George W. may be losing this old, worn out suitcase at some airport terminal where it would be blown to smithereens quickly if left unattended.
And, then, the question is: Would someone sane ascend to the position of Defense Secretary? Hardly. Seems there's talk of Joe Lieberman who's just returned from Iraq, gushing about the accomplishments being made there. Slobbering about all the progress. Fawning over Bush and suggesting that all of us support the president in his attempt to repackage the war by talking "victory" at every opportunity.
Lieberman needs to get the slap-down. He's become baggage in his own party. Probably, this is a good career move, though, since he's at risk of being defeated by anyone who might embrace the true values of the democratic party. And that's not Joe. Sadly, that's not very many democrats in office right now.
Time to get some fresh ideas from men and women who would never be cowed by conservatives like Karl Rove, Condi Rice, G. W. Bush, or Dick Cheney. Time to see a real difference in the two parties, something that's not been discernable since 9/11 when Bush grabbed the spotlight with his patriotic rhetoric and highjacked our values as compassionate, thinking people. And for so long now, we've watched as democrats slinked along to Bush's beat. No more of the "with us or against us" tough talk. No more blustery, cowboy brand of embarrassing platitudes.
Really, though, it's hard to picture Lieberman and Bush together as teammates.
When I lived in Nashville, Tennessee, the Christians mounted a campaign to convert the Jews. That didn't go over very well and the entire plan went, well, underground. Will George W. be whispering "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" in the ear of Joseph? We'll see.
As they say, "Politics makes strange bedfellows."