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Understanding Epilepsy and compassion towards Chief Justice Roberts

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Mary MacElveen
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When I heard that Chief Justice Roberts suffered a seizure on Monday and it being reported that this was not his first, I would like to remind my readers while not life-threatening for the most part, it is debilitating.  It can also be frightening for those around the seizing person especially if it is a grand-mal seizure in which the person looses consciousness and shakes uncontrollably.  After a person comes out of suffering a grand-mal seizure, they feel nauseous, disoriented and the only thing they want to do is sleep.


It has been reported that his seizure was “benign and idiopathic”.  It means they do not know at this point what caused the seizure.  One doctor even speculated that since this was not his first, more than likely he does have epilepsy.


I have read on certain political groups that that he probably used cocaine and some were even down right giddy at hearing of his misfortune.  Now this is where I want to blast back in defense of Justice Roberts.  As many of you know he has two small children who were probably there as he began to seize.  Do you know what that is like for a child to witness their parent suffer a seizure?  Please think on that for at least a moment.


If you do not like his political stance or how he rules, address that, but do not attack his medical condition.  To do so is inhumane.


As many of you know, I am epileptic and my two children did witness me having seizures when they were young.  Thankfully, I have not had one since January of 2001, but still my children were horrified.  So, to those who are almost giddy upon hearing of his seizure, all I have to say is shame on you.


Epilepsy has been maligned in the past where those who suffer them have been mocked.  We have all heard the saying, “Walk a mile in my shoes”, it is that saying I want you to think about.  Having been openly mocked by idiotic people and reading the negative comments to Justice Roberts’ seizure; how dare anyone make fun of him or make any joke or maligning sentiment regarding it.


There are roughly 2.7 million people within this country that do suffer from epilepsy.  While some do know the cause of their seizures, others do not.  While that figure is small in comparison to others suffering other diseases, it is still a medical condition that we live with on a day-to-day basis.  Imagine if you will not knowing when a seizure will strike.  Welcome to our world.


Those of us who do suffer seizures do so in different ways but it is the life we lead and with the correct medical attention we can do so as normally as possible.  You will notice, I hyperlinked those differing kinds of epilepsy so that you, the reader can see how we live.


Some have said to me, “I am so sorry”, but you know what? I could have far worse conditions and ones that are life threatening or worse terminal.


In some extreme cases, some people who suffer seizures have a multitude of seizures during the day in which they become debilitated along with those that care for them.  In some instances, some can be cured of epilepsy through surgery, but that is only deemed necessary for the most extreme cases in which the cause is not idiopathic.  I even wrote a piece concerning a boy whose name is Sky Titus who suffered from 12 seizures per day.  Thankfully his doctor, Doctor Victor Perry was able to cure him of his seizures by cutting out the epileptic brain matter.  Through this doctor’s expertise, he is now able to live the life of a normal teenager.


After watching that show “Surgery Saved My Life”, I asked my own doctor if surgery was another course to take and in my case since it is idiopathic, the answer was no. So, I must rely on medications for the rest of my life.  No, I am not trying to gain pity but understanding of this disease.


End point to this editorial, instead of mocking a man who just suffered a seizure; how about you take the time to read up on this disease?  Epilepsy can strike anyone regardless of who they are and at any time.  I am sure that those of us who do live with it would love nothing more than an understanding public.


Author’s email address is, xmjmac@optonline.net

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I am a writer who currently writes pieces for my own blog http://www.mary-macelveen.blogspot.com I have been published by Buzzflash.com, TheLiberalPatriot.org and MikeHersh.com. I was a guest on the Jay Diamond Radio Show on WRKO in Boston and have (more...)
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