho-tigers.

However, to effectively do that we need to dismantle the corporate structures, which support such delusional fiends. Let me say that although the men of the armed forces of our enemies have been defeated, and many of them killed and maimed, in the only just wars in which we have fought in our history, WWI and WWII, the corporations which made their war materials and ordinance, have not remained steadfast. The instigators of Imperialist oppression who lobbied for those wars, and the bankers, German, Prussian, Japanese and American, who willingly lent the money, and laundered it for that war, who profited heavily from it, quickly changed sides when it looked as though they were not going to win.

Financiers, industrialists, war paraphernalia, ordinance and arms dealers and producers, are traitors in layaway-treasonous men and women in a holding pattern, waiting to see who will win, ready to switch sides at a moments notice. They will not fight to the death, and in case you haven't noticed, few of those attached the Bushites have ever been in battle, many have never even worn a uniform.

Those politicians, industrials, physicians, religious professionals, scientists, who quickly "adjusted in defeat" as millions of their defenders lay dead and/or missing key body parts, they grew fat egging on the coalition of fighting men and women, the idealistic, the young, the foolish and theeasily mislead, now all bloodied, torn to ribbons, if not dead. They, the leaders did not come home to wives and girlfriends because they never left; they hid out in bunkers, like Bush/Cheney at the first sign of trouble. Where were our bunkers? Even now one of my senator's secretaries told me that the reason that she has not yet received my proposed Bill, was that all of the mail goes through radiation before they get it. I asked, "do you mean everyone's mail in America, or just the mail going to congress and the White House?" Her answer was, "No, just ours, for protection of the Senators and Representatives." I asked, "Where is our radiation and protection?" To which she stammered and changed the subject, but I knew in the rest of the conversation she was thinking about the justice of my words, I could tell by her changed demeanor.

If we lose a war and are occupied, like Iraq, you know damned well that many politicians will become whatever our enemies are, and I doubt there is a single industrialist or politician who is already with plans to "convert" from their feigned attachment to Christianity to whatever is the religion du Joure' if we should lose a war. Among those making millions, there is little patriotism or religious attachment for which they would give their lives. So, I ask you, if we are attacked, what other than you own life and that of your loved ones would you be defending? We have only shreds of our once great Constitution, and nothing of Habeas Corpus/The Bill of Rights. If you have no wife or children and your parents are dead and you are out of a job because of outsourcing, what would you be fighting for? A way of life that no longer exists except in fairy tales?

I hear the president has put out an order that any one who can walk should be put under arms and shipped over seas, including some very seriously injured men and women, for his and the congress's bad idea he calls, "Surge." The doctors, (don't get me started on that group of cowards) have not lifted a finger to defend the walking sick, wounded and injured soldiers. (Aren't the physicians heroic figures! In just what do they believe other than their own comfort and wealth?)

I don't know about you, but under the above conditions, the next war in which I fight, if still under fascist rule, the only way I will fight is if the bankers who financed the war, the CEO's of all the companies which make war goods and oil products, the president and his cabinet, the congress, regardless of age or physical condition, are right out in front of me, backs to me and faces to the enemy, with their fat asses and chest marked with a glow-in-the-dark, sign of the now deceased Captain America! (In case you never read comic books as a kid, that sign is the same as the department store's red and white one, or the eye of a male bovine.)

Yes, under defeat, industrialists, and politicians, all suddenly catch the fever and fervor of the once enemy-They undergo a religious experience, they see the light, they Believe! There are a few other piously similar groups which en masse' convert at a moments notice, the Scientists/Physicians/Religious Professionals! Yes, those paragons of virtue, they all came scampering here after WWII the cause in which they so fervently believed-Nazism, Fascism fell to pieces, now they believe in democracy, at least they did until their new Fuhrer arose out of the ashes. Most Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected. I am not certain about that, but I do believe in resurrection, oh, I do, I do, I've seen it! Hitler was dead and now he Lives, in the shadow of the Blanco Hacienda!

Remember those key parts missing which I spoke of earlier? Let's revisit them now. Those who return form war, missing those key parts, some of which denied them to ever have sexual relationships with those they love, some never to softly crush the flesh of their women, because the hands needed to do so were gone, buried in the places where they fought. How do they now feel about being pawns, lied to about the reasons to murder 1,000,000 for oil rights for American and British Oil companies and now having had torn form them arms, legs, or a penis or testicles so the Bushites and Tony Blair can live in luxurious mansions or castles?

How Will Medical Care for All Be Funded/Financed
By A Corporate Fair Practices Act
By A National RTA
By A Hazardous Products Tax
The funding also has a number of excellent side effects;
1)-It encourages the return of manufacturing to America.
2)-It eliminates a huge source of slush cash to right-wing politicians.
3)-It tightens corporate governance and compensation.
4)-It eliminates the need for the IRS except for corporate collection.
5)-It criminalizes corporate avarice.
6)-It caps corporate executive compensation, tying it to employee compensation, and profitability and candor in reporting income and wrongdoing.
7)-It heavily taxes corporations, which outsource jobs.
8)-It heavily, tax favors corporations, which offer the best wages and benefits, and favors the executives of such companies, which are profitable.
9)-It eliminates, by incredibly heavy taxation, No-Bid Contracting.
10)-It sets attainable standards of excellence and honesty for corporations and politicians.
11)-It reduces the use of hazardous materials
There is more, but these are the essentials.

The Corporate Fair Practices Act
In this piece of Legislation, the goal is to divorce and abort the close relationship between Legislators and Corporations. It will serve to denote that visits or gifts of any kind in either direction are anathema and punishable by Exile/Banishment from America.

One way to accomplish this divorce of corporations and government is to make the stakes very high for those who venture into cloistered ground. Another is to severely cut wealth accumulation to those with keys to the executive lavatories, and at the same time makes their income less ostentatious and closer to that of their employees.
Therefore, in that light and vein:

CEO's will be limited to no more than 25 times the average income of ALL of those under their employ, (the average from before WW II and of many current European Corporate salary caps) including their rank and file and their independent contractors and the employees of contractors and their of the sub-contractors and their employees (and so on), including out-sourced jobs and also all of the employees of those contractors, employees, or individuals as employees of off-shore, overseas, or to any other nation etc. This week even the head Neo-Con, President Bush, (gently, however) assailed CEO's and other corporate executives for their high compensation packages.

However, Corporations shall still be responsible for the benefits of their own employees and will be rewarded for their fair treatment of those employees to make a stronger, healthier, wealthier, America. In that effort, incomes of corporate executives will be capped at $2.5 Million dollars a year.
There will be only one exception to that law for those companies, which resist this law and resolutely continue, in defiance of the law, to outsource work to employees at pitifully low salaries. In those companies, their top CEO total compensation package will be capped at $500,000 annually.

The money saved by corporations on salaries and other financial rewards, previously paid for such positions, will be placed into three funds. One is the Fund discussed above, another is for benefits for their employees, and the other is profit for shareholders. There will be no reasons for complaints that all private or publicly traded corporations, regardless of size, shall be in the same category, and carry the same benefits and programmatic salary schedules. This will encourage those executives and all American corporations to pay decent wages and benefits, since theirs depends upon those of their employees, and if all do so the need for funding for health care will diminish and present programs and the other sources will more than compensate for what remains.

A second funding source will be a National Retail Sales Tax (NRST) which excludes all necessities of life; water, food, fuel, utilities, all medical costs, telephone, Internet services, DSL phones, etc., would be advisable and would eliminate the need for the IRS to exist. This would also lower costs further for families and therefore IRS offices and budget, could be used instead to oversee the NRST and any savings would go to the budget of the HEALTHY/WEALTHY AMERICA HEALTHCARE PLAN.

The National Retail Sales Tax (NRST) would assist in funding this enterprise also. The money saved by the extinction of the Individual Taxpayer reporting to the IRS dinosaur would end, and the money saved would also feed this program and the structure in place at the IRS could switch over to handle the details of the HEALTHY/WEALTHY AMERICA HEALTHCARE PLAN. For most Americans, the costly, yearly income tax would be eliminated, but not for corporations. Thus, the IRS could focus on the greatest cause of graft and cheating on taxes, the Corporation.

Now, companies, which outsource jobs, are avaristic and therefore because they deprive citizens of their country of origin of earning a living wage, and of a respected place in society, and deprive them of the pursuit of happiness, are defeating the purpose of a just society and are acting in a treasonous manner to weaken the people and fabric of our society and way of life. By doing so, they weaken our ability to make an economic power in America unmatched elsewhere, but by outsourcing and eliminating proper benefits, they weaken our future workers and fighting men and women and as such, they are, in essense, according to several new pieces of legislation, including the Patriot Act, Domestic Terrorists, and should be indicted as such, now.

Our Declaration of Independence, a promise of our Founding Fathers in our Constitution, guarantees no corporation; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, it guarantees life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as gifts of God to humans-men/women, not to corporations and now certainly cannot be limited to a handful of greedy hoarders and corporations.

As a democracy, we cannot long endure with avarice accepted as a GOOD thing. Therefore, those disregarding our people, and our way of life must be brought to justice. Our system of laws was based on Torah, the 613 Commandments and the Seven Deadly Sins and avarice is the only one of those not Criminalized. I can name a handful that should be decriminalized which are far less damaging to society as a whole than Avarice, for nothing, judging by the actions of the last several years has hurt, killed or damaged the future for so many here and abroad.

We stand at a great crossroads in a pivotal point in the existence of our society. Right now, as was Nazi Germany, and as we were in the era just before and after FDR, we are beset with a brand of Fascism, even more deadly and insidious than that which gripped Germany in the 1920's through the 1940's, and America in the 1950's, and it has a death grip on religious institutions, industry, the congress and the White House and even some of the upper echelons of our armed forces.

We are poised; therefore, to either establish ourselves once again as a benevolent, power and great economic force or see our nation crumble as avaristic fascism crushes any small notion of goodness left among us. No nation, which prides itself on it's innate justice, honor, and goodness, can long endure while supporting a great evil, which not only condones but also rewards the greatest of the evils, avarice. Avarice is nothing more than selfish exclusionism and greed, supported by the willingness to do anything, including war and genocide, to keep a handful living in luxury while the rest founder. Is that what kind of legacy we wish to leave and display to the world? You, as one of our leaders, must lead the fight to do what is written herein. Greed is an evil we cannot continue to reward. That corporate philosophy must be crushed out of existence.

Under this plan, executives of American Corporations shall all be paid on an incentive basis, tied to the success of their company, a moderate base salary plus bonuses for successful advances and for adoption of excellent compensation packages for all employees. Part of that formula for success must include, where indicated, a strong employment and manufacturing program here on our soil with excellent salary and benefits packages and this can be done with the cooperation of unions and industry in which all share in success or in failure.

We saw this happen at the college level when administrator's compensation packages were changed to become based on those of faculty, they, who previously opposed higher compensation packages for faculty, in line with those of industry, were then only too happy to increase those compensation packages, because they benefited their own compensation packages.

The rest of what would have been their salaries, bonuses, and stock options, under the present orgy of greed, will be siphoned away to help pay for this plan for all Americans. The money will be used to support the NO-COST HEALTHY/WEALTHY AMERICA HEALTHCARE PLAN Health Care Plan for millions of Americans. The avaristic will complain that there will be a "brain-drain" flight from America because of the lowered salaries. I predict the opposite. Other nations have already in place similar plans and those that do not, seeing the wisdom of this plan will, as always, follow suit.

Corporations seeing how much they can save on executive salaries will enjoy it once the greedy self-serving current board members and executives are removed. Now is the time to end executive's compensation packages of up to and over $273,000,000, raiding, with the aid of complicit board members, a company's treasury and our fellow Americans of salaries and benefits packages and the shareholders of profits and dividends. Meanwhile CEO's are forcing employees and unions to "give-backs" benefits and salaries, how hypocritical is that/ No wonder so many Union rank and file, in defiance' of their leadership have voted for Republicans since the Johnson Era. Even the President, recently complained about excessive corporate executive compensation (but mildly).

Moreover, there are very few superior, unselfish, brains at the top of corporations to be drained away. I for one would be proud and happy to see all of the selfish; avaristic fascists now running American corporations go to another country and show their evil to the rest of the world.

There are, far more often than not, because of the inherent corporate culture, corruption at the top, and thus by example, throughout. In the present system, overall, people rise to the top in industry not because of their genius, because truly brilliant, innovative, and non-greedy people are scarce, often independent and therefore hard to control. Independent people are seldom corruptible; getting them to cooperate with unethical behavior is tricky.

Because of these and other reasons, often those who sit at the top of the corporate structures have climbed through company politics and by attaching themselves, through sycophancy, to a rising star and are eager to show their desire to please, willing to do whatever it takes, to advance up the ladder.

This scenario is the hallmark of corporate corruption under the present system which encourages self-serving individual greed rather than cooperative, corporate profitability and success, as we have seen by the failures of any number of the largest American industries. It also graduates into the process of government.

Successful smaller companies provide most of the new jobs in America and do a better job of compensating Americans than huge corporations which are run by corporate bureaucrats because start-up companies are owned and managed by entrepreneurs who will not tolerate a bureaucracy that weighs down a trim, fast-track, growing company. Corporate politics encourages executives the desire for large compensation packages for themselves and perks for board members who support them. In some cases, CEO's recruit and infiltrate the Boards of Directors with their own handpicked candidates.

Tightening up corporate compensation packages and other slush will reduce World Com and ENRON type criminal behavior and it will eliminate the slush available to buy politicians such as we have seen in abundance on the Republican side of the aisle and all the way to the White House. If all companies are held to the same compensation formulae, executives will adjust or perish and therefore the corruption and those who encourage it will become extinct as well. That will be good news to the brighter people, which have a working conscience and therefore often avoid corporate careers.

Take away the slush mega-profits and you take away the money going to avaristic politicians and lobbying thieves, most of which funded the impeachment of President Clinton and the oil war of president Bush. This plan will see many brilliant Progressives heading major corporations and see the demise of budding, Neo-Fascism fascism, which has dominated our nation in the years before FDR and since in interval's which become ever more voracious, such as the present one. We need a new FDR, and this is a good stepping-stone to finding one.

A Hazardous/Toxic Products Tax
Heavily taxing companies which create or sell, toxic chemicals or create, as an after effect, toxic waste, companies which leech or spill into streams, waterways or land, and/or make, sell, distribute to other nations or citizens of other nations, small or large arms and/or WMD's, which includes automatic weapons of any sort, including side-arms, makes good healthcare sense, as well.

Additional taxes will be levied upon companies which manufacture or sell solvents, pesticides, herbicides and other toxins, to the general public, (this practice is far more dangerous and deadly than allowing people to carry weapons, as these products slowly destroy the Central nervous system cause immeasurable suffering and tremendous medical expenses. Stopping them would reduce panoply of deadly diseases caused by toxins. The best defense is a good offense and eliminating toxins from casual use by the public would save trillions in health care costs.

At the Heart: Criminalization of Avarice
We must begin to treat the disease of avarice, by excluding it. It is, and always has been, the largest cause of poverty, corruption and lack of education, terrorism and war, in history, and must be identified early, treated, incarcerated, and eliminated, if America is to survive. There would be no terrorism, war, poverty, deprivation or envy, if all were invited to the party of prosperity. A Democracy cannot long endure by feasting/cannibalizing its least fortunate citizens, whether here or abroad. ALL necessities of life must be provided for ALL of our citizens; rich, poor, senator or beggar and all must have equal access to the SAME quality of healthcare-there must be NO discrimination.

If there is not such equality of health care, we are shortly facing defrocking and disintegration as a just people. We have already taken many steps in that direction the last six years. The plan as I have designed it, went through the same scrutiny and research. It will not cost our people-our citizens, (most of the more than 300,000,000), anything. It will, however, cost the avaricious a great deal. Avarice, the only one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and the Ten (613) Commandments, which when enacted, against which there is no criminal penalty. Greed/Avarice is and always has been at the heart of evil.

We must change that, for petty theft and other crimes pale beside avarice, which is the root cause of all evils.

The complete annihilation of lobbying companies must become a reality, after the establishment of a NO PROFIT, NO INSURANCE COMPANY INVOLVEMENT, HEALTH CARE PLAN.

Neo-Fascism has destroyed Habeas Corpus, and therefore 9 of the 10 articles of our Bill of Rights through The Military Commission's Act of 2006, and much of our Constitution, by the heinous and treasonous Patriot Act. Therefore, herein we can kill several evils and one untenable dinosaur at once fell swoop, the evils of Avarice, and of expensive or unattainable healthcare, and the saurian IRS system).

There are many more competent, more intelligent, and morally less culpable, people available. We need to get sycophants and avarists out of the corporate world.

It is avarice, which has led to this current and despicable slaughter of innocents here by deprivation and overseas by an unjust war initiated by pirates of the lowest order. It is avarice, which has led to all wars and all economic prejudice, and it is avarice alone of the great evils of biblical infamy, which remains non-criminalized. Why do you suppose that is so? If those who commit this crime are allowed to continue to practice an evil that every major prophet of every major religion condemned, than those religions and we, are living as hypocrites.

I can tell you resolutely, through investment experience, research and exhaustive interviews, that criminal activity in the financial markets is the NORM, not the exception, it is the smallest tip of a very deeply sunken cultural iceberg. Corporate financial crimes should be excised from the civil courts and be criminalized. Thieves should be judged by the amount they steal and from how many people they steal, the more they steal, the more people their stealing affects, the greater their punishment. The only punishments most of them ever face are by Class-Action Law suits. The lawyers who pursue them, though they profit well, are the true White Knights of our society, the Robin Hoods of America and the supposed regulating agencies have failed miserably.

I can see no just cause for anyone ever profiting upon the misfortunes of others, nor of lowering our standard of living and those of other nations so that a handful of non-deserving gluttons can profit while billions starve.
Only men with limited intellect, no conscience, and no creativity believe that cheating those less fortunate ones must be done in order to make profits. Were that true then certainly profit of any kind would be evil.

American Citizens, know very well that the sound byte, "conspiracy theory" is a weapon of those whose own selfish interests are being served by any status quo. In fact, there is not now, nor has there ever been any event which has not been the result of a conspiracy from before and including David's setting up of Uriah 's murder in an ambush, so he could marry Bathsheba, to the crucifixion of Jesus, to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, to price gouging in the oil business, to the Bhopal disaster, to the Enron Disaster, the cigarette cancer cover-ups, to the vote fraud of the last two elections, to the War in Iraq, to ascension of fascists into top government positions, to the disastrous Patriot Act and the near worse Military Commissions Act of 2006, and most recently in the State of The Union Message, a bare-faced lie or gross exaggeration of "Acts of Terrorism Thwarted by Bush" in recent months, as fraudulent and unabashedly contemptuous of Americans and justice, and all a part of the plan to silence dissidents and destroy democracy in America in favor of the currently expanding dictatorship of the Bushites, plus countless criminal actions which are ignored by the SEC, the FDA and other regulators, but brought to justice only by heroic class action lawsuit attorney's, the only true white knights left in America aside from the non-mainstream press and the Online Press.

All the scandals we hear about every day-they were/are all conspiracies, though some may say, save the few which are the result of stupidity, but even stupid acts began as ideas and plans even if faulty. Anything and everything, except acts of God are the result of conspiracies.
Without conspiracies, most corporate CEO's could never figure out how to make an illicit profit or defraud the public, because they aren't smart enough to make money the old fashioned way, by honest labor and brilliant planning, only by swindling covered by laws that have decriminalized their diseased actions. Few rise through the corporate ranks if they are a genius, (geniuses are hard to control and almost impossible to corrupt) or one with a reputation as a whistle blower or as an honest maverick, but only as a sycophant, who plays ball.

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Professor Bagnolo has majored in: Cultural Anthropology, Architectural design, painting, creative writing. As a child prodigy, abed with polio for almost two years, he was offered an opportunity to skip three grades at age 8.
Later He was a (more...)
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