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Extreme Makeover--White House Edition

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Missy Beattie
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Turns out 'heckuva-job' Brownie was doing a 'heckuva' lot better than his superiors, meaning he was actually engaged in his responsibilities, warning George Bush of the Katrina disaster at hand. Michael may have been vindicated by a videotape, while George W. Bush was exposed in his fog of inertia. Sitting in that room, wishing he were riding his bike, playing golf, listening to the vocals of John Ashcroft or Orrin Hatch, he just didn't get it. And when apprised of the approaching catastrophe, Bush asked not one single question. This uncaring man, a complete failure of empathy, sat back and did absolutely less than nothing, less than zilch, less than nada, and less than zero while the levees were breached and the cry of human suffering was heard around the world.

If Bush's polls were at 34 percent before this revelation, at what low number will they sink now? How can anyone watch the tape of George when he was told that the people of New Orleans were at risk from Katrina's category-five fury and still approve of George W. Butcher""this man who is naked in his negligence and residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, depositing a paycheck from you and me?

There should be a poll level, a Limbo stick, under which George would have to dance, bending his body back with bent knees. If he touched the pole, he'd automatically be impeached and, then, banished into Limbo, that location for souls not making the trip to heaven.

What's it going to take for the very base Bush base to conclude that this is not a good man? After all, many evangelicals are abandoning him. Those who still support this neo-con-artist are the fatuous few whose television sets are tuned only to Fox News where O'Reilly and Hannity spin into living spaces, saying things like Washington isn't spending excessively, it's the problem of New Orleans residents that those levees were breached, and that Barney and Miss Beazley ate George Bush's homework. They must either be the Fundamentalist Christian Wrong or the ultra-rich and are the hangers on who, regardless of Bush's ineptitude, will continue to praise him because of the almighty tax break for the wealthy or his (and their) belief that he's guided by the voice of his 'higher Father.'

Even his lower father has tossed him off for the company of Bill Clinton. Who wouldn't? The vapid George belongs in a fraternity house where he can have a good food fight to compensate for his lack of courage when he was called to duty years ago. Just think what he could do with a vat of mashed potatoes. Or, perhaps, he and Cheney could have a shoot-em-up on the Armstrong ranch. Take out 80 or so quails""a preemptive strike on fowl rather than on a sovereign nation. No, there wouldn't be enough in it for them""just the thrill of the kill which we know they crave, but there's no oil to be had, no power in blowing away some bird.

We can hope that the Bush presidency will be judged the worst in the history of our country. But even that won't be satisfactory punishment for a mass murderer. Neither impeachment nor Limbo is justice for all the pain he's rained down.

When George's grasp is on the country's clutch, there's an omnipresent premonition of doom. Our nation has been varnished with a rancid coating of corruption. So much so that it's in need of an Extreme Makeover, White House Edition.
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Missy Beattie lives in New York City. She's written for National Public Radio and Nashville Life Magazine. An outspoken critic of the Bush Administration and the war in Iraq, she's a member of Gold Star Families for Peace. She completed a (more...)
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