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Why Do Progressives and Liberals Fear Ralph Nader?

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Liberals are so worried about what may happen that they are asking Nader to accept a cabinet position in Obama’s administration or like this comment suggests, employ a “safe-states” strategy, which is essentially means they wish to offer a concession to this man so that he does not take votes away from Obama:

Even better would be for the threat of a Nader candidacy to result in a tenured cabinet-level position for Nader in an Obama administration with free speech (without requiring Nader to join the Democratic Party), in exchange for Nader not running independently, on analogy to coalition governments in Europe. This would be win-win for everyone. Think about it.

After considering all the comments on Nader “spoiling” the past presidential elections, after considering all the ludicrous comments detailing how Nader works for Karl Rove and is helping McCain get elected, after dissecting the comments where people wish to stop Nader by bribing him (like this consumer advocate’s conscience would let anybody do that), there are still hundreds of comments to consider.

On these articles, people are suggesting that they will use Nader as a person they can vote for if Hillary gets nominated or if Barack gets nominated because they are sick of the Hillary or Barack bashing. Nader essentially becomes a “throw away” vote so they can say they voted but did not vote for Hillary or Barack.

People are suggesting that Nader is an egomaniacal man and that what he is doing like fighting for opening up the debates to all candidates and ballot access is something that is self-serving to him and not being done to improve America’s democracy.

However, a vast majority of Americans are posting responses that suggest they get why Nader is running. These people are making comments asking Obama or Clinton to consider taking up these progressive issues so their candidacy can be strengthened.

That they recognize that Nader's candidacy puts so many important issues back on the table is refreshing.

Out of all the bloviating going on in the comments threads of these articles, there are many Americans ready to make the leap and support Nader (or just plain support an Independent candidate). The reasons for opposing both parties have been stated many times. With Nader back in the political arena, the reasons will be trotted out once more.

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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