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More Gruel, Please!

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Missy Beattie
Message Missy Beattie
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The April 26 Bob Kerr article in The Providence Journal is circulating in cyberspace. I've forwarded it to many Bush-bashers and it's causing more than a stir. In fact, Bush-bashing will be played on every stage and in every park across the United States. I predict it will be an Olympic event.

For countless reasons, George Bush is being hammered. Many who speak out about the lies that have led to 2,415 troop deaths in Iraq have been sledging George for more than three years when the war drums first were beating. Some started when they learned that there really were no WMD. Others joined the pummeling of the president when it was revealed that our troops have inadequate body armor. Now, more will join the pounders with this latest information that our troops are hungry, that our troops are asking Iraqis for food because our government isn't providing them enough to eat.

According to Kerr, Nick Andoscia, a Marine, called his mother and also wrote to ask her to send food, packages of tuna, because he and his buddies who go on 22-hour patrols are receiving two meals a day and that the food is inadequate--so much so that the men in his unit have each lost about 10 pounds.

So, like any good mother, Karen Andoscia began sending the packaged tuna. And when she mentioned this at work, people started donating food to be sent to the hungry Marines.

Now, picture George at one of his fundraiser banquets, the White house, or lounging while someone fires up the poolside grill at Crawford. Do you think he's asking anyone for food? Of course, he is--a staff of servers whom we pay with our tax dollars.

Yes, I'd like filet mignon, he's probably saying. And make that organic, grain-fed beef. I don't want any of that stuff the masses eat. You know, the meat I tell Americans to go out and buy even though we've had a few mad cow cases reported.

Okay, read the article by Bob Kerr. And join with me (I have to admit being a Bush critic long before the war--I think it dates to when I first heard him open his mouth and attempt to speak the English language) in America's soon to be most popular pastime--Bush-bashing.

My 80-year-old mother may just take the gold medal. She'll have plenty of competition. His poll number today is 33 percent.
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Missy Beattie lives in New York City. She's written for National Public Radio and Nashville Life Magazine. An outspoken critic of the Bush Administration and the war in Iraq, she's a member of Gold Star Families for Peace. She completed a (more...)
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