If the right wing-- Republicans, religious extremists, the military industrial complex, top 1% tax avoiders, Transnational globalist corporations-- are going to have any chance of holding on to the congress, the war has to heat up, fear has to build and Karl Rove MUST have new material to use for his fear, terrorism, hold-the-course talking points.
How do you get Americans to support a war with Iran that has been on the agenda for neocons like Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney?
If the right wing-- Republicans, religious extremists, the military industrial complex, top 1% tax avoiders, Transnational globalist corporations-- are going to have any chance of holding on to the congress, the war has to heat up, fear has to build and Karl Rove MUST have new material to use for his fear, terrorism, hold-the-course talking points.
Get the mainstream media to report over and over again the connection between Hezbollah and Syria and Hezbollah and Iran.
Do nothing about Israel's escalations of violence in Gaza and Lebanon.
Show loads of images of bombs exploding and fires burning. Fan the flames of fear.
Intimidate spineless democratic legislators into silence by making the attack on Iran about protecting Israel. It takes so little to cow the current herd of invertebrate democrats.
There are 36% of the population who will support any atrocities Bush does. Misguided patriots, trusting fools and misguided supporters of Israel will also be easy marks for the propaganda that is really spewing by now. Get them lathered up and excited.
In the media, forget about any kind of balance among the talking head pundits-- just use red-meat war hawks who emphasize the links between terrorists and Iran, terrorists and syria, and build the tacit and implicit suggestion that Iran is to blame, Iran is the cause of the chaos, Iran is the danger, Iran is.... the target we should be focusing upon.
Get the well-trained and tamed mainstream media to ignore the growing discussion on how deer-in-the-headlights clueless and incompetent Bush is coming across.
Get the well-trained and tamed mainstream media to avoid discussing how, in the past, American presidents were able to use the power of the US to influence Israel in these times, but that Bush and the republican leadership have lost that power, by failing to take a tough love approach with Israel as past presidents have done, and by their general failure to function competently (beyond the idiot level, really) in foreign policy and diplomacy.
Get the well-trained and tamed mainstream media to totally ignore the clear reality that full blown civil war has erupted in Iraq, that Bush's vision of a greater, better Iraq is in the toilet.
Get the well-trained and tamed mainstream media to totally ignore the fact that Bush's talk and efforts to produce democracy in the middle east is not working, that Democracy and terrorism, democracy and Islamic extremist groups wanting Shariah to replace democratic law do not work.
And let's not forget that Bush and the right wing have been getting help from Iran. Why would Iran support an attack? Because they know the US can't win, but that by becoming the next victim of US aggression, it will bolster it's power and influence in the Arab world. Luring the US to attack Iran is a strategy that will weaken even further the USA's dwindling street credibility in ALL the world's capitols. Iran will also use all the drumbeats of war to build its own support base among younger Iranians who, like their right wing American counterparts, use the talk of war as a kind of Viagra, making them feel more like men.